< Hulk Vs

Hulk Vs/Funny

  • Deadpool crawls out of wreckage*

Deadpool: ...I can't believe it! I'm alive! I'm aliiiiiiiiiiii-!!

  • Gets stomped on in passing by The Hulk's super leap*

'pool: ...ow...

    • Way to make me nearly drown on dry land, fellas.
  • All of Deadpool's dialogue.
    • "Noooooooo...Thaaaaaat waaaaaaas my favoriiite gunnnnnn!"
    • "Logan, buddy! It's me, Deadpool! I shot yooooou. :D"
    • "Hey, do you still have that indestructible skull?"
      • *metallic ping* "OWW! Dammit..!"
    • "Who wants snacks? YOU DO!"
    • Though arguably, he may have crossed a line with:

Deadpool: What do you say after the mission, we kill all those floating babies?

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