Hellstorm Evangelion
Hellstorm Evangelion is an (in)famous Neon Genesis Evangelion fanfic created by one Issei Mataloun.
Spawned a sequel, Hellstorm II : Oddly-Named Sequel 2: Electric Boogaloo (and the beginnings of another, now seemingly lost forever) and several spinoffs including Issei Strikes Back and Issei Meets The Sailir Scout Girls (sic).
All of the above except the noted second sequel can be read in MSTed form at Elmer Studios (link goes to a mirror, the old site was on the now-defunct Geocities), along with many other Eva fanfics. Links to the individual MSTings (in order of posting):
- Original fic, chapters 1-3
- Original fic, chapters 4-6 and epilogue
- Issei Strikes Back
- Hellstorm II
- Issei Meets The Sailir Scout Girls
- Hellstorm Evangelion Audiobook
- Hellstorm Evangelion II Audiobook
- Issei Strikes Back Audiobook
- Issei Meets the Sailir Scout Girls Audiobook
- As Himself: In addition to Issei, PJ, Toshi, Kimmy and Evan are all acquaintances of Issei-the-author, allegedly. Given what happens to the first two, one wonders if Real Life Writes the Plot.
- Author Appeal: As is par for the course in bad fanfic, Issei and Shinji listen to and watch what can be surmised to be the author's favorite music and anime series, despite the story taking place in 2014 when they would all be old hat and probably not on TV.
- Back from the Dead: Happens constantly.
- Big Bad: The Devil. Killed at the end of the original Hellstorm, but comes back for more in Hellstorm II
: Oddly-Named Sequel 2: Electric Boogaloo - Butt Monkey: Woodie the demon.
- Captain Obvious: Misato.
"Wow look that thing! IT'S HUGE! AND UGLY!"
- Also the narration at times:
Then issei shot him in the stomach and his guts and intestnes flew up to the seeling and splatterecd all of the place. He had killed him!.
- Casanova Wannabe: Toshi's attempt to hit on Asuka and Rei.
- Chick Magnet: Issei turns out to be one of these in Issei Meets The Sailir Scout Girls.
- Crossover: With Sailor Moon, in Issei Meets The Sailir Scout Girls.
- Demonic Possession: Asuka, Gendo and Kaji.
- Department of Redundancy Department: "Shinji didn't look at nhis dad....he HATED his dad! He didn'y want to look at him so he didn't."
- Did Not Do the Research: Tokyo-3 should be a hole in the ground, Misato and Hyuuga were not a couple and were nowhere near becoming one at the point where the fic takes place, the Angels were not literally sent by the Judeo-Christian God...
- Earthshattering Kaboom: At the end of the original.
- Everyone Is Gay: Except Misato and Hyuuga. And maybe Toshi.
- Everything's Better with Penguins: "AND PENPEN of course!!!!!"
- Eye Beams: Ramama.
- Fandom-Specific Plot: The "new pilot who is amazing at everything and hooks up with one of the existing pilots" plot is very common in Eva fanfics (and can be seen in many of the other fics MSTed by Elmer Studios.
- Fan Service: Actually foreshadowed as such.
- Girls Love: Asuka and Rei in Hellstorm II
: Oddly-Named Sequel 2: Electric Boogaloo. Later, it is revealed that Jezebel and Death used to be lovers. - God: Shows up in Hellstorm II
: Oddly-Named Sequel 2: Electric Boogaloo. - Gorn
- Gotta Catch Em All: The plot of most of Hellstorm II
: Oddly-Named Sequel 2: Electric Boogaloo. - Gratuitous Japanese
- Grim Reaper: Death, complete with Sinister Scythe. Slightly subverted when Death turns out to be female.
- Harmful to Minors: Issei - both the character and the author - is/was allegedly 12 years old. The character lost his virginity (to PJ) when they were both 10, has sex with Shinji, cheerfully engages in blood-spraying violence, etc.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Rei sacrifices her life to save Issei at the end of the original fic. She gets better.
- High-Pressure Blood
- How Do I Used Tense: Constantly, just like every other bad spelling/grammar trope.
"Finally Shinji sayed "I've have enough of this!!!""
- Improbable Age: See Harmful to Minors above (though arguably justified as Issei is an angel).
- Infinity+1 Sword: The Sword of Power (TM) and Sword of Evil.
- Informed Attribute:
"he threw a dart at him but Fiore dodgetd it and sayed “You are a mighty warrair!”"
- Kill It with Fire: The demon Gapos. Defeated by Issei by setting the coordinates of his knife to "-10000 degress".
- Large Ham: Everyone, but especially the Devil and his minions.
- Made of Explodium: Everything and everyone. See also High-Pressure Blood.
Isse got out the gun he shot asuka with and sdayed "Up yours" and shot him. Gendo's head exploded and blood went everywhere.
- Mars Needs Women: "I Love women and this one will be my bride and you cannoty have her!!!!!!!!! I AM MOXART!!!!!"
- The Mole: Toshi in Hellstorm II
: Oddly-Named Sequel 2: Electric Boogaloo. - No Punctuation Period: Frequently.
- Over Nine Thousand: "He was so mad that it made Shinji 1000000000 times stronger..."
- Police Are Useless: Against the Devil, yes, they certainly are.
"The police tryed to stop him, but they all died!!!!!!"
- Psycho Ex-Girlfriend: PJ in Issei Strikes Back is a male example.
- Rouge Angles of Satin: Averted - Issei doesn't appear to have used a spellchecker at all, resulting in the fic being filled with completely non-existent words like "sayed" and "scareder".
- Self-Insert Fic
- Wanton Cruelty to the Common Comma: Many, many examples.
- Also, Just for Pun: "asuka's in a comma"
- Why Don't Ya Just Shoot Him:
"Fiore and Issei struck they mighty karatae poses and tghen they jumped in the air and Issei took out his gun and BLEW Fiore’s head off!"
- Winged Humanoid: Issei after The Reveal that he is an angel.
- Yaoi Guys: Issei and Shinji. Also Issei and PJ, the Devil and Gendo.
The Elmer Studios MSTings provide examples of:
- And There Was Much Rejoicing: When the audience see the title of chapter 6, Death of Issei.
- Berserk Button: People not understanding Evangelion gets Tsuneo mad.
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: Dan and Tsuneo sure think so when we get to Asuka and Rei's sex scene in Hellstorm II
: Oddly-Named Sequel 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Dan: "Details! We want details!"
- Memetic Outfit: Issei's "rage against the machineshirt" (sic).
- Naughty Tentacles:
Rebecca: "The vine is planning to appear in a special version of Overfiend...I can't believe I just said that."
- Running Gag:
- The Sword of Power (TM) and Sword of Evil (TM), to the point of Memetic Mutation in later MSTings.
- Continual lampshading of the unintentional Double Entendre inherent in things/people "coming out" in a fic with so much Ho Yay.
- Shout-Out: To Manos: The Hands of Fate with the demon
TorgoAtogro. - The Un-Reveal: Not surprisingly, the audience figured out that Toshi was The Mole fairly early on in Hellstorm II
: Electric Boogaloo.