< Inazuma Eleven

Inazuma Eleven/WMG

Kidou's googles

Kidou accidentally super-glued his googles to himself and that's the reason he doesn't take them off even when sleeping, he can't.

    • Actually, he can. That would be interesting, though.

The second game will be localized as well

But America will never get it.

  • With Level 5 in America, this could be arguable. The same goes for the first game.
  • The EU version of Inazuma 1 uses the engine of Inazuma 2. Things get quite interesting when we find out that all the Inazuma 2 techniques are fully translated (accessed via Action Replay). I don't think they would go out of their way to translate this if they hadn't something planned for an overseas release of Inazuma 2. As for the third game... not so much. Hopefully they have already finished Inazuma 2 so that they would tackle Ninokuni DS.
  • Confirmed as of today. Inazuma Eleven 2 WILL hit Europe!

Fudou got a sports scholarship

Poor or not, there's no way his mom would be able to pay for hotshot school Teikoku's tuition otherwise.

Ishido Shuuji is Gouenji Shuuya

This troper doesn't believe in it personally, but since a lot of others do might as well throw it in here. Main reasons are that they share a seiyuu and have similar eyes in the anime. (They don't on the game trailer, but that may or may not have to do with dramatic lighting.) And weaker elements are that Ishido's about as tan as Gouenji's dad, and that it's "suspicious" Gouenji's TYL design hasn't been released yet.

  • Oh boy, imagine the look on Tenma's face if this is revealed to be true.
    • It may not count, but Gouenji's TYL design was released in the manga. Still doesn't help that he looks like Ishido. On the other hand, this would be an interesting but somewhat expected turn to the series. Facing your childhood hero (bonus points for Endou and Kidou facing an old friend), you know...
  • If this is true, it may be one of the reasons why they never paired Natsumi with Gouenji, like the Fandom wanted, but with Endou instead.
  • Confirmed, as of GO Episode 24.

Garshield Bayhan was Teikoku's commander when Kageyama joined Teikoku.

Explains the similarities between the two's actions (i.e raining down steel girders and bus "accidents"). Also explains why Kageyama became The Dragon to Garshield.

    • In the game it says that the previous commander of Teikoku died shortly after Kageyama became The Dragon.

Japan's pro-league captain in GO is Kazemaru

Considering Endou and Kidou are already accounted for, he's the most likely choice, really.

  • Well, he plays for the Japan Pro team.

Kidou and Fudou live together in GO.

Just throwing it out there because honestly why else would Fudou be in GO for. Especially now that Kidou is the coach.

Tsunami is Senguuji.

I know its too early to call for neither of them have actually appeared in GO yet. Though this was a little bit much for me to ignore. Senguuji's hair looks like a flattened version of Tsunmai's hair, and its the same color, though Senguuji is paler. Though there really isn't anything to support why Tsunami would be evil.

Like Pokémon, there will be a Updated Rerelease of Inazuma Eleven GO games.

The MO on the release of the games is too similar to the one of Pokémon. Oposing "elements" different recruitable characters depending on the version, One Game for the Price of Two. If you want more specific clues, Endou's wives. He's married with Natsumi in Shine, and with Fuyuka in Dark, while Endou/Aki is the favorite outside Japan; now with Pokémon, the Updated Rerelease always has the Bonus Boss or Infinity+1 Sword as the mascot. If we take that in consideration, then Natsumi is the Shine's mascot, and Fuyuka of Dark's. Now let that sink for a moment...

    • I doubt it, Level 5 seems to only like to make sequels, not Updated Rerelease; and if they were to make ones they would probably make it a priority to rerelease The Professor Layton series first.
      • Then one or two more games with Tenma and the others, until they say something about the games with Kanon.

Max got hit by a truck right after the events of the third game/season, and Kisaragi Mako is his reincarnation.

I honestly have no explanation for this. But it seems pretty solid to me...

    • Well Mako was introduced shortly after Max was though she only appears in the video games. Soo...
      • Actually, she was the little girl Gouenji saved from being hit by a soccer ball in the start of the series; Endou and Gouenji's first meeting in the show. It would be nice if she and Handa appeared in GO, but it's unlikely.
      • Yeah, Handa and Mako don't do much in the video games though. They just act like Mr. Exposition then congratulate the team along with a bunch of other characters after they win the Holy Road. They could still appear in that scene though but its unlikely...

Tenma will be captain

Staying so even after Shindou recovers. Who knows?

    • Confirmed as of Chrono Stone.

Shine/Dark are branches from the original events and those of The Ogre

Shine is the "true" canon, seeing as the website first showed Natsumi and the show also went with her as Endou's wife. Dark is the alternative canon which takes into account Ogre intervening in the FF/I (depending on if you're thinking of the movie or the game) and later Endou marries Fuyuka.

    • That would explain a lot. Seeing as all of the Plot Holes the movies cause is all being an alternative continuity would be the best explanation. Seeing as events happen differently in the movies. Though some elements in Dark still do appear in GO, like Fudou and Kazemaru appearing in the anime (although to be fair, Hiroto and Midorikawa also appear in Dark so it could just be switched role wise).

Tenma and Raimon will be taken to the future and participate in the conflict between Second Stage Children and El Dorado

Otherwise, there is no way to prevent Protocol Omega to attempt changing timeline and they'll be playing whack-a-mole forever.

Fey Rune will betray Tenma at some point

Fey Rune had come across as a very suspicious character despite his nice exterior. Although he explains things, he evades questions Tenma asks him about himself. The seiyuu Akiko Kimura had also remarked that Fey Rune was unlike any character she had done before (appearance-wise Fey is just like any other shota, so this could only mean personality-wise...). Tenma's seiyuu also said something along the lines of Tenma suffering more in the latter parts of Chrono Stone...

Alpha will make a Heel Face Turn

This is Inazuma. It's unspoken rule that someone from the enemy will join Raimon. Alpha looks like a candidate with how he was treated

  • Partially Jossed since the anime director says there is no such episode where Alpha would make a Heel Face Turn.
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