< Hideto Matsumoto
Hideto Matsumoto/YMMV
- Base Breaker: Hiroshi or Yoshiki, depending on whose side of the Broken Base below that you happen to fall upon. Many Yoshiki fans are NOT huge fans of Hiroshi, and Hiroshi and the people with the most hardcore belief that Hiroshi was right in suing Yoshiki detest Yoshiki.
- Broken Base: Some X Japan fans want to see him kept front and center of X Japan. Other X Japan fans either do not or don't like the constant usage of imagery and music connected to him.
- A Broken Base also exists in regard to the hide estate itself, between Yoshiki and hide's brother Hiroshi, in regard to how hide should be memorialized and how his image and name and music should be used. Hiroshi sued Yoshiki and X Japan for 200 billion yen over their use of hide's image, and Yoshiki countersued claiming damages from Hiroshi and Headwax, Inc. A judge finally decided that Hiroshi had filed a Frivolous Lawsuit, and in turn Hiroshi withdrew the suit.
- Crazy Awesome
- Creator Worship: In some cases literally: the saner ones see him as kind of a "patron non-saint" or spirit guide of the Visual Kei and rock subcultures or as a personal spirit guide.... the less sane ones literally view him as having ascended to literal godhood somehow.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: Pick a hide live. Any tour, any song. Seriously. Nearly everything has at least one part that can be considered Crowning Music of Awesome.
- Epileptic Trees: hide is one of the reasons X Japan fandom is an Epileptic Forest.
- Estrogen Brigade: Played straight when hide was alive and performing. Averted hard by his death. Most fangirls would rather venerate him or write Yaoi Fanfic about him in the past, now, than say they wish they could sleep with him.
- Everyone Is Jesus in Purgatory: Fans often insist that "Ever Free," "Hurry Go Round," and "Rocket Dive" all were about bipolar disorder despite another explanation for hide's lyrics in those three songs, and that "Goodbye" and "Pink Spider" were suicide notes.
- Gannon Banned: DO NOT claim that hide was murdered by Yoshiki. Not only will you be Gannon Banned and seen as a Troll or Conspiracy Theorist, you will likely start off a round of Internet Backdraft that no one wants to ever see again.
- Fan Dumb: Ironically, hide attracted more Fan Dumb after his death than during his career. At one point he called fans who were hurting other fans out on his blog, but the worst Fan Dumb began to grow after he died. There are the fans who deny things he did on stage or on camera in an attempt to make him fit a "good angel" image, and the fans that bash him for things he did not actually do or say. Also, any discussion of hide's death and the circumstances around it can light up some of the worst Internet Backdraft to ever flare across wherever you are.
- Fan Nickname: "Pink Spider," bestowed on hide by Yoshiki.
- Funny Aneurysm Moment: In the Performance Video for Oblaat, he posed sticking his head through a noose and playing with it. In the Misery PV, he was "hanging" from a television tower. This later became very sad in retrospect.
- Another one: The lyrics to his solo song "Tell Me" include the line "Until I'm ashes, I won't be able to hear it." After his death, hide's body was cremated.
- Too Cool to Live: hide according to some of his fans. Somewhat subverted in that he was someone Too Cool To Die who became this trope?
- Transgender: hide possibly could have been a male to female transgendered person, and possibly alluded to this onstage and offstage. It depends on whether hide's body disgust was a result of a Freudian Excuse and bulimia, or this, and upon whether the comments made in the interviews were serious or in jest. Since neither are or ever will be known, this article and many others stick with male pronouns - but the possibility is definitely arguable.
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