Hey Arnold!/Funny
- Harvey hates the snow.
- From the same episode, the scene when the residents are moaning about the furnace breaking:
Grandpa: You call this cold? You should have been here in the winter of '49!
Mr. Hyunh: I don't care, I was in Vietnam in 1949...plus I was not born yet!
- The episode "Heat" has a number of them.
Grandma: I can't stand it Arnold! It's hotter than blazes! I'm a grandma with a husband, a young grandson, and a boarding house full of people to be responsible for.
Arnold: [to himself] This heat's so crazy it's got Grandma acting normal.
- The entire scene with the Jolly Olly man.
Helga: (climbs atop ice cream truck) We've had enough! We want our ice cream, and we want it at a price we kids can afford!
Harold: You said it, sister!
Iggy: That's right!
Helga: And if we don't get it, we're going to do something really bad!
(Crowd yells in agreement and rocks truck.)
Jolly Olly Man: Okay, okay! (thinks) You can have "Rum Raisin" for 10 [dollars].
- Eugene helping to flip the truck by trying to lift up the entire back end, straining his back in the process. So while the other kids rock and shake the truck, he spends the rest of the scene marching back and forth, clutching his back in pain.
- In "Wheezin' Ed":
Arnold: Who'd be stupid enough to make counterfeit pennies?
- And the moment shortly thereafter when they run into the counterfeiters:
Sid: AAAAAAAH it's WHEEZIN' ED! [sees henchman] And...and SOME OTHER GUY!
Curly: I say we paint ourselves with tiger stripes, and go free all the animals in the zoo!
Everyone stares at him
Helga: Fine, Curly. We'll meet you there in an hour.
Curly cheers and runs away.
Helga: "Poor twisted little freak."
- And later when he actually does it.
- Here's some good moments.
- Grandpa Phil's... embellished version of his service in WWII. He fought Hitler and gave him a wedgie! See it here.
- In the episode "Deconstructing Arnold" Helga advises Rhonda to act attracted to her Stalker with a Crush, Curly, assuming this sudden reversal will drive him away. Hilarity Ensues.
- The Gilligan Cut Running Gag gets funnier every time. This troper cannot believe that they called their go-kart "The Mauve Avenger."
Helga: There is no way I'm taking the subway. I can't believe I'm taking the subway.
Arnold: We are not calling our go-kart the Mauve Avenger. I cannot believe we called our go-kart the Mauve Avenger.
Helga: Look, I am not going go in there and tell them the truth and wind up washing dishes. I can't believe I told them the truth and I wound up washing dishes!
- Curly dropping his pencil in class with a wide grin on his face. Also, "You! The remaining corner! Now!" "Why?" "Symmetry!"
- From "Weird Cousin": "Stinky...shut up."
- From "Arnold Visits Arnie": Arnold getting embarrassed by the other kids when he shows up to the practice field in bear pajamas. Also, "But you're ARNIE'S girlfriend and, WE'RE NINE!" XD
- The following from the same episode:
Arnold: I'm supposed to visit my cousin Arnie.
Lila: Arnie? You mean, your oh so interesting and likable country cousin that looks almost exactly like you only much more attractive?
(Helga and Arnold stare at her.)
Helga: That's one twisted version of the story.
- Harold's reason why Arnie's weird: "He's always counting food instead of eating it!"
- And later:
Gerard: Eleven cents?! Boy howdy that's completely outrageous! It's unacceptable!
Kid: Quit overreacting Gerard and cool out.
- Arnold's reaction to Lulu flirtatiously winking at him: "Oh please."
- After Helga's confession in The Movie, and an awkward kiss, Arnold states he's dizzy, and needs to go lie down. Helga's response: "Wonderful...I'll go with you!"
- And let us please not forget Arnold's Grandma. "Hey! Crazy lady! Come back here with my bulldozer!!"
- From "Phoebe Cheats", Mr. Simmons reads Helga's love poem for Arnold for a poetry contest in class and its signed Anonymous. When she hears Mr. Simmons begin to read it she freaks out and slouches down in her chair prompting the following line from Stinky:
Stinky: Gosh Helga you're sliding down your chair like it was your poem or something.
- The Running Gag of Helga slugging Brainy in the face whenever he breathes down her neck. Another instance has him randomly lay his head in her lap. She responds by punching him. Also, in one episode when, instead of punching his lights out, she finally asked why in the world he's always lurking behind her (and how he finds her), his only response was to give her a ring.
- One time, Helga just walked away without punching him, causing Brainy to suffer a panic attack and then punch himself out.
- Anytime Eugene has an Epic Fail. Then there's this scene where he gets attacked by chickens. Look at Arnold in that scene, he couldn't care less!
- This excellent example of Getting Crap Past the Radar. It's in the episode Suspended.
Harold: ...Due to outside circumcisions.
Arnold: -stances!
Harold: Right, outside circumstances!
- Have you forgotten the epic of Stoop Kid?
- The ending is both this and a Crowning Moment of Awesome for him:
Harold: Little Baby Stoop Kid's Afraid to leave his stooooop! Haha!
Stoop Kid: (As Harold turns around the corner) HEY! (jumps off stoop, Harold's jaw drops) COME HERE FAT BOY! I'M GONNA ROLL YOU DOWNTOWN!
- All of Mr. Hyunh's scenes in "School Play".
Mr. Hyunh: "I will help you Arnold!"
Arnold: You, Mr. Hyunh?
Mr. Hyunh: YES! I am very dramatic!" *strikes a pose*
Phil: That's a polite word for what you are. *rimshot*
- When Helga has her Evil Laugh and chokes during it.
- The episode where they try to get into the Book of Records by making the world's biggest pizza puff.
Gerald: I hope we put in enough baking soda.
Phoebe: 150 teaspoons should be plenty.
Sid: (nervously) "Teaspoons"? I didn't know it was... "teaspoons."
Phoebe: What did you think "TSP" stood for?
(Long pause.)
Sid: Uh... ten square pounds?
Arnold: Uh oh...
Oskar: Look out, she's gonna blow!
(Pizza puff explodes.)
- The entirety of "Suspended".
- Mr. Redman's robot butler Mr. Egg Cream mistaking Grandpa Phil for Redman and offering him egg cream.
- Helga does some pretty spot on impressions of her classmates, which offends them. Phoebe suggests she do something more positive, so she writes her a REALLY CORNY poem complimenting her classmates in PAINFUL PAINFUL rhyme. It's not that funny, but the music that plays while she's reading it never fails to make me laugh.
Helga: "Curly, now there's an original kid." *weird rimshot noise*
- The episode where Arnold's grandpa thinks he's going to die.
Grandpa: I must be in Heaven now. (opens his eyes, sees Oskar) Oh no, Oskar's here! I must be in the other place!
- In the episode where Phil goes back to school, Arnold asks him where he's going in the evening with two sixth grade girls.
Phil: We're gonna sneak into a rated PG-13 movie.
Arnold: But you're 81! You can get into a PG-13 movie anytime!
- When the teachers go on strike, Principal Wartz has to teach the entire school. He tries to lead everyone in a sing-along...
Principal Wartz: And now, the left side of the room! B-I-N-G-O...
- Who can forget "Slippage"?
- In "Girl Trouble," after Phil relates how he used to be picked on by a girl in grade school the same way Helga picks on Arnold.
Arnold: That's exactly what I've been going through, Grandpa.
Phil: Uncanny, isn't it, Arnold?
- To avoid being Stuffed Into a Trashcan, Stinky hides in a trashcan.
Stinky: Talk about ironic.
- Another episode has Helga give herself a makeover, in order to make herself look more girly for Rhonda's party. When her mother opens the bathroom door and sees the finished product she gasps and faints, causing Helga to say "Maybe I should've gone a bit lighter on the eye shadow."
- Susie yelling at Oskar for not helping out around the house, especially this line.
Susie: "You expect everyone to take care of you."
Oskar: "I don't expect everyone to take care of me, just you."
- Back to Hey Arnold!