< How It Should Have Ended

How It Should Have Ended/YMMV

  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The rap-style synopsis of Tron.
  • Dude, Not Funny: The hit on Toy Story 3 could be seen like this.
  • Ear Worm: "Spider-Man! He's the man with a plan!"
    • "I'm just a lonely zombie / I'm just a lonely zombie / In this hallway / Wishing I could eat some brains / Some brains"
  • Fridge Logic: Sometimes lampshaded.
  • Internet Backdraft: Parodied in the episode where the Enterprise goes through a black hole and immediately gets destroyed by the the Death Star. Vader's comment? "Oh, we are going to get so much crap for that." Trekkies get their own moment to cheer, however, when Old Spock shows up out of nowhere and puts the Vulcan Nerve Pinch on Vader. (Complete with a Big No from Vader.)
  • Shallow Parody: Mostly averted, but in the Aliens parody, the trio decide to shoot the Xenomorph Queen once they realize she's onboard. While Newt does parody her famous line ("You're mostly dead now...mostly."), considering she has acidic blood that could burn through the hull of the ship, that would have never been a good idea to dispose of her.
  • Squick: Grendel's mother in Beowulf, um, bubbles from a wrong location.
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