< Kamen Rider Kiva

Kamen Rider Kiva/Funny

Nago: Wataru, do you know why I became a bounty hunter?
Wataru: To collect buttons?
Nago: NO!

  • Can we just list all the net movies here and call it a day? Everything about them is gold, from Wataru becoming progressively hammier during his magic act to Shizuka beating the crap out of Nago, Jirou and Otoya in rapid succession.
  • The entire "date party" episode. All of it. Especially this part :

Yuri: What happened to Ayumi ?
Riki: I ate her.[1]

Woman 2: Already !?

  • Megumi already having a weapon somewhere in her wedding dress in the last episode.
  1. "to eat" is also an euphemism for sex in Japan
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