Ice Age/Characters
This is a list of characters from the animated film series Ice Age.
The 'Herd'
Voiced by: Ray Romano
A Mammoth whose full name is Manfred; Manny is introduced in the first film as anti-social and uncaring to those around him but he gets better and eventually becomes quite friendly and kind if not a total killjoy.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Ellie.
- The Big Guy
- Brown Eyes
- Catch Phrase / Insistent Terminology / Running Gag: "I'm NOT Fat!"
- Deadpan Snarker: Though not as pronounced as Diego.
- Dead Wife and Child
- Fire-Forged Friends: With Diego and Sid, but mainly Diego.
- Grumpy Bear: Moreso in the first film, but toned down greatly in the next two.
- Happily Married: With Ellie.
- Held Gaze: With Diego, twice - once in the original film and then again in Dawn of the Dinosaurs. Bonus points for happening in highly tense moments for both of them.
- The Hero
- Heroes Want Redheads
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Ray Romano is Manny.
- Honorable Elephant
- I Am Big Boned: Apparently he's not fat... his fur just makes him look 'poofy'.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: At least after Character Development set in. Before that he was bordering on Jerkass.
- The Kirk
- Papa Wolf: Kind of Justified considering...
- Oblivious to Love: He isn't aware that he is in love with Ellie in the second movie until Sid points it out.
- Official Couple: With Ellie
- Second Love: Finds it in Ellie.
- Team Dad: He's the 'Daddy', Ellie's the 'Mommy', Diego's the 'Uncle', and Crash, Eddie, and Sid are the 'Children'.
- I thought Sid was the pet's pet.
- Troubled but Cute: His Troubled Backstory Flashback in the Original movie reveals him to be this - poor Manny.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Sid.
Voiced by: John Leguizamo
A Sloth who is the 'Gooey Stuff' that keeps the herd together. He is portrayed as clumsy, fast-talking, and unpopular; and is voiced with a lateral lisp. Also self-dubs himself 'Lord of the Flame' after he learns to create fire in the first film.
- Accidental Athlete: In the original movie, several times.
- Blue Eyes
- Butt Monkey
- The Chew Toy
- Cloudcuckoolander: More in the first film than the other two; Ellie takes over this trait in the second.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass:He became this in the first film in the Dodo scene .
- The Ditz: Though he sometimes falls under...
- Dumbass Has a Point: In the second film, he calls Diego out on his fear of water, then points out that with the ice melting and a flood approaching, he'll inevitably have to admit his fear and face up to it.
- Also to Manny. "You need to let go of the past so that you can have a future."
- The Friend Nobody Likes
- Hey, It's That Voice!: John Leguizamo is Sid.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Diego and Manny.
- Honorary Uncle: For his friend Manny's daughter Peaches.
- Informed Species: Does not look too much like a Sloth but does not look like a Giant Sloth at all but looks more like a modern day sloth .
- Jerkass: Most pronounced in the third film, where Sid doesn't even thank the others for saving him and instead whines about watching his kids for one day!
- The McCoy
- The Nicknamer: This pops up in the Original film, where he shortens Manfred's name to "Manny" and the name sticks.
- Don't forget Pinkie!
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Sometimes, most commonly in Ice Age and Ice Age: The Meltdown where his Genius Ditz abilities show him to be not as stupid as he looks - at times, anyway.
- Pick Up Babes with Babes: With Roshan in the Original film.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Small Annoying Creature:May not be so small but he is definitely annoying .
- The Smart Guy
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Manny and Diego.
Voiced by: Denis Leary
A smilodon who is the only carnivore of the group. Has a somewhat sarcastic personality, although it's usually not intended as malicious. He was a bad guy in the first film but after bonding with Manny and Sid he inevitably did a Heel Face Turn.
- Badass: This was his defining trait in the Original. The sequels have downplayed this aspect, however.
- Though not too much considering in the second movie he took charge in a stressful situation and singlehandedly ordered all of his companions into working together.
- Becoming the Mask: In the Original film, Diego gradually begins to respect Manny, especially after he saves his life, and grows to love the baby, Roshan, which leads him to have compunctions about the plan he has set up for them, ultimately furthering his Heel Face Turn.
