< Hellsinker


Characters from Hellsinker.


One of the three oldest Executors currently employed by the Graveyard. Although his abilities are about avarage, his experience and skill makes one of the most likley to be called in when exploring the unknown. Due to his low power, many are bewildered as to how he has always managed to get back from every mission in one piece. There is often joked about that he really is dead but lying about being alive, hence his nickname Deadliar.


One of the earlier Misteltoe models. Despite that she has been constantly upgraded in order to keep her on par with newer versions. Having clocked over 50000 workhours with Deadliar, she is unlikley to accept a new master. At times, it seems as she is the one commanding Deadliar instead of the inteanded command setup. Have gained a somewhat sharp tounge over the years thanks to Deadliars influence.

Fossil Maiden

A girl grown up in the slums of a huge ten level metropolis. Due to all the filth and pollution, her sences are extremely weak and the world is simply a muddled gray to her. She's also always seen wearing an oversized grey coat due to her having problem with her body temperature. Was later unkowingly used as a guinea pig in an experiment to test human to Misteltoe symbiosis. She was noted for having suprisingly high compatibility, and she could finnaly both see, feel and smell for the first time in what feelt like an ethernity. Her relationship with Saraga-maru is one of deep dependence and symbiosis and are now inseperable.


A special type of experimental Misteltoe used in test regarding symbiosis with humans; however, the results were unsatisfactory and was about to be repurposed for medical use. But there was a problem with this in that she had managed to synchronize with a human; however, the problem was solved when the human child made an unexpected proposition to become an Executor solved the problem. Unlike most other Misteltoes, her personality is warm and cheerful, but it's unknown weater or not her partner has anything to do with this.


An artificial, immortal god-like being created by an unnamed organization and worshipped as an actual god by said organization. He was confiscated by the Graveyard after a group lead by Deadliar raided their place. To him, manipulation of Sol and Luna is a natural as breathing. While cappable of being mounted with a Misteltoe, it will generally excert extreme stress on them. The most notable case is when he tried to mount with Kagura where the resulting backlash caused such severe damage to her that she was forced to be put in the armor of an Elder Misteltoe. He has since then refused any Misteltoe since then.

  • The Ageless
  • Artificial Human
  • Hermaphrodite: But always reffered to as male.
  • Meaningful Name: Minogame (蓑亀) is in Japanese mythology a symbol for wisdom and long life further cementing his status as a kind of god.
  • Mismatched Eyes: One blue and one brown.
  • Nice Hat
  • Power Incontinence: The reason to why Minogame doesn't have a Misteltoe partner. Minogame is so powerful that, when mounted with a Misteltoe, Minogame empowers the Misteltoe instead of vice versa causing severe stress for the Misteltoe and might even damage them.
  • Rapunzel Hair
  • Restraining Bolt: Was fitted with power restraints soon after being captured, but is still extremely powerful.
  • Roboteching: "Reality Hedge" and its stronger version "Revolving Theater - Hell".
  • Smug Super: Despite the calm exterior, he is known to show off given the chance.


Perhaps the oldest Misteltoe currently in service. She ended being used mostly as a test platform for various weapon systems since she required to much regulation from the Executor in order to be used effectivly. Even Deadliar gave up eventually. She suffered a severe accident when trying to mount with Minogame and was put in the armor of an Elder Misteltoe to save her life. Due to the way most see the Elder Misteltoes, she ends up intilling fear to those around her. She is currently the only Misteltoe flying solo missions.

  • Emergency Transformation: Was put in the armor of an Elder Misteltoe after the accident with Minogame.
  • Face of a Thug: Her armor is quite intimidating to many around her.
  • Powered Armor: Wears the armor of an Elder Misteltoe.
  • The Red Mage: Her strength lies in her sheer versatility.
  • The Speechless: In an accident in trying to mount with Minogame, she ended up severly damaged and lost her voice in the process.
    • Also her armor isn't equiped with proper hands so her handwriting is pretty bad.
  • Super Prototype
  • The Turret Master: Epileptic Chariot turns Kagura into this.
  • Wave Motion Gun: The discharge of Xanthez acts like this. Having the shortest duration, but the higest damage of any discharge in the game.
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