

Hyadain is a Japanese composer, singer and arranger, well known for his work on game music, with often very liberal (and frequently hilarious) interpretations of characters in the games. He posts all his work on both Nicovideo and Youtube.

His most famous works are probably the various songs he did for Mega Man 2 (7 out of 8 Robot Masters, so far), where each Robot Master sings a song basically professing his love to Mega Man (except for Bubbleman, who's just incredibly lonely, and Heatman...who just seems to be a giant man-slut). He also has a large number of songs that are arrangements of various Dragon Quest songs (and as a bit of trivia, his nickname is derived from the Japanese spell name of "Kacrack"). He switches between a good number of styles, though the majority of his songs are intended to be funny or cutesy, he can also do heart-wrenching ballads and darker-themed songs. He also sang a good number of covers of old anime songs.

He does all the voices himself, using computer editing to make the female voices.

He eventually revealed on his blog that he is in fact Kenichi Maeyamada, a professional composer in the Japanese industry (which was suspected by a good many of us due to the incredible quality of his work). He has worked on a lot of Japanese anime openings (such as Share The World, the 10th One Piece opening, or the opening of Nichijou). His professional website lists his complete discography outside of his game music arrangements.

Hyadain provides examples of the following tropes:
  • Call Back: Each of the Mega Man 2 songs (excluding the first, for reasons about to be made fairly obvious) contains a brief sample of the song that came before it towards the end of them, with varying degrees of subtlety.
  • Christmas in Japan: His "Xmas? I don't know such a thing!!" is about being alone on Christmas.
  • Cross-Dressing Voices
  • Everyone Is Gay: The Mega Man 2 series of songs.
  • Foe Yay: A strong subtext (or more than subtext) in most of his Mega Man 2 songs.
  • Gratuitous English: His English seems pretty good, but that's not saying a whole lot.
  • Ho Yay: A good number of his songs (particularly his series of Mega Man songs, but also his Goemon and Final Fantasy 4 tracks) basically turns some or all of the characters gay. He has also done a song about two good friends, one of whom has just gotten a girlfriend, who may have feelings for each other.
    • Eloquently put by a certain Youtube commenter...
      • Crashman - Flaming homo.
      • Flashman - Romantic homo.
      • Quickman- Unsure/Coming out of the closet.
      • Metalman - Bisexual (we think).
      • Bubbleman - Lonely (desperate for anyone).
      • Heatman - Horny PIMP Daddy who apparently wants as much ass as possible. Sexuality? Well... we know he likes girls, at least, but...
    • Les Yay- Barbariccia in his Final Fantasy IV video.
  • Larynx Dissonance
  • Stupid Sexy Flanders: A lot of people don't know that the "sexy woman" is actually just Hyadain with a voice program (likely to be Melodyne).
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