Immortal Regis

Student Jae Hyuk had a normal life... Alright, so maybe it wasn't that normal. He was constantly poor, working four jobs to take care of his little brother, Jae Hoon, who was terminally sick. They were happy. Until one night walking home, he catches an unexpected sight of a beautiful girl battling a monster across the sky. That night was the night he died, 'protecting' Serin from getting killed. For reasons unknown, Serin brings him back to life as an undead and her slave. Of course, it's not that easy. In accordance to the rules of Chaos - Serin's world - Jae Hyuk cannot live in the human world any longer- or he will die, or accidentally suck the remaining life out of his brother.

But leaving Chaos isn't easy as it seems- especially when being an very weak undead human sets off a chain of events that could end the very world. Which ancient family will become the immortal regis, and what does Jae Hyuk have to do with it? Jae Hyuk cares for nothing except returning home to his little brother, and needs power to get back to Earth. So when he unseals a powerful sentient weapon 'Depore'...

Immortal Regis is a Manhwa. Prequel to Cavalier of the Abyss.

Needs wiki magic and expansion.

Tropes used in Immortal Regis include:
  • Accidental Pervert: Owen, when he follows Mistress Infinity into a warp gate. He ends up in a room filled with girls in lingerie. Epic nosebleed follows.
  • Apocalypse How: Everyone fears that Jae Hyuk will bring this. It turns out that it won't be him, but his younger brother, Jae Hoon, who will. And does, to an extent. When Caladbolg possesses Ren, it seems that she will do this, too.
  • Apocalypse Maiden: Ren.
  • Anime Chinese Girl: Shao-Shao.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Diffor.
  • Cool Sword: Diffor, Caladbolg
  • Demonic Possession: Semek temporarily does this to Serin when she's about to get killed by Sophia. Serin is not pleased. He does it again.
  • Healing Factor: Jae Hyuk has this after becoming an undead, which has allowed him to survive various incidents. He notes this himself.
  • Healing Hands: Hekarloth, Shao Shao, Infinity, Lein, Seon Yu, to name a few.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Hekarlot tries forcing Jae Hyuk into doing this by tying him down. He breaks out of it.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: Or, rather, hero gets it when the sword chose him.
  • Purple Eyes: Ren
  • Rose-Haired Girl: Ren
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Diffor suffers from this, the most common variations being Diffor(e), Depore (the most popular spelling), and De Pore. Word of God says it is Diffor.
    • Hekarloth also has varying spellings to his name, including Hekarlot and Helkarlot.
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Serin
  • The Chosen One: It was thought to be Latique, but it was really Ren. Noche and Jae Hyuk can also count.
  • Whip It Good: Sophia's weapon of choice. It can cut through pillars.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy: Hekarlot might count as one.
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