Jon Lajoie
Jonathan "Jon" Lajoie is a Canadian comedian, actor, rapper, singer, musician and Internet celebrity from Montreal, Quebec. Lajoie first became popular through the music video "Everyday Normal Guy", in which he, in ironic contrast to typical rappers, sings about his bland, run-of-the-mill daily activities and his peaceful nature.
More recently, Lajoie made his television debut as Taco on The League, currently[when?] in its third season.
- Adorkable: "Everyday Normal Guy".
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: In the Mysteries of the Universe video:
"Why does war exist? Why do we hate, why do we keep killing each other and who keeps making these Martin Lawrence movies? Big Mommas House 2? Two!? What the f--"
- Artistic License History: MC Historical Inaccuracy in WTF Collective 2.
- Artistic License Geography: A lot in "Very Super Famous", for example:
All the Mexicans love me down in the South America
From Colombia to Brazil all the way to Algeria
- Audience Participation Song: At the end of his shows, he keeps the chorus to "2 Girls 1 Cup Song" going and invites the audience to sing along.
- Back from the Dead: Zombie Chorus Guy in WTF Collective 3.
- Beige Prose: The "Show Me Your Genitals" trilogy is built around this trope.
- Biggus Dickus: 25 inches long and 12 inches thick claims MC Vagina in "I Kill People".
- Black Comedy Rape: At the end of WTF Collective Numbers 1 & 3 and You Are Not Alone.
- Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: Used frequently in songs.
- Brick Joke: MC Fatigue, passing out (a-gain) in WTF Collective 2 and finally waking up at the very end of WTF Collective 3.
".....did I miss anything?"
- Boastful Rap: Parodied in the "Everyday Normal Guy", "Show Me Your Genitals" trilogies, "F**k Everything", and "WTF Collective."
- Turned Up to Eleven in "Very Super Famous"
- The Cameo: MC Vagina can be spotted in the crowd shots during "Pop Song".
- Canada, Eh?: Jon Lajoie is Canadian, and while he himself is not that stereotypical, there is MC Canadian Stereotype from WTF Collective 2.
- Cluster F-Bomb: Most apparent in "F**k Everything". Which drops the F-bomb 62 times from start to finish.
Fuck you! Fuck me! Fuck the sky! Fuck trees! Fuck the sun, I don't need heat or vitamin D!
- Creepy Monotone: MC Vagina.
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: While pretty much all of his songs are NSFW, there is one song that is kid-friendly. "Stay At Home Dad". A song about him taking care of his infant son. D'AWWWWWWWWWW.
- And also hilarious because musically it's a Rage Against the Machine parody.
- A Date with Rosie Palms: "Alone In The Universe."
- Dead Baby Comedy: The foundation of his humor, along with Self-Deprecation. Nothing is off-limits. Good examples are probably "Cold-Blooded X-Mas," "Mel Gibson Love Song," and "Rapist Glasses"/"Pedophile Beards."
- Deadpan Snarker: During the breaks between songs in his live performances, and his non-musical YouTube sketches. But even some of his songs are bitingly sarcastic and incredibly cynical (see "Pop Song" and "Radio-Friendly Song").
- Driven to Suicide: Chorus Guy in WTF Collective 2
- Dude, Not Funny: An "in-universe"- example He calls himself out in the lyrics to the final chapter of the "Show Me Your Genitals" trilogy, "I Kill People," after making an Anne Frank joke. Also used by MC Inappropriate Rhymes in WTF Collective 2 and Lampshaded again by MC Extremely Politically Correct
- Dude, Not Ironic: WTF Collective features MC Doesn't Know What Irony Is. In either context we hear him use the word, it's not clear exactly what he thinks it means -- the point is, he doesn't get it.
- Dull Surprise: MC Vagina.
- Erudite Stoner: "We don't have racism in Canada. We have...weed."
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: The rapper names in his WTF Collective videos.
- Explain, Explain, Oh Crap: Courtesy of MC Uses Time Machines Irresponsibly:
Then I traveled in time to the night I was conceived
I met up with my parents and we hung out all night
Come to think of it, they didn't have any alone time... NOOO-
- Gratuitous French: At the end of Very Super Famous we hear "For all you French ladies out there: Le feu sur le cheval était brisé" (Meaning: The fire on the horse was broken).
