Jewel Knights Crusader
Ginji Takeda is always looking for a good fight. Being a legendary street-fighter, though, he can't always find a worthy opponent. That changes one day when he comes upon a group of scantily clad girls battling it out. Thrown off by their costumes, he gets caught in the middle of the brawl and is overwhelmed by their power.
When he recovers, Ginji learns the truth. The fight he witnessed was a small battle in the war for control of the world occurring between the virtuous Jewel Knights and the despicable organization called Ragnarokrr. Taken in the by the Knights, Ginji thanks them for their kindness by raping all three of them. However, they still need his power, so their leader begs him to fight on the side of justice. He agrees on one condition: he can do anything to the girls he wants.
- Affectionate Parody: Of the Sentai and Magical Girl genre
- Action Girl -- the titular Jewel Knights, as well as their enemies Arshura and her minion of the week.
- The Archer -- Ruri Kasuga AKA Lapis Lazuli.
- Babies Ever After -- With Hisui.
- Badass -- What Ginji is convinced he is. And he is, if he's fighting humans. He also seemed to hold up pretty well against Ashura's minions despite using no special equipment like the girls. Then there's the Deus Sex Machina involving his man-juice.
- Boobs of Steel -- Meno Yuki AKA Onyx has the biggest rack among the three Jewel Knights, and she fights using a BFS.
- Curtains Match the Window -- Meno and Asako. Maybe Ruri as well.
- Deus Sex Machina -- Ragnarokrr minions can gain a significant power boost after they've engaged in coitus, putting the Jewel Knights at a severe disadvantage, until Ginji discovers he can power up the trio in the same way, to the girls' horror and his immense delight.
- Hair Decorations -- All three girls in Jewel Knight mode, and Meno and Hisui has these in their civilian forms as well.
- Eyecatch -- To go along with the episodic setup of the game. Features a rather cute image of the Jewel Knight girls as puppets.
- Girlish Pigtails -- Hisui, adding to her cuteness.
- Gag Boobs -- Meno's got a particularly impressive set.
- The Gunslinger -- Hisui Ohara AKA Jade.
- Harmful to Minors -- Hisui. G-Collections didn't really do much to say the Token Mini-Moe was "18" in this case...
- Heroic Sociopath -- Ginji, oh so much.
- Hospital Hottie/Naughty Nurse Outfit -- Meno. Well, technically she's an assistant nurse, but details schmetails, she looks adorable in her uniform!
- Idiot Hero: Ginji.
- Interactive Narrator: Ginji talks with her from time to time. Overlaps with Lemony Narrator.
- Interrupted Suicide -- What Meno thought was happening when Ginji tried to jump out the window to "escape" the hospital in 'episode' 1.
- Jerkass -- Ginji.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold. Well, depends on whether you take his rapes of the other female protagonists as Moral Event Horizon or not. He does show concern for them once they become teammates, and actually feels guilty about successfully tricking Hisui into doing slutty poses (the other two figure it out in the middle and responds...appropriately).
- Keep Circulating the Tapes -- The translated version of the game is out of print, most likely the licensing company realized they couldn't pass Hisui off as older than she looks.
- Ki Attacks -- Ginji fights using this and Good Old Fisticuffs.
- Lovable Sex Maniac: Ginji. YMMV, since some people took his raping of the three protagonists as Moral Event Horizon.
- Magical Girl -- All three female Jewel Knights, and even Asako AKA Arshura.
- Meganekko -- Asako.
- Moe -- Hisui is adorable. Meno probably qualifies as well.
- Odango Hair -- Hisui.
- "On the Next..." -- Yes, the "anime" format includes these, too.
- Otaku: Ginji is implied to be this.
- Paper-Thin Disguise - Ginji doesn't wear any mask or costume at all when he acts as Jewel Silver, still Arshura doesn't seem to recognize him.
- Well, it's implied that Ginji does wear something that disguises him.
- Rape As Comedy
- Rape Is Love -- Haha, NO. The game even gives you a What the Hell, Hero? about it at one point.
- Sentai -- The Jewel Knights start with three, acquiring a helper in the form of Ginji and in Asako's route get a 5th member once Arshura undergoes a Heel Face Turn into Jewel Amethyst.
- Shout-Out: Ginji emulates Kamen Rider Stronger by using the latter's line From A High Place. He also sings the original Kamen Rider theme song.
- Shrinking Violet -- Hisui.
- Small Name, Big Ego -- Ginji.
- Steven Ulysses Perhero -- Asako Shura? Arshura? Nobody caught that?
- Well, to be fair, Ashura was dressed like a Stripperific cosplayer complete with mask while Asako presents herself like a nice Girl Next Door.
- Stripperiffic -- The female Jewel Knights, Arshura, and Arshura's henchwoman. Well, this is an eroge...
- Technical Virgin -- Ruri's sex scenes are anal-only until her ending for this reason.
- Token Evil Teammate -- Ginji, again. He's not really evil, but definitely a lot more of a Jerkass than his comrades.
- Token Mini-Moe -- Hisui.
- Tsundere: Ruri.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend -- Asako Shura thinks she is one.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Ginji likes to take pages from Toku heroes, to his teammates' dismay (especially when they're dragged into it by him).
- Whip It Good -- Arshura's Weapon of Choice.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair -- Special mention goes to Ruri's vibrant shade of aquamarine.