High School Changed Me
High School Changed Me is a Transformation Comic by Wraith and Merlin. A link to the site is here. Its sister and Spiritual Successor webcomic is MSF High.
The web comic starts as a ghost named Locke is haunting a building and playing pranks on its tenants. To this end, they hire a ghost hunter. Locke is captured in a ghost trap, but rather than spending eternity in the small box, he ends up in MSF High, a school for future heroes. He is quickly introduced to the deviling girl named Rosa Nul Valefir, and is introduced to the crazy world that is MSF High.
Please note that this comic was once rebooted, after some rather extensive Creative Differences between the artist and the author. The spiritual successor, MSF High, was also a result of these creative differences.
- Aerith and Bob: Rosa Nul Valefir.
- Artist Avatar: An unnamed True Legion serves a sort of this. However, the character has only appeared on one page, and had actually been drawing the comic.
- Because I Said So: Professor Riley’s ‘justification’ for making Rosa show Locke around.
- Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs: Locke really would rather not have a Giant Bee Vampire for a roommate.
- Butt Monkey: Locke
- Common Tongue: Lampshaded, Locke asks Rosa why this is so. Apparently, it’s just part of the school’s magic.
- Continuity Reboot: The HSCM you see is a new one. The old one was left after some rather extensive Creative Differences between the writer and the first artist.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Locke vs. Thunk the giant orc. Guess who won?
- Depending on the Artist: The artist for HSCM [Merlin] and the artist for its sister comic, MSF High [Aakashi], have very different art styles.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Rosa is not impressed with Locke's reaction to the mall.
- Efficient Displacement: Played for Laughs when Rosa uses someone else’s hole to leave a shop. Even though There Was a Door.
- Exposition Fairy: Lampshaded: Colette blurts out random facts... to stop Celeste from becoming one.
- Fun T-Shirt: Part of Locke’s Jacob Marley Apparel. The text on it reads Hug Life.
- Going Critical: Invoked by Professor Riley -- he causes another professor's watch to do this.
- Hero Academy: MSF High.
- The Hunter: A ghost hunter is called in to capture Locke.
- Identity Amnesia: Both Subverted and Lampshaded. When Locke is sent to the nurse’s office, Rosa "saves him the trouble" of asking "who am I" and similar questions... Except he didn't actually have amnesia.
- Intangible Man: Locke, as a ghost, can phase through objects, though his daily use of it is limited.
- Jacob Marley Apparel: Locke. This is, of course, lampshaded.
- Large Ham: The Ghost Hunter.
- Meaningful Name: Guess what Thunk Clobberstein likes to do?
- Melting Pot: Rosa sees MSF High as something like this.
- Mugging the Monster: Perhaps Locke shouldn’t have dumped paint on the ghost hunter.
- Mundane Utility: Teleportation will get you to the bathroom in a hurry.
- No Name Given: We still don’t know Locke’s real name.
- Only Sane Man: Locke plays this role to some degree.
- Piano Drop: What killed Locke.
- The Prankster: Locke, especially in the prologue.
- Teleporters and Transporters: Rosa can teleport.
- There Was a Door: That poor shopkeeper...
- Undignified Death: Locke died from a piano falling on him.
- Victory Pose: Professor Riley has one that isn’t all that enthusiastic.
- Word of Dante: Despite the fact that the work is more than just a fan work, a page that claims that HSCM is a prequel to MSF High has a disclaimer that it’s not a reliable source for lore.
- Your Favorite: Kasumi seems to enjoy a drink called Green Soda. Knowing this, Rosa sent Locke into her office with it to get on her good side.