- Lampshade Hanging: The final chapter of the "Everyday Normal Guy" trilogy, "Everyday Normal Crew."
We just a regular, everyday, normal crew
The joke's gettin' old, I fuckin' agree with you
I'm just repeatin' the same shit from Normal Guy 1 & 2
What a twist, in this one I'm rappin' about my friends too
I think this cow's been milked dry...muthafucka
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: MC Vagina, especially in these lines from "I Kill People"
So if you'll come at me I'll trip you then I'll suck your nuts
I-i mean I'll punch your nuts
Sucking them would be gay and I'm totally not gay
I'm all about V-A-G-I-N-A.
- Lyrical Dissonance: All of his songs.
- Metaphorgotten: MC Vagina is proficient in this:
- "My love is like lightning. It gives girls orgasms. My dick is like an airplane. It gives girls orgasms.
- "Yeah, the Eiffel Tower is a lot like my dick, it's big and it stings when soap gets inside the tip."
- "Fame is like a tree. It helps you get pussy."
- Mind Screw: Visit his website. We DARE You. And in his commercial for hands.
- Overshadowed by Awesome: his sister, Jessica Lajoie. Sure, she's good-looking, has a good voice, but... yeah.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Most of the WTF Collective members are based on famous rappers, at least in their voices and delivery. For instance, MC Fatigue is Sean Paul and MC Final Verse is 50 Cent.
- Also "Pop Song" has some the typical Boy Band stereotypes, such as the good looking lead singer, and the effeminate one that is probably gay.
- Perma-Stubble: He's only rarely clean-shaven.
- Precision F-Strike: Inverted in the "Pointless Profanity" video. OH SNAPPING TURTLE!
- Protest Song: Surprisingly played straight in "Song for the Students," a song in support of the 2012 Quebec student protests.
- Also, arguably "Osama Is Dead."
- Red Herring: Before WTF Collective 3 was released, MC Vagina appearing to sing the chorus at the end of WTF 2
- Refuge in Audacity: Cranked Up to Eleven
- Running Gag: "You want some of this, Bitch?"
- Saying Sound Effects Out Loud: "I Kill People":
Guns don't kill people
(Uh uh)
I kill people
(Chik chik)
With guns
- Self-Deprecation: The foundation of his humor, along with Dead Baby Comedy. The best example is "Too Fast."
- Sophisticated As Hell: In the song F**k Everything he ponders the nature of the universe and the conflict between free will and determinism:
Searching for purpose in the random universe sucks dick!
Is it deterministic or am I free to choose my way?
Did I choose to not give a fuck about ice cube trays?
- Stripperific: The girls in the video for "Pop Song".
- Surreal Humour: In the song F**k Everything.
I don't even give a fuck about "not giving a fuck"
So I do give a fuck
Wait, what?
I don't give a fuck.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: MC Knows Too Many Facts About Bees ends his verse with "Just 'cause I know a lot about bees doesn't mean that I'm gay." As it turns out, he's also MC In the Closet Homosexual.
- Talking to Himself: Every member of the WTF Collective is played by Jon.
- Three Chords and the Truth: His songs that don't parody Boastful Rap pretty much always fit this style.
- Three Minutes of Writhing: The video for "Pop Song".
- Trope Name: "Everyday Normal Guy," "Pop Song," "Radio-Friendly Song."
- YouTube: How he became famous. The reason he routinely sells out comedy clubs, even thousands of miles away from his hometown, on weeknights.
- Wham! Line: "You can't spell chorus without...Vagina."
- Who Wants to Live Forever?: After Chorus Guy shoots himself, he comes back as a zombie:
This must be a bad dream
Why am I still singing?
I motherfucking killed myself...
- A Wild Rapper Appears: Parodied in "Pop Song":
And now the token rap verse that doesn't make any sense
But helps me get a small percentage of the urban music market
- Word Salad Lyrics: MC Confusing's entire schtick
"And I play air guitar with the tuba toothpaste, and I say, karate pencil case, and put it on tape."