< Hitch


  • Funny Moments: Several, most notably Albert's dancing prowess and Hitch's food allergy incident. The end credits feature the entire cast dancing insanely at Albert and Allegra's wedding.
  • Heartwarming Moments: When Albert and Allegra and Hitch and Sara reconcile.
  • Moment of Awesome: Albert's display of "Shock and Awe".
  • Why Would Anyone Take Her Back?: What some people thought of the climax.
    • The Scrappy: Sara, due to directly that. Not ONCE throughout the entire movie has she shown to possess a SINGULAR kind, gentle or even remotely decent bone in her body. The only redeeming quality that this cold, arrogant, overbearing and cynical bully of a woman has is her beauty and intelligence: which should NOT be enough to win the heart of a kind-and-sensitive romantic like Hitch.
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