- Cats Hate Water
- Cool Big Uncle: to the extent that some fans prefer Diego as Peaches' favorite uncle!
- Deadpan Snarker
- Defector From Decadence: When he turns against Soto in the Original film.
- Delivery Guy: While fighting off a bunch of hungry raptors... poor Diego.
- Disney Death: In the Original. Doubles as a Tear Jerker.
- The Dragon: To Soto's Big Bad for the first half of the first film until his Heel Face Turn.
- Fire-Forged Friends: With Manny, considering their experiences in the Original film. Also Sid to a much lesser extent, although this trope epitomizes the friendship between the tiger and the mammoth.
- Green Eyes
- Held Gaze: With Manny, twice - once in the original film and then again in Dawn of the Dinosaurs. Bonus points for happening in highly tense moments for both of them.
- Heel Face Turn: in the first movie.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Denis Leary voices Diego in all three movies.
- Honorary Uncle: For his best friend Manny's daughter Peaches.
- I Don't Want to Be Normal: Instead of wanting to settle down with his Herd Diego wanted to go on another adventure, which later turns into a Be Careful What You Wish For moment.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- The Lancer
- The Mole: Diego's role in the first film before his Heel Face Turn. Lampshaded by promotional posters that have "Double Agent" as a description for him.
- The Spock
- Unexplained Recovery
- Villain Protagonist: He evolves into this via Character Development and Becoming the Mask in the Original film. His switching sides as a result of Manny's kindness to him nearly cost him his life but he survives Soto's violence towards him.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Sid.
- Why Did It Have To Be Water?
Characters Introduced In The First Film
Voiced by: Chris Wedge
A squirrel who shows up in the beginning before the opening credits, right after the end before the closing credits, and a couple of scenes in between. Oh, and every single ad for every movie.
- Breakout Character:Ever since Scrat was positively reviewed by many in the first film they increased his screen time the rest of the film series .He even appears in more advertisement for the film than any other character and he is even more popular and recognized than any other character .
- Butt Monkey
- Cartoon Creature: Yes Scrat is sabertooth Squirrel but there is only one problem Sabertooth Squirrels never existed in Real Life and God knows he does not look like a modern day squirrel he has the tail of a raccoon and snout of a dog .
- The Chew Toy
- Cosmic Plaything: Those sadistic writers are never going to give poor Scrat his acorn for more than a few seconds...
- Decoy Protagonist: Mainly due to Trailers Always Lie.
- Eyes of Gold / Brown Eyes
- Failure Is the Only Option: he's never getting his hands on that acorn.
- Informed Species:The creators had to let the audience know he is a fictional prehistoric squirrel despite looking like something else .
- Nice Job Breaking It Scrat: His lusting after the acorn has caused many disastrous events to happen to the Ice Age, most notably in the shorts that feature his breaking the continents asunder twice in Gone Nutty and its remake of sorts, Scrat's Continental Crack-Up, among other things.
- This ends up saving the day in The Meltdown, when he breaks a wall holding the flood in.
- Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Trailer: Inverted. A lot of the trailers for the movie were nothing but scenes of him and his quest. But he's only in the movie for a few seconds, has no lines, and has absolutely nothing to do with the story except at the end of The Meltdown when he breaks a wall holding in the flood.
- Wolverine Publicity:Appears in everything represented for Ice Age.
- Yank the Dog's Chain: The acorn heaven in the second movie.
Voiced by: Goran Visnjic
The deadly and dangerous leader of a pack of saber-toothed tigers, Soto wanted to eat baby Roshan A.K.A 'Pinkie' in vengeance for the murders of several of his pack-mates. He is the main antagonist in the first film.
- Bad Boss
- Big Bad: In the first movie.
- Cain and Abel: With Diego, if the fans are to be believed about them actually being brothers.
- Evil Sounds Deep
- Gory Discretion Shot: His Death.
- Green Eyes
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Goran Visnjic
- Killed Off for Real
Roshan, AKA Pinkie
The baby that Manfred, Sid and Diego returned to his father.
- Brother Chuck: He has never appeared or been alluded to once in the two sequels. A shame, because the SZH's rescue of him really changed them all for the better, and the herd was a result of his, uh, meddling (so to speak).
