Jenny Haniver
"Jenny Haniver, or what happens when you and everyone you know are acquainted with way too many people."—The webcomic's banner
Jenny Haniver is a Slice of Life webcomic with Loads and Loads of Characters (at the moment, 86), opening with the college life of Jordan Davignon... and extrapolating from there. There are, at any one time, several conflicts going on, with new characters coming in, and old ones taking the back seat. Generally, the main groups focused on are the Jenny Haniver crew (the original five or so characters), the GSA at Jordan's old highschool, and the several bands that either rival or tour with Jenny Haniver.
In addition to the webcomic, the author writes a series of Alternate Universe steampunk novels, featuring the same characters.
Tropes used in Jenny Haniver include:
- Aerith and Bob: Jordan, Greg, Steve... and also Panagiotis, Faraji, and Qadira.
- Art Evolution: The first comic's art compared to the newer strips. The difference is staggering.
- Armor-Piercing Slap: Varya deals one of these to Eidel after she admits she cheated on her with Araceli.
- Big Eater: Tierney (the rare vegetarian variant), and Harrison, whose size is probably responsible for his diet.
- Bottle Fairy: Eidel and Morrigan.
- Camp Gay: Tweety, and Leighton.
- Cast Full of Gay: The comic features all parts of the LGBT spectrum besides transsexuals, and the author has mentioned the possibility of a trans character being introduced later on.
- Closet Key: Cody was Derek's.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Reese, as well as Kaori in her own insane way.
- Coming Out Story: Everley, who came out to his parents and was kicked out for it.
- Deadpan Snarker: Much of the cast, but most notably Araceli and Faraji.
- Delayed Reaction: Oliver goes through an entire day before realizing he told Brian he loved him.
- Dropped a Bridget On Him: Julian is a trap of the highest caliber, so much so that his friend Kevin has become his boyfriend. He's not yet aware that Julian is in fact a boy.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Raleigh- he gets his jollies posting as an Internet trap and crossplaying.
- Facial Dialogue: Noel can apparently deliver reams of advice through this.
- Fan Girl: Isabel, as well as her right-hand (wo)man, Ashley.
- And Araceli, when it comes to her gay boys.
- The Fashionista: Kaori, and to a lesser extent, Tweety.
- And Leighton.
- Five-Man Band: Jenny Haniver - literally.
- Gag Boobs: Morrigan.
- Gentle Giant: Vito, officially the biggest character (height and weight) of Jenny Haniver.
- Girl Next Door: Bridget, a cute Christian girl who is overwhelmingly sweet and goes on yearly missionary trips.
- Gossipy Hens: Subverted in that the gossipy hens are usually gossipy cocks.
- Hates Everyone Equally: Darby Newell. Except his boyfriend, but hey, even Nietzche-loving nihilists need a little action.
- Het Is Ew: Isabel subscribes to this belief.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Brodie and Taylor, to the point of violent jealousy on the part of Taylor. Scott and Patrick, at first.
- Hot Teacher: Oliver. Or at least, Araceli thinks so.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Nick and Holly, and also Harrison and Jordan.
- If It's You It's Okay: Greg and Everley, as well as Patrick and Scott.
- Insufferable Genius: James.
- The Jailbait Wait: Greg and Everley, and they don't make it.
- Jerkass: Darby and Kalle
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Amery, who despite his chauvinistic and promiscuous tendencies, turns out to be a decent guy.
- The Ladette: Nieves.
- The Lancer: Araceli.
- Large Ham: Harrison is the embodiment of this.
- Les Yay: Araceli and Eidel. It doesn't end well.
- Lesbian Vampire: Nieves, though she also preys upon big, burly men.
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Surprisingly, Kaori.
- Manipulative Bastard: Kalle, who is remarkably adept at pushing people's buttons.
- And with the Ezra-seducing saga, Evan has finally grown into this role.
- Of Corsets Sexy: Many fall into this trope- Araceli often wears corset-style tops, as well as Isabel, as part of her gothloli wardrobe. Applies to Yoshi when he's crossdressing.
- One of the Boys: Araceli, considering she holds her own in a previously all-male band.
- Otaku: Isabel is obsessed with manga, notably Boy's Love, to the point where she wrote a doujinshi about her friends in the GSA.
- Paralyzing Fear of Sexuality: Derek, to the point that it interferes with him having a healthy relationship.
- Perky Female Minion: Ashley, whose friendship with Isabel borders on worship, often.
- Pet the Dog: Jordan's dad letting Everley stay with them after he gets kicked out counts as this, considering his passive animosity of his son's sexuality and his general hardassedness.
- Pimped-Out Dress: Crystal's wedding dress.
- Refuge in Audacity: Nieves, namely her seduction tactics.
- The Silent Bob: Noel, may also count as The Speechless.
- Single-Target Sexuality: According to Word of God, Evan.
- Something Something Leonard Bernstein}}: Apparently Jordan's band invokes this in-universe ("Something about a... marshmallow?).
- Strange Girl: Kaori. She has her own reality, and god help you if you don't conform to it.
- Stupid Sexy Flanders: Harrison induces this with poor Derek.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky: James and Faraji.
- Transparent Closet: Tweety and Derek's were made of GLASS.
- Uke: Jordan, although he tends to subvert many of the tropes associated with the role.
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