Journey Quest

The Party and the Riddle Pillar
"Well, it started out as a journey and then it just kinda became this whole different 'quest'. Journey... Quest... JourneyQuest."
"Ugh, that's terrible"
Beat—Wren naming her epic
A group of adventurers is sent to claim the Sword of Fighting from the Temple of All Dooms so they can defeat The Wicked Kings. Along the way they manage to slay many orcs and pick up a few followers, even if the party isn't aware they have them. A live action Web Series available here:
The main party includes:
- Glorion: A human knight with a love for fighting.
- Perf (or Sir Perfluous to give him his full name): A human wizard, though not a very good one, as even he admits.
- Carrow: The party's cleric, and source of Deadpan Snarking
- Nara: The Elf Chick and also the party's ranger.
This disjointed bunch is secretly followed around by a young bard named Wren, who chronicles their misadventures.
Tropes used in Journey Quest include:
- Achievements in Ignorance: Happens a lot, actually. Notably, Perf creating the first sentient corporeal undead and Glorion's accidental solving of The Temple of All Doom's puzzles.
- Action Prologue: The story starts with an encounter between the Bard and three Orcs.
- Blood Knight: Glorion manages to blend the lust for battle and skills of this with the tactical mind of Lord Error-Prone
- The Sword Of Fighting as well.
- Came Back Wrong: Carrow claims to have his memories and personality intact, but whereas in life he showed compassion and concern for the orcs, after his return from the dead he seems to have no qualms about biting them to death and eating them afterwards...
- Cassandra Truth: Perf tells the truth when asked about Glorion by the orcs, but due to Glorion being Glorion the answer makes so little sense they think he's mocking them.
- Casual Danger Dialog: Of all the things Perf could've done when ambushed by a party of orcs, he decided to correct them on their use of the orcish language.
- Catch Phrase: "Onwaaaaaard!"
- Cute Clumsy Girl: Wren
- Cutting the Knot: Seems to be Glorion's method of working through the Temple.
- Department of Redundancy Department: "Die in the wrathful flames of my wrath!" "And then he sent a vast army of murder elementals! And they kept coming on and on in vast waves of murderness!"
- The Drag Along: Before the end of the first season, Perf has tried to abandon the quest twice that we have seen.
- Doomy Dooms of Doom: The Temple of All Dooms.
- Dungeon Bypass: How Perf and Nara managed to get to The Sword of Fighting without even finding the entrance to the Temple
- Embarrassing Tattoo: "Really? 'Meat henge'?"
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin:
Perf: It's a riddle pillar.
Glorion: And what in valor's name is that?
Perf: A pillar, with a riddle on it. Hence the term "riddle pillar".
- Expy: Perf is for all intents and purposes a Palette Swap of Rincewind, down to finding a mildly psychopathic talking sword during his first adventure.
- Glory Seeker: Glorion plays this to the hilt.
- Gosh Dang It to Heck: "Sod" and "rut" seem to stand in for much more explicit words.
- Heroic Sociopath: Glorion fits the trope. Carrow says it best: "You killed every single orc to cross our path, and some that were nowhere near our path."
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Perf and Carrow will be familiar faces to anyone who has seen The Gamers: Dorkness Rising, they played Gary/Luster and Cass/Silence respectively. Roderick the lying gargoyle is a bit more difficult to recognize as Lodge/Sir Osric due to the make-up. Scott C. Brown, who played Leo/Flynn, and Jennifer Page, aka Fem!Luster, are slated to appear in Season 2.
- Insane Troll Logic: Everything Glorion says or does, from his statement that "killing equals honor" down to his decision to interpret a riddle literally and subsequently attempt to kill a river with his sword. Much to the exasperation of friends and foes alike, he manages to blindly bludgeon his way through obstacles with surprising efficiency.
- Knights and Knaves: One of the Temple of All Doom's puzzles, with gargoyles. Glorion solves it largely by accident, when he tries to kill one gargoyle by throwing it down the safe path, then notices that it didn't die and decides to follow it in.
- Magic Misfire: Perf's mode of operation when casting from the book.
- The Medic: Carrow
- Missed the Call: Nara seems to feel this way about Perf getting The Sword of Fighting.
- Mundane Solution: Apparently Rock beats Magic. Fantastic little nugget from Perf.
- Murder Is the Best Solution: Everything Glorion does. Period.
- No Indoor Voice: Glorion
- The Nudifier: A combination of the aforementioned Magic Misfire problem and an attempted Gust of Wind spell. Hilarity Ensues.
- Oh My Gods: Three times in a row!
- Our Elves Are Better: Nara
- Our Zombies Are Different: Few get more different than what Perf did to Carrow. A soul with full memories stuck in a rotting corpse.
- Though, Carrow is not a zombie. He's very clear on that point.
- Shoot the Medic First: Even lampshaded by the orcs.
- Shaped Like Itself: The 'Vague' spell effects are 'kind of hard to nail down'.
- Talking Weapon: The Sword of Fighting
- Temple of Doom: The Temple of All Dooms in fact. Technically not quite accurate, but the Temple of Some Dooms didn't have quite the same punch.
- The orcs refer to it as the Temple of Select Dooms.
- Title Drop: Each episode is named after a line delivered by one of the characters in that episode. Wren also drops the main title at the very end of Season 1 when she's trying to think of a good title for her epic. Then she immediately rejects it.
- Treacherous Quest-Giver: The Wicked Kings send the party to destroy the sword, then send several assasins after the party in case one of them turns out to be The Chosen One
- Vancian Magic: Magic seems to work partly by the Vancian rules, but it also should work by casting from the book. Of course, Perf has the Magic Misfire issue to contend with when he tries the latter.
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