- Brown Eyes
- Cheerful Child: Roshan is laughing happily when Sid drops him while he is climbing the cliff, and he takes everything in stride when it comes to being rescued by three animals - including Diego.
- Cuteness Proximity
- Infant Immortality: Obviously...
- MacGuffin
- Token Human
Carl and Frank
Voiced by Cedric the Entertainer and Stephen Root
- Ambiguously Gay: At least, some fans think so.
- Those Two Bad Guys: The only scenes they have is when they're together.
Ice Age Animals
Characters Introduced In The Second Film
Voiced by: Queen Latifah
A female woolly mammoth, whom Manny, Diego, and Sid meet during their migration to escape the flood in the second movie, Ice Age: The Meltdown. She serves as a Love Interest to Manny.
- The Chick
- Cloudcuckoolander: Replaces Sid of this trait in the second movie.
- Green Eyes
- Happily Married: With Manny.
- Love Interest: To Manny.
- Oblivious Adoption: There is a reason that Ellie is the picture for that page.
- Pregnant Badass: In the third movie.
- Red Headed Heroine
- Team Mom
- Tsundere: Is a dere dere.
Crash and Eddie
Voiced by: Seann William Scott and Josh Peck
Two twin brother opossums who become new protagonists in the second film. Adopted brothers of Ellie the mammoth, they cared for her and taught her to hang by her tail from a tree branch when she slept, as they did. They are usually portrayed as the comic reliefs of the group.
- Common Eye Colors: They each have one.
- Blue Eyes: Crash
- Brown Eyes: Eddie
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Josh Peck and Seann William Scott, anyone?
- Kid Appeal Character
- Non-Identical Twins
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Sixth Rangers
- Trickster Twins
Cretaceous and Maelstrom
- Big Bad Ensemble: Of the second film.
Characters Introduced In The Third Film
Voiced by: Simon Pegg
A weasel that makes an appearance in the third film and is one of the new protagonists. He is missing his right eye and wears a leaf as an impromptu eyepatch, and is slightly insane.
- Badass
- Blue Eyes
- But Now I Must Go: Opts to stay in the dinosaurs' jungle to hunt Rudy rather than go with the Herd.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Brings this trope to the Extreme.
- Crazy Survivalist
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Eyepatch of Power
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Is voiced by Nicholas Angel.
- Nakama: Was offered a place in the Herd but he opted to stay in the dinosaurs' jungle instead.
- Verbal Tic: He never says the letter H in his speech, it is always conveniently forgotten about.
Voiced by: Karen Disher
Scratte {pronounced "Scrat-tae" in the trailers} is a female sabre-toothed squirrel that makes her debut in the third film. She is seen in the second trailer with Scrat battling with her for the acorn by propelling themselves down a gorge to reach the fallen acorn, and succeeding. Scratte is also seen as a Love Interest for Scrat. Throughout numerous conflicts, the two fall in love, but Scrat ultimately returns to his old ways. At the end of the film, Scratte is left in the dinosaurs' jungle while Scrat is back on the surface.
- Blue Eyes
- Femme Fatale
- Hartman Hips
- I Am Not Left-Handed: gets away with Scrat's acorn thanks to the fact that she's a flying squirrel.
- Lady in Red
- Love Interest: To Scrat.
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Her 'eyeshadow.'
Mrs. Tyrannosaurus Rex
- Big Damn Heroes / Dynamic Entry: "GO MOMZILLA!"
- Mama Bear: Up to Eleven of course.
Baby T. rexes
- Grotesque Cute
- Oblivious Adoption: Justified by imprinting ie. Sid was the first thing they saw when they hatched.
- Big Bad: Of the third film.
- Disney Villain Death: Subverted in that he survives.
- Evil Albino
- Not Quite Dead
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Red Right Hand: His missing tooth.
Introduced in the Fourth Film
- Action Girl: So far this is the only thing that can be said with any certainty. She is a pirate after all
- Love Interests: is going to be one for Diego
Captain Gutt
- Big Bad
- Maniac Monkeys: He’s a Gigantopithacus, which makes him a BIG monkey (well, actually ape)