Helios Eclipse
Know these words, and heed them.
For when the sun rises,
when the light of hope shines brightest,
So shall the shadows cast grow deeper and darker.
When joy and despair arise entwined
Shall there ne'er be a greater portent of disaster.
When the elements fall out of order
The sun's light shall die.
But though you walk in darkness,
Know that with our hands
Ever firmly clasp'd together
We shall not lose our way.
So shall the search for future's light begin.
There are two worlds that exist, the Magic World and The Human World. All elements in both worlds have been controlled by the Sun Ruler, Helios. In the past, Helios was skeptical on why he needs to protect the human world. So he and his brother, Luna went to the human world to see what the human world is like. With the horror of seeing the human world becoming terrible with modern technology, odd cultures, pollution and rude manners, Helios could not believe he was actually protecting it. Soon he encountered a child being accused of stealing. Helios rescued the child and found a wallet on the floor which was actually stolen. Then when they met with the child and his friends again, Helios and Luna saw the