I Didn't Mean to Turn You On

Oh Akko, you tease!

You read me wrong.
I wasn't trying to lead you on,
Not like you think.

I didn't mean to turn you on.

Alice has a huge crush on Bob. Now all of a sudden, it seems that everything Bob does or says lately comes with a free Double Entendre.

Alice always seems to be right behind him whenever he bends over to pick something up, Or having him around to help rearrange things in the garage always seems to bring them uncomfortably close together, which nowadays, is anything within five feet. And she's nearly forming puddles at her feet (from sweat, guttermind!) when he helps her with her backswing.

Alice would probably love to do nothing more than jump Bob right then and there, but she can't. She may already be married (and she doesn't want to cheat), or maybe Bob is, or maybe they've been Like Brother and Sister all their lives. Or it could just be that she's too shy to speak or act on her feelings, or they're in public, or maybe Bob's too young for her, or any combination of the above or more.

And the most infuriating thing is, Bob is totally unaware of these feelings he's stirring up inside of her. Or Bob may secretly feel the same way, but he has the same problems with self-expression. It takes a special talent for a Twice Shy couple to both be doing this to each other, but stranger things have happened.

For those around Hello, Nurse! or the Chick Magnet, this might be called "Tuesday."

Compare with Stupid Sexy Flanders. Headbutt Thermometer is usually a subcase of this. Imagined Innuendo may be the cause.

If Half Human Hybrids, Petting Zoo People, or a Cute Monster Girl is involved, Fantastic Arousal often occurs.

Compare to Clueless Chick Magnet, Master of the Mixed Message.

The trope title comes from an old song from the 1980s by Cherelle. Its video featured a breakdancing King Kong. Covers of the song have been done by Robert Palmer and Mariah Carey.

Examples of I Didn't Mean to Turn You On include:

Anime and Manga

  • As seen above, in the earlier chapters of Girl Friends, Akko does this quite often to poor Mari. Of course, Akko might have acted subconsciously.
  • In chapter 190 in Mahou Sensei Negima, Negi winds up Chachamaru in order to keep her going. Chachamaru normally finds this mildly pleasurable when done by someone who knows what they're doing. When Negi does it, he winds the key too hard, and pumps way too much magic into it, and Chachamaru has to clamp her hands over her mouth to keep from screaming in pleasure. Completely oblivious to what just happened, Negi then promises to wind her up every day, as long as she needs him to. Considering the obvious subtext, Evangeline's oft-repeated threats to "wind her up" from earlier on in the series—complete with Chachamaru begging "not too hard, please"—suddenly become a lot more funny. The winding thing comes up again later, when Asakura realizes the implications. Naturally, she takes it a bit too far. Chapter 263 takes the "winding" into overdrive. Poor Chachamaru.
    • In the anime adaptation Negima?!, Konoka's attempts to cheer Asuna up during the Fan Service-laden Beach Episode ends up with her unwittingly waving her ass in Setsuna's face, which nearly gives her a heart attack.
    • It also appears that Asuna does this to Setsuna here by touching her wings a certain way.
    • Negi checking Asuna's temperature while she's under the effects of a Love Potion.
  • In chapter 39 of Kodomo no Jikan, Aoki-sensei is showing the kids how to calm a cow and milk it - which entails calling its name in a low and soothing manner - while a bra-less (broke it early in the chapter) Houin-sensei stares nervously. It makes her become increasingly turned-on as her crush massages and squeezes the teats of the cow, which shares her given name.
  • In Axis Powers Hetalia the Italy brothers have curls that act as erogenous zones. Germany is shown pulling on Italy's more than once without having the slightest idea of the reaction it causes. Given their status as Official Couple, this is to be expected.
    • Spain with Romano. At one point he pulls on Romano's curl to get his attention, not knowing that it only serves to make Romano more distracted. Romano immediately freaks out thinking that Spain is a pervert.
  • The Tyrant Falls in Love: What should have been a simple haircut becomes a test of Morinaga's self-control when he discovers highly sensitive areas around Souichi's ear; areas which he could conceivably put to good use. His will finally cracks when he tells Souichi to close his eyes and tilt his face upward so that he can snip his bangs...only to find that he's inadvertently set Souichi up into the perfect posture for a kiss. Souichi himself has fallen victim to this trope at least once, when Morinaga's efforts not to jump him only ended up turning him on instead.
  • In chapter 200 of Ah! My Goddess, in which the personification of a dimensional gate asks Keichi to unlock her with a very big key. Various other characters comment on what their dialogue sounds like.
  • Genkaku from Deadman Wonderland gets incredibly turned on by Nagi killing people, including an instance where it's made obvious he gets a hard-on from Nagi crushing some poor guy's skull.
  • Whenever Train from Black Cat kills or is about to kill someone, an unfortunate byproduct is Creed getting incredibly aroused. When Creed starts displaying his... * ahem* happiness more openly, Train gets very disturbed.
    • It's especially weird in an anime-only Train smashes Creed's, er, sword with his gun, and Creed lies there mumbling, "That's it... it's shocking..." with tears in his eyes. Train seems deeply creeped out by this response.
  • Hayate the Combat Butler's title character does this all the time to Nagi. Also to the other girls in his Unwanted Harem. Hell, an entire chapter was devoted to him unwittingly doing this to various female classmates.
  • Pick a scene involving Naruto and Hinata. Chances are this trope has been invoked.
  • This trope is the ever present peril in Chibi Vampire (At least the first dozen chapters or so).
  • Omamori Himari offers a strange example: Shama bites Yuuto's neck and drinks his blood. Next frame, we see Shama panting in pleasure, fondling her own breasts with one hand and trying desperately to not put the other one between her legs and satisfy herself. Or rape him right there, for that matter. And Yuuto? Unconscious on the floor. Seems his blood is waaaaay too delicious and arousing for demons. And that's a demon hunter we're talking about...
    • Makes a certain kind of sense. Such appealing targets would naturally be sought out first, naturally leading to training. In terms of the present day, it draws the various youkai to those that can handle it, instead of letting them prey on others.
  • In Full Metal Panic!, Sousuke might as well be called a human aphrodisiac. This trope is such a common occurrence with Sousuke, with him not even realizing that he's doing something to make his admirers' hearts beat faster. It most commonly occurs with Kaname (including an instance where he accidentally touched her breast, which resulted in her getting really turned on, an instance where she misunderstood that he was going to kiss her, an instance where she misunderstood his proposition to her as wanting to have sex with her, and an instance where she got turned on seeing him asleep, and had a hard time resisting not kissing his soft lips while he was asleep). He tends to have this effect on Tessa, during the fewer times when he interacts with her, as well. And during Fumoffu, his admirer Ena Saeki confesses that watching him work so diligently "made her heart beat out of her chest" (though the things he was working diligently on were planting land mines in the school). And then there's how he accidentally managed to turn Gauron on immensely during their first meeting when Sousuke was twelve... simply by Sousuke killing soldiers and looking at Gauron with his "beautiful" eyes. Which had disastrous results for Sousuke in the long run. Later, it's even revealed that Sousuke unknowingly turned Gauron on yet again, as Gauron reveals to him that during their fight in Khanka, he was so pleased that Sousuke still had such beautiful eyes, and he "really wanted to fuck him up the ass."
  • In episode 5 of Macross Frontier, Alto and Sheryl wind up hiding together in a single locker of the men's locker room - positioned so that their legs are intermingling and Sheryl's...*ahem* is brushing up against Alto's hip. Unintentionally intimate enough as it is already, Alto's phone goes off...and it's on vibrate. Thank God that Sheryl is a practitioner of The Modest Orgasm.
  • In Midori no Hibi, Seiji unknowingly turns Kouta on a lot when he sucks Kouta's injured finger. It's all enough to make Midori feel very uneasy...
  • Natsuru does this to Akane in Kämpfer absolutely constantly.
  • Rito of To LOVE-Ru does this to a great many of the girls, but the stand-out case is most probably Mikan in Darkness, where a Headbutt Thermometer leads to what is most definitely an orgasm in the uncensored volume.
  • Occurs between Shion and Nezumi in No. 6 volume 5 of the novel.

