Johnny Rocketfingers

"..A Johnny's work is never done.."

Johnny Rocketfingers is a point-and-click flash game made in 2003 about a badass stick figure who doesn't like playing by the rules. He doesn't get any deeper than that, really. Only two games were made about him, originally released in Newgrounds. The first one has him trying to rescue a little girl from thugs (after being paid a hefty sum of cash by the mother). The second one has him scouting out for Thug Incorporated, a gang that has it out for Johnny when he beat down the leader while buying drugs from him. A third game is planned[when?] and is intended to be much bigger than the first two.

Tropes used in Johnny Rocketfingers include:
  • Art Evolution: While the first game is somewhat crude in appearance, the second is, at least in the street where the game is set, scenery gorn-iffic
  • Brick Joke: The end of the first game has Johnny unable to find the daughter of the woman who hired him, instead finding a horrifyingly ugly... Thing that's about her size and settling with that. The end of the second game has the woman sicking her massive boyfriend on Johnny as revenge.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Johnny is not afraid to use whatever is around to fight (namely planks, tubes, and even cigarette ashes).
  • Cool Shades: Johnny rocks them hard.
  • Crapsack World: The city Johnny lives in is not pretty, nor is it clean for that matter.
  • Cutscene Power to the Max: Johnny is hindered by all sorts of puzzles during the actual game, but as soon as a cutscene starts up he begins kicking ass, taking names, and dispatching guys twice his size with ease.
  • Gross Up Close-Up: The above mentioned "child". And a key you find in the second game turns out to be a weirdly-shaped fly.
  • Hidden Depths: Johnny may just seem like a run-of-the-mill asshole at first, but he drops some interesting tidbits when you do certain things.
  • Rule Of Suppish: The games run on this.
  • Sir Swearsalot: A great number of them, including Johnny.
  • Shoplift and Die
  • Smoking Is Cool: Milked for all its worth. Johnny is never seen without a cigarette within reach. Hell, the loading bar for the second game is a lit cigarette that show progress as it burns up.
  • Sudden Anatomy: Johnny's hands do not appear unless they are needed (with violence-related events often occurring).
  • Villain Protagonist: Johnny is, to put it simply, an asshole. Moreover, he is defined in the game as "suppish", which is basically a smooth Jerkass.

Johnny Rocketfingers

Johnny: Looking through the lock. Like when I used to spy my sist... err, I mean, girlfriend in the shower.

  • Gag Boobs: The woman who asks you for help is basically a stick figure with hair, a face, and large breasts. She must have horrible back pain.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Johnny finds that a cat proves a better weapon than a crowbar.
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: Johnny drops one of these when he uses the cat on the bouncer.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: At the beginning of the game, you have two options after the woman begs for your help: going for the girl right away or (if you are feeling... jerkass-y) get a little fun from her before.
    • Even if you try to play as a saint and agree to help right away, Johnny still insults her and treats her like crap.
  • Video Game Cruelty Punishment: If you select a certain option at the start of the game Johnny will club the woman with a beer bottle, accidentally killing her. He then takes all of her money, runs outside, and gets shot by an army of cops that just showed up out of nowhere.

Johnny Rocketfingers 2

Johnny: IDs are for faggots.
Store manager: So, where's yours?
Johnny: Good one, asshole.

Johnny: I'm stuck, you got any hints?
Shady looking character: Sorry cuz. Maybe you can find an online walkthrough.

  • Bullying a Dragon: Or stealing from a drug lord. This is what starts the game.
  • Chat Speak: Johnny may use terms such as "lol", "lmao", and "rofl" after the player's failed attempts at doing something.
  • Crunchtastic: "It feels Cracktacular"
  • Diegetic Interface: The player guides Johnny around with a lit cigarette.
  • Hypocritical Humor: After a while of incorrectly using the knife, Johnny will utter the phrase:

"You're a violent person and you scare me."

Store Manager: Aren't there puzzles you should be solving?

  • Non-Standard Character Design: The store manager is provided with an actual face and more color than the other characters.
  • Shout-Out:
    • If you look closely, there is a drawing of Max in the cash register of the store in the second game.

Johnny: (After trying to use knife on a hobo) "Nah, I'll leave that to Alex and his gang."

  • Trigger Phrase: The phrase "life isn't fair" was shown to REALLY tick Johnny off. Though, no more than to the point of raising his fist in anger.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: The game gives you the opportunity to harass the store manager as much as you please.
  • What an Idiot! (In-Universe): What Johnny thinks of the store manager when he attempts to rap.

Johnny Rocketfingers 3

  • Scenery Porn/Gorn: The game seems like it'll have a lot more color and detail, which can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the location.
  • Time Travel: In episode 3, Johnny finds himself back in time 3 1/2 million years ago during the Earth's Tertiary Period.
    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.