
Imagine yourself as a perfectly content robot, surrounded by a bunch of baby robots that frolic and play. One day, you fall into a nap. During your unconsciousness, the babies are kidnapped for no real reason. Now they're trapped in foreign lands, alone and scared, tied to the ground by collars. You must rescue them.

Such is the story of Jed. Using thick pixel graphics and synthesized music, it's emulative of old-school platformers. There's an interesting twist to game-play, though: special tiles cause Jed's perspective of the world to flip—the background becomes the foreground, and the foreground becomes the background. Whichever is currently the background can still be seen behind the foreground in a darkened state.

Although by no means a long game, several levels test the player's skill and determination to save your baby buddies while avoiding a plethora of obstacles. Some stages contain rockets, which allow Jed to fly over the terrain, and three-shot guns that lock enemies in place for several seconds.

As a Freeware Game, it can be downloaded here. It is currently playable on Windows and Linux systems.

Tropes used in Jed include:
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