< Homeland
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: YMMV on these. Solid Heartwarming Moments are on their respective page.
- Saul tries to cover for Carrie in "The Vest". He finds out that Carrie has bipolar disorder.
- Dana and Brody have a small heart-to-heart talk in "Marine One". Dana discovers that Brody converted to Islam.
- Exceedingly averted at another point in "The Vest". Brody uses a family vacation to Gettysburg as a pretense to pick up the explosive vest.
- Family-Unfriendly Aesop: Used in "The Good Soldier" with Unfortunate Implications. The moral given is: "It's OK to cheat on your partner if your partner did it first." Brody and Carrie have drunken sex in the back of Carrie's car. Incidentally, Brody has had trouble getting aroused around his wife, Jessica.
- This is continued in the subsequent episode, when the affair is continued. The Aesop turns against them though. Carrie accidentally reveals something about Brody that Brody hadn't told her, thus tipping Brody to Carrie's prior spying on him. Brody thinks Carrie is a Honey Trap as a result.
- Foe Yay: Nothing subjective about it, really; Carrie goes from pumping Brody for information, to having an affair with him while she continues to investigate him, to falling in love with him.
- Tear Jerker: In the first episode, Sergeant Nicholas Brody is reunited with his family after eight years in captivity. He hugs his wife and two children in turn. His wife, Jessica, tells him his mother died four years prior to the reunion. Doubles with Mood Whiplash considering that his wife, Jessica, was in bed with Mike, Nicholas's best friend, when the call came in that her husband, presumed dead, is alive.
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