< IT


  • Complete Monster: IT, obviously.
  • Compressed Adaptation: The movie. It's pretty hard to stuff over a thousand pages of story into a movie. Most agree that Tim Curry was memorable as Pennywise, however.
  • Everybody Remembers the Stripper: The sewer sex.
  • Freud Was Right: It is implied that Beverly's father was attracted to her.
  • Fridge Logic: One could argue that the whole concept of IT is sort of an Evil Counterpart to the Christian Trinity. There's the "Father" (IT's Giant Spider form), the "Son" (Pennywise, who is IT in "human" form), and the Unholy Spirit (the deadlights, IT's spiritual form).
  • Foe Yay: It's movie only, but the scene where Adult Ben thinks he's kissing Beverly when it turns out to be It in drag, who then shouts "Kiss me, fat boy!"
  • Ham and Cheese: While Tim Curry's performance as Pennywise, in the movie, is viewed as pretty scary by many, he also gives it a healthy dose of this, and it is ever so glorious.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Any scene in the TV movie with Pennywise is scary, especially if you are afraid of clowns. Tim Curry did a good job at being a Monster Clown in that movie.
    • Nightmare Retardant: Whenever he goes over-the-top and silly. "Excuse me sir, do you have Prince Albert in a can? You do? Well ya better let the poor guy out! WAHA! WAHA! WAHA! WAHA!"
  • Narm: Many scenes, but "Kiss me, fat boy." is probably the narmiest.
    • Also "Why is it so mean?"
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Pennywise is played by Tim Curry. The monster is revealed, at the end of the book to be female. Tim Curry is therefore, once again, playing a transvestite.
  • Ho Yay: Henry and Patrick alone in the town dump...
  • Magnificent Bastard: Pennywise.
  • Memetic Molester: Guess.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Henry almost crosses this when he begins to carve his name into Ben's stomach with a switchblade, and then does cross it when he murders his father in his sleep with a razor IT gave him and then goes off to try and murder the Losers one by one as payback for the rock fight.
    • Patrick crossed it when he smothered his baby brother.
    • IT itself, being a serial child murderer and psychological tormentor of humans, already lives far on the other side of this.
  • Special Effects Failure: IT's spider-form at the end of the movie. The true metaphysical nature of IT is only vaguely referenced. It looks very cheap and results in quite an Anticlimax. To be fair, the cosmic elements of the novel would be tough to replicate on the screen. The animatronic effects too.
  • The Woobie: Every one of the Losers qualifies, with the possible exception of Richie.
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