< Horatio Hornblower (TV series)

Horatio Hornblower (TV series)/Heartwarming


  • "'Tweren't Horny's fault."
  • If you don't even wibble at the end of Commodore, you may be a robot.
  • Every time Hornblower is reminded that people actually like him, and every time Bush worries about his health.
  • Bush's outrage over Hornblower's poverty at the end of Lieutenant Hornblower, to the extent that he tries to give him his own pay, despite the hardship that it will cause to himself.
  • A tipsy Bush visiting Hornblower at home in Hornblower and the Hotspur after Hornblower knowingly removes the ship from a battle that would gain him a fortune in prize money to prevent a French ship from preventing the battle at all. It turns out that none of the captains profited from it, thanks to some Admiralty red tape.

"So we didn't lose anything on account of your noble action. Noble--I've always wanted to tell you it was noble, sir."

  • Hornblower worrying over Bush's condition in Flying Colours (in an inversion of their usual position).

Hornblower TV series

  • In "The Mutiny," Kennedy instructing and comforting Wellard after the latter has been whipped by Captain Sawyer. Remembering what Kennedy suffered in the earlier movies, it's quite nice to see him helping a middie in a similarly bad situation. It's a short scene, and the boy gets whipped again not long after, but still.
  • Horatio's promotion in "The Duchess and the Devil." His surprised smile is too endearing for words. In the same episode, Horatio's parting words to the Duchess /Katherine Cobham in which they profess their friendship. And when Hornblower's men honour his word by returning to prison with him. And, though the entire scene is something of a Tear Jerker, Horatio telling Archie he won't survive without him.
  • Many involving Captain Pellew. Personal favourite: "We will get to Mousillac, if I have to row there myself." Followed by him doing so. Doubles as a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
  • After Pellew shoots a sadistic officer who is trying to kill Hornblower:

Master Bowles: [enthusiastically] Exceptionally fine shot sir!... [remembering his rank] ...If I may say so.
Captain Pellew: Yes you may, Master Bowles. Yes you may.

  • In 'Loyalty', when Hornblower puts across his view to Admiral Pellew that it's better to earn loyalty from the sailors than to demand it, this discussion ensues:

Admiral Pellew: When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
Hornblower: Sir?
Admiral Pellew: You know, Hornblower, it is very hard for a father to see his children grow up.

    • And true to Hornblower's character, the admission of fatherly affection goes completely over his head.
  • Pellew's speech about "a life of adventure and adversity" to Horatio at the end of "The Wrong War."
  • "Thank you, Mr Bush. But I will share the watch with you." After the initial tension between Archie and Bush, it's sweet to see the tacit acknowledgement that they've earned each other's trust and respect.

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