< IT
The characters present in Stephen King's IT.
Main Characters
The Losers Club
- All Grown Up!: The Losers' Club members as adults, but especially Beverly Marsh and Ben Hanscom.
- Seven Man Band:
- The Hero: Bill Denbrough
- The Lancer: Richie Tozier
- The Smart Guy: Stan Uris
- The Big Guy: Ben Hanscom
- The Chick: Beverly Marsh
- The Sixth Ranger: Mike Hanlon
- The Quiet One: Eddie Kasprak
- Five-Token Band: The Losers' Club is a Seven Token Band.
- Heroes Want Redheads: Yes, all of them want and have sex with Beverly.
- The Magnificent Seven Samurai
- The Power of Friendship
- True Companions
- Victory-Guided Amnesia: Except for Mike, all of the children completely forget their victory and spend most of the adults' portion of the novel trying to remember. After their second victory, they all begin to forget.
Bill Denbrough (aka "Stuttering Bill"; "Big Bill")
- Author Avatar
- Dead Little Brother
- Determinator: Bill won't let anything stop him from getting justice (or revenge) for Georgie's death.
- The Hero
- Heroes Want Redheads: Young Bill and Beverly, both redheads, have a mutual crush. Adult Bill also ends up marrying a redheaded actress called Audra.
- It's All My Fault
- Stuttering Into Eloquence: In key moments.
- Verbal Tic: Bill's stuttering.
- You Killed My Brother: "You killed my brother Georgie, you bastard! Let's see you now!"
Ben Hanscom (aka "Haystack")
- Berserk Button: Hit Beverly Marsh with a rock, and you will feel his wrath.
- The Big Guy
- Determinator: When he decided to lose weight.
- Disappeared Dad
- Dogged Nice Guy: to Beverly Marsh.
- Hollywood Pudgy: At least in the film.
- Scars Are Forever: Zig-zagged. Henry cut an H into Ben's belly when they were kids, and a much deeper scar was inflicted on him a little later. The H scar stayed (and became a neat pub story) but the deeper scar faded away after they left Derry. When IT resurfaced and the Losers started being drawn back to Derry, the scar reappeared.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: for Beverly.
Beverly Marsh/Rogan
- Abusive Parents: Beverly's father
- Action Girl
- The Chick
- Domestic Abuser: Beverly's husband Tom.
- Heroes Want Redheads: All the male Losers are romantically attracted to Beverly at some point, as is Beverly herself to Bill and they all have sex with her - although Ben becomes a couple with her at the end.
- Like Parent, Like Spouse: Beverly essentially married a carbon copy of her father.
- Redheaded Hero
- The Smurfette Principle
- Victorious Childhood Friend: for Ben.
Eddie Kaspbrak
- Abusive Parents: Eddie Kaspbrak's mother (even if she didn't mean it that way).
- Berserk Button: See Calling The Old Lady Out.
- Butt Monkey: He grows up as a stereotypical fragile, allergic-to-everything mama's boy, gets his arm broken by Henry and pals, and marries an overbearing carbon copy of his mother.
- It's even worse in the movie, where he never stops living with his mom and dies a 40-year-old virgin.
- Calling The Old Lady Out: Eddie is pissed when he's in the hospital and his mother sends his friends away. She is actually frightened of him for a moment. Note that this is the only time he ever stands up to his mother.
- Disappeared Dad
- Go Out with a Smile
- Died Mid-Sentence: "Richie, don't call me Eds. You know I...I..."
- Killed Off for Real
- Like Parent, Like Spouse: Eddie married a woman like her mother. He very much realized it, but still couldn't do anything about it.
- My Beloved Smother: Eddie's mother.
Richie Tozier (aka "Trashmouth")
- The Lancer
- Man of a Thousand Voices: As an adult. As a child, he only thinks he's one.
- Mouthy Kid
- Nerd Glasses
Mike Hanlon
Stan Uris
- Driven to Suicide: Stan couldn't go back and face IT again as an adult.
- Informed Judaism
- Skepticism Failure: Stan is the last of The Losers' Club members to recognize IT's existence.
- The Smart Guy
Main Antagonists
- [[Ax Crazy]: A sadistic, homicidal entity that kills people and eats children like candy.
- Badass Boast
- Big Bad: The main antagonist of Derry, both directly and indirectly.
- Child-Hater: IT really hates the Losers' Club.
- Child Eater: IT prefers to munch on children because their imaginations and emotions are more vivid (read:juicy).
- Dirty Coward: As terrifying as its illusions are, IT is ironically a cringing creep.
- Eldritch Abomination: Its true form is actually a "spider" or at least the closest thing the human mind can comprehend.
