Julia Nunes

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    Taking Over YouTube One Song at a Time

    YouTube user Julia Nunes plays the ukulele and harmonizes with herself on covers of pop music by artists including Ben Folds, The Beatles, Weezer, Say Anything, Kanye West and Destinys Child. Most often a Self-Backing Vocalist she has made her way in the music industry completely through sheer talent and self promotion. Also has a legion of adoring fans.

    Julia Nunes provides examples of the following tropes:

    And they say 'Julia, just settle down,
    There's room for the new girl in town'.

    • Bifauxnen: In one of her videos she wears glasses, a suit and tie, and looks androgynously attractive.
    • Blue Eyes
    • The Cover Changes the Gender: Averted in her version of 3 Oh! 3's "Don't Trust Me" - there'd have to be a lot of lyrical changes to make the gender switch work anyway. And several others, (Build me up buttercup for example.)
    • Does Not Like Shoes: She prefers playing barefoot whenever possible, although often concert venues insist she wear shoes for safety reasons. She even appeared barefoot as a musical guest on Conan.
    • Genki Girl: She can seem a bit hyper in her vlogs and outtakes.
    • Girl Next Door
    • Hair of Gold
    • Hilarious Outtakes: Sometimes appended to the end of her youtube videos.
    • Hollywood Pudgy/ BBW
    • Jerkass : Apparently most of her ex-boyfriends were this, if her music is anything to go off of.
    • Lyrical Dissonance : "Odd" for starters, there are many more.
    • Meaningful Name The popularization of the ukulele is attributed in part to Manuel Nunes (also Nunes & tunes sort of sound alike).
    • Miniscule Rocking: The album Settle Down includes three "vignettes" - "He Is Mad" and "I Wasn't Worried" are both just shy of a minute, while "Pizza" is a mere 23 seconds.
    • A New Yorker but not from New York City.
    • The Napoleon : Averted, she may be short, but she appears to be very comfortable with it, and frequently plays off of/makes joke around her lack of vertical growth.
    • Scatting: "Into The Sunshine" has a repeated section where the lyrics are just "ba ba ba".
    • Self-Backing Vocalist: Over 90% of the videos on her youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/jaaaaaaa
      • Most of the time this is true on the album versions of her songs. Settle Down has several songs that prominently feature harmonies by groups of actual backup singers though - she's said that this was inspired by all the singing along that her live audiences do.
    • Sunny Sunflower Disposition: Fittingly matching her page image.
      This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.