Comic Books

  • Dick Grayson, former Nightwing and current Batman, is guilty of this to a ridiculous degree. At one point in his publication had six simultaneous acknowledged love interests, and has been referred to as a "factory for broken hearts."
  • Green Arrow has inspired this a few times. Both of them, come to that. Recently, one of Green Arrow's villains was on the business end of a Green Arrow Accidental Seduction when he saved her life—she decided to fixate on him and become an insane Stalker with a Crush. As you do.
  • When this happens to Spider-Man, it usually goes on to blow up in his face. Women occasionally fall for Peter Parker's dorky charms without him realizing it, and then when he has to go out and be Spider-Man or pursue his acknowledged love interests, the women resent him for it.

Fan Fiction

  • Take any fanfiction where you have characters with sexual tension and at one point there is going to be a moment that turns the two of them on. Hot, passionate sex is optional.
  • In A Day Indoors by Ambrant Arandel, Kotaro accidentally gets Natsumi, Chizuru, and Ayaka all hot and bothered without meaning to or even knowing he did it.
  • Played with in an Artemis Fowl fanfic where Holly and Artemis are discussing something while her headset is on (meaning, in this case, that Foaly and the majority of the LEPrecon can hear her). She asks a question, which inevitably leads to Artemis diving into a complex answer. About two sentences in, she irritably mutters, "I didn't mean to turn you on," referring to his habit of going into overly-detailed explanations. Recon, being the perverts they are, mistake it for this trope and burst out laughing. Embarrassed, she starts yelling at them (quite loudly) about what perverts they are and how no, she didn't turn Artemis on that way. Artemis stares blandly at her until she's finished and says something deadpan.
  • In some of Chance Encounter 2 and almost all of 3, Balian is this to Cassandra. Everything he does makes her love him more, and, Balian being Balian, he is totally oblivious until he is told. Whereupon he goes bright red.
  • The Harry Potter Fanfic Semantics (probably) subverted this trope. Most of the fic revolves around Harry struggling with an attraction to Hermione, not helped by the fact that every other thing that comes out of her mouth seems to be Accidental Innuendo, and it suddenly seems like she eats everything in an erotic way, unknowingly of course. At the end of the fic, after Harry's given in and jumped Hermione, it's revealed that she was doing it all on purpose to entice him.


"Are you ready, my dear? This is it; Elevate me."
"Now ... right here?"
"Yes, yes! Raise the platform!"
"Oh! Ze platform, Ja!"

  • The 1997 film of Lolita is full of examples of this between Humbert and Lolita (though later on it appears that Lolita started doing it more on purpose...).
  • Some Like It Hot features a memorable scene where Marilyn Monroe sneaks squeezes half-naked into Jack Lemmon's train berth late one night, completely unaware that her new friend "Daphne" is really a guy in drag running from the mob. Hilarity Ensues as he desperately struggles to stay in character.
  • A byproduct of the lycanthropic curse in the aptly named film Cursed causes those around them to be extremely attracted to the one who is cursed. The newly cursed protagonist Ellie especially notices this with a male assistant of hers, and her brother Jessie is surprised when it happens to Bo... neither of which the siblings had any intention in pursuing.


  • Twilight: Edward just doesn't see how dazzling he is. Bella is happy to tell him.
    • Bella arguably does the same thing with Jacob in their first encounter. Her attempts at flirting to find out more about the Cullens are a little too effective.
  • In the Outlander series, Jamie Fraser proves himself something of a master of this trope with Lord John. Isn't his fault that the man has a thing for older guys, amicable chess games and good Lord, that accent. (Unfortunately, when Jamie figures this out, his reaction is not a particularly happy one.)
    • Also, both in A Breath Of Snow And Ashes—Lizzie is having a seizure, and of course Kezzie and Jo have to help her out, right? Of course, Lizzie's treatment borders on Intimate Healing... Whoops. And Phaedre ends up accidentally turning on Duncan by way of breakfast and some involuntary physical reactions to appealing young women leaning over one in bed early in the morning.
  • Phedre in Kushiel's Legacy is an anguisette and cursed to feel pain and pleasure as one. Any bit of pain will register as pleasure for her. So when she had to get her marque(read tattoo that covers most of her back) worked on she was reduced to an orgasm laden mess.
    • The guy doing the job even complains about how annoying it is to work on someone who is constantly writhing in ecstasy while he's trying to apply the tattoo, just like his grandfather (who did the last anquisette's marque) told him.

Live Action TV

  • In the Seinfeld episode "The Tape", after hearing a sexy (but joking) voice message from Elaine, George finds he can no longer even sit in a car with her without feelings of The Urge.
  • An episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 began with Mike and the Bots accidentally turning each other on by greeting each other, apologizing for turning each other on (while being very bitter about it), telling the viewers that they'll be right back... Pearl eventually tells them that they "couldn't turn [her] on with a dozen naked Gerardos and Fabio in tight leather pants. ... Where was I?"
  • The entire relationship between Daphne and Niles on Frasier seems to be based on this trope. For the first six seasons, Daphne had this effect on Niles. Then, in the seventh season, he got over her - just in time for her to discover his feelings, fall in love with him in return, and suffer through this trope herself.
  • Bruno does this to Kerry in an episode of 8 Simple Rules. Note that he does try to seduce her, he just doesn't know that it's working.
  • An episode of Friends showed Monica making "sex noises" when Phoebe gave her a massage.
  • In the Married... with Children episode "A Little of the Top", Al was accidentally circumcised and had to abstain from sex for a while. Usually, he found the idea of sex with his wife repulsive, but then - probably due to Forbidden Fruit effect - everything she did turned him on.
    • Also anytime she actually cleans, he can't help but get horny from the rare sight.
  • In Doctor Who, the Doctor definitely has his moments of this in the new series. He's done it to both Martha and Amy- even claiming to the latter he's like a Space Gandalf- but whether its because of repressed feelings or him just being clueless is up for debate. Its probably a mixture of both.
  • Very much Played for Drama in the Buffy episode Amends. The First Evil is trying to make Angel feed on Buffy. When he sees her the way she looks and acts is enough to make most red blooded males jump her bones, or in Angel's case neck. He instead does the equivalent of jumping in a cold shower: jumping out her bedroom window so he won't be tempted.

Video Games

  • In Metal Gear Solid 3, it probably wasn't Big Boss' intention to get Ocelot turned on to torture when he pissed his pants and got his eye shot out. Poor Solid Snake had to suffer for that.
    • Big Boss at least did mean for Ocelot to handle his gun fighting technique in a more efficient manner, he didn't however intend for Ocelot to enjoy reloading his gun in combat so much.
  • During one scene Tao's story mode in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift, Tao goes to retrieve the resident nurse Litchi Faye-Ling from her clinic. Tao's standard greeting of "Boobie Lady" is a Skinship Grope, and she proceeds to feel up the first person she meets- Bang Shishigami. His reaction is, predictably, explosive.

Web Comics

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