< Housepets
Peanut Butter Sandwich
- Completely Missing the Point: here
- Dogs Are Dumb
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Peanut does so here regarding a common fan reaction to the type of plot that was being lead into.
Grape Jelly Sandwich
- Broken Pedestal
- Cats Are Snarkers: Certainly true of Grape.
- Cat Up a Tree: Grape at least once.
- Cheshire Cat Grin: A possible side-effect for dating Maxwell.
- Improbable Weapon User: Grape once threatened to stab Maxwell with a sharpened candy cane.
- Killer Rabbit: Although Grape can have a short temper at times (especially when her naps are interrupted), she always approaches acts of violence with a straight face.
- Like when she hit Bino over the head with a frying pan during one of his paranoid tirades.
- Or when she ate the leader of some revolutionary Communist mice.
- Or when she threatened King for flirting with Peanut's girlfriend, Tarot.
- She's also threatened to "balance out" Maxwell's ears if he gets too fresh with her. If you've seen his ears, you can probably guess what that entails.
- And then she once threatened to shiv Maxwell with a candy cane.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Grape fears she may have pulled this herself after accusing the "author" of the Pridelands series of exploiting the work of her cat (the actual author of the series).
- Tomboy: the comic was a good few months old before anyone realized Grape was female, much to her annoyance. The revelation didn't change her interactions with anyone except Peanut and Max.
- Lampshaded and punned here.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair: Practically all pets have a natural fur color. But Grape's is purple.
Mr. & Mrs. Sandwich
- The Faceless: As with other humans, their faces are almost never seen.
- Green-Eyed Monster: It's fitting Bino has green eyes, because he gets jealous over Sasha quite often. He also has a particularly evil-looking jealous stare.
- Jerkass
- Chick Magnet: Especially after he graduates the K-9 police academy.
- Interspecies Romance: With Sabrina.
- Hammerspace: Fox seems to at least be able to hold an entire wallet in his bandana
- Gratuitous Japanese: Earl Sandwich even mentions the trope by name, saying that Itsuki can keep using it because it's cute.
King/Joel Zechariah Richardson
- Attractive Bent Species: King, who had been involuntarily changed from a human known as Joel to a Welsh Corgi, is said by Fox, to have the potential to "be a real ladykiller". Later, said changed character is seen hitting on several female canine characters, albeit under the influence of orange soda. Duchess refers to him as "mouth-frothingly adorable".
- Chick Magnet: Fox has said King has potential to be such.
- Easy Amnesia: Averted and Lampshaded in this comic.
- Karmic Transformation: Joel, the guy from PETA, into King, a dog (Readers immediately Squee over his new form.)
- With the way the initial plotline unfolds, it almost acts as a deconstruction of It's a Wonderful Plot.
- Implied to be invoked by Pete for his own purposes
- With the way the initial plotline unfolds, it almost acts as a deconstruction of It's a Wonderful Plot.
- Non Sequitur Thud: "Oh, hello Mr. Elephant, let's take a walk down to the gumdrop lake."
- Precision F-Strike: a censored version, during the 2009 Christmas arc. Then a second one. And a third. So far, King seems to be the only character allowed to swear on-screen.
- Shapeshifting Squick: All the King shippers seem to forget and/or ignore he was originally a human.
- Cats Have Nine Lives: Implied.
- Cheshire Cat Grin: He loves to do this whenever he's trying to drive a point home. Which is alot.
- Ear Ache: The bite mark on his right ear. It's currently unknown how he received it.
- Scare'Em Straight: This is what happens to Max after a night in a haunted house. Compared to the other things being done to scare the others that night...
- Jerkass Gods: Pete may be godlike. Who knows other than Rick? But he's "kind of a jerk".
- Would Hit a Girl: here. It's his ex(es)
- Ascended Extra: Sabrina used to appear very rarely, now she appears a LOT more
- Friend to All Living Things: Sabrina
- Magical Girlfriend: to Fido
- Sabrina is capable of bold text on a Ouija board.
- Abusive Parents: "Daddy" locks her out of the house pretty frequently, even in winter. The implications here are also grim when you think about it.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Sasha has this personality at times. Though, this page suggests some may be an act.
- Genius Ditz: Either this, or she's practicing Obfuscating Stupidity, as she was able to compose a sonata in her head without ever sitting down at a piano, and knew all along that her boyfriend Bino was regifting her, after spending a good while acting like his presents were the best things ever.
- Idiot Savant: If Sasha is as stupid as others say, she's this.
- Obfuscating Insanity/Obfuscating Stupidity: Evidence supporting both has been provided in various places
- Stepford Smiler: Shades of type A with a heavy helping of denial. She comes off as an airhead most of the time, but is cheerful and friendly with all the other pets and mainly serves as comic relief. Then on Christmas Eve, we get this:
King: "Aren't you going to go home?"
Sasha: "No, Daddy locked me out again 'cause I didn't get him any babes at the party. I think he just forgets when he's mad."
- Adorkable: here
- Broken Pedestal: Played with and mostly subverted. While his owner does take credit for his work, Res wants it that way due to being very shy.
- Real Men Wear Pink: One of the biggest and strongest dogs, he's seen baking cookies in a holiday arc.
- He also liked the Fictional Document mentioned here.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons
- Magical Girlfriend: To Peanut
- Psychic Link: Tarot has imprinted on Peanut. May upgrade to Mindlink Mates in the future, but not quite yet.
- Strange Girl
- All of the Other Reindeer
- Berserk Button: As a dog, he's rather tired of the cat jokes directed at him.
Tiger: Ha! I will never get tired of how you and the other dogs point out that my name is in fact that of a large cat, and that I hang out with a cat!
Both: Hahahahahahaha!
Tiger: I will kill you!!! I will kill your whole family!!!
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Tiger's Freudian Excuse for his Berserk Button being making fun of his name. He's a dog.
- Rich Bitch: Literally.
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