- Faux Affably Evil: To the kids.
- Giant Spider: Not IT's true form, but probably as close to it as any human is able to perceive.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: IT shares the weaknesses of whatever form IT takes. Also, if several people all perceive IT as one form and think of IT in that form hard enough, IT becomes "mode-locked" and unable to change.
- Humanoid Abomination: Initially what Pennywise appears to be.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: In the book, its possibly only redeeming quality is that that he kills off Patrick who tortures and kills things for amusement.
- Knight of Cerebus
- Light Is Not Good: The Deadlights, Its true form.
- Load-Bearing Boss: After IT is finally defeated, a flood destroys much of Derry later that year. It's implied that IT had allowed the town to exist in exchange for providing IT victims every 27 years.
- Monster Clown: IT's primary form, Pennywise The Dancing Clown.
- Monster Is a Mommy: IT is female and protecting its eggs. Unlike most examples, however, it only makes things worse.
- Not Quite Dead: Pennywise appears in other novels featuring Derry, including some set after IT, and is mentioned in the Dark Tower series.
- One-Winged Angel: IT's Giant Spider form.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Pennywise/the Spider and the Turtle. One actively hunts down and eats human children while the other just sits on the edge of forever, seeing it all happen and "helping" the Losers during their first confrontation with It. The Spider berates it for just sitting there, offering seemingly useless advice. That the Spider's eyes are described as ruby-red while the Turtle's shell is some blueish-greenish color also reinforces the trope.
- Shapeshifter Mode Lock: Happens to IT when the entire Losers' Club perceives it as a Giant Spider.
- This Was His True Form: The Deadlights.
- Would Hurt a Child
Henry's gang
Henry Bowers
- Abusive Parents: Henry's father
- The Bully
- The Dragon: To IT/Pennywise.
- Even Evil Has Standards: He is visibly disturbed by Patrick Hocksetter's hobby of torturing and killing animals.
- Freudian Excuse: His father is abusive and racist.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Henry is killed by his own switchblade.
- Jerkass: At least initially. It quickly becomes evident that it's much more serious than that.
- Knife Nut: He Owns a Switchblade Knife.
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: Jarred Blancard as Young Henry Bowers. According to the DVD commentary he felt really bad for having to use the N word and couldn't be more apologetic to Marlon Taylor (Young Mike) after they finished filming the scene.
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: Henry Bowers is misogynist, sexist, racist, homophobic, and an anti-semitic.
- Schoolyard Bully All Grown Up: After spending many years in psychiatric hospital, Henry Bowers escapes with IT's help and almost kills Mike Hanlon.
- The Sociopath
- Would Hit a Girl
Victor Criss
- The Dragon: To Henry.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Victor is fine with beating up smaller kids for fun, but shocked by some of Henry's actions (such as trying to carve his name on Ben's stomach with a knife).
- Noble Demon: Not a completely straight example, but, he has some shades of it. He has no problem beating other kids up, but, he will never go as far as to do permanent damage to them. While being chased by Henry's gang before the Rock Fight, even Mike acknowledges that out of all of them, at least Victor doesn't want to do him any serious harm.
- Only Sane Man: Victor is among the first to realize just how far off the deep end Henry is going, and likely the first to do so on the bad side.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Although never acknowledged as equals, he is the Blue to Henry's Red. This is especially clear in the Rock Fight. Henry got hotheaded, and only got himself hurt even further. Victor kept his cool, and was able to take all the damage Henry's Gang suffered, and return it in kind back to the Losers by himself.
Belch Huggins
- The Brute
- Even Evil Has Standards
- Heroic Sacrifice: After killing Victor IT goes after Henry, but Belch defends his friend by attacking It. However, Henry leaves Belch to fight It alone, though It easily overpowers him and tears half of his face off.
Patrick Hocksetter
- Depraved Bisexual: Fondles the girls in his class, masturbates Henry and offers him oral sex.
- Enfant Terrible: He murdered his baby brother when he was younger.
- One-Scene Wonder: His single appearance is one of the scariest things in the whole book.
- The Sociopath: Even moreso than Henry. He thinks that he's the only real person in the universe (Solipsism), and the only thing that can excite him is killing and torturing other creatures.
Supporting cast
Derry schoolchildren
Derry Adults
Non-Derry residents
Tom Rogan
- Abusive Parents: His mother.
- Domestic Abuser
- The Dragon: Briefly becomes this to IT/Pennywise.
- Jerkass
- Would Hit a Girl
Christine is a car that debuted in the novel Christine. She only appears briefly in the story to help Henry Bowers get to the Loser's hotel.
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