James Bond 007: Blood Stone

Stony faced killer.

James Bond video game twenty-three according to The Other Wiki, released November 2010, is a Third-Person Shooter with an original Bruce Feirstein-penned plot and featuring the voices and likenesses of Daniel Craig, Judi Dench and Joss Stone, who sung for it.

The plot centres around the kidnapping of influential scientists working on the UK's top-secret biochemical projects. In the process of his investigation, Bond is sent to numerous locations worldwide, engaging in infiltration, gunfights and insanely cool car chases.

Tropes used in James Bond 007: Blood Stone include:
  • Big Bad: It's Pomerov... No, it's Rak! No, it's Nicole! No, it's someone else entirely!
  • Cardboard Boxes: Encountered numerous times in the Istanbul chase scene.
  • Chase Scene: After 5 years of absence, the memorable staple of the Bond games returns. Filled to the brim with over the top set-pieces. Understandable, as the driving sequences were developed by the guys who made Blur.
  • Cool Car: The Aston Martin DBS, and the Aston Martin DB5.
  • Drives Like Crazy: The enemy mooks. Whom seem to enjoy barrelling into an oil tanker with glee.
  • Evil Plan: Stefan Pomerov wants to create bioweapons based on Tedworth's Smallpox and Anthrax cure.
    • Nicole Hunter has high profile scientists and corporate executives kidnapped and tortured for their secrets. Her unseen employer also has her dismantle Pomerov's operation, using MI 6.
  • Hannibal Lecture: Given by Rak on numerous occasions.
  • Hero Insurance: Averted. After your building-shattering car chase through Bangkok, the Police try to hunt you down.
  • Karma Houdini: Greco, the terrorist/mad-cap schemer from the prologue, seems to get away completely unharmed, which is particularly noticeable since Bond pretty much slaughters everyone else who crosses him. You can't even run Greco over; if you back up the car and try to do so, slamming into him is like hitting a solid wall.
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Rak.
  • One-Scene Wonder: Silk. An acquaintance from Bond's pre-MI 6 days. He's in one short cutscene and has no impact on the plot whatsoever. But he still manages to be the most interesting character you encounter.
  • Red Right Hand: Rak has a King Leonidas-style scar across his right eye.
  • Rule of Cool: The chase sequences, ranging from a boat chase through Athens harbor to chasing after a speeding train across an icy river in Russia.
    • And chasing a big-ass truck through Bangkok.
  • Scenery Porn: Notable mentions being the car chase out of the Russian refinery, and the car chase with Nicole through the Riviera.
  • Sequel Hook
  • Stuff Blowing Up: To clarify; an entire compound filled with explosive chemicals, blowing up.
  • The Man Behind the Man
  • Third-Person Shooter
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