< Hulk Vs

Hulk Vs/Headscratchers

  • So, Word of God says this video takes place in the same universe as Wolverine and the X-Men. It also says that The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes takes place in that universe. Does it seem more likely that Hulk vs. Thor takes place before or after the founding of the Avengers? On one hand, you have Thor, Loki, and Amora knowing about Bruce Banner being the Hulk, but you also have the fact that Loki's not undergoing the punishment dealt to him at the end of "A Day Unlike Any Other".
    • I don't see how this works. Thor did not know the Hulk until meeting him on the Avengers so if it took place in that universe it would be after the Avengers. Yet the Warriors Three did not recognize the Hulk despite meeting him in the Avengers. Given also the radically different geography of Asgard being portrayed on a mountain in Hulk vs and a flat plain in Avengers and they cannot be in the same universe despite what Word of God says. Its a poor attempt to mash the two together.
  • Why does Hulk actively go after midgard after defeating Thor? instead of doing his usual I just want to be alone routine.
    • I think you mean after Odin. Truthfully, like a lot of things in this video it makes little sense. Why did Thor just lay there and let Hulk pound on him while on the steps? Why didn't anyone just move Odin? What happened to those mages who were shown in the defense of Asgard? Of all his magic and tricks, why did Loki only restrain the Hulk so Thor could shoot more lighting at him when that did squat just a few moments ago? Why did Thor in the middle of a desperate battle bother putting his helmet back on? Why did Hela stand aside and do nothing when her death touch might have worked? Going by commentary and interviews this was little more than a story to show Thor getting his butt kicked. A reoccurring theme in Chris Yost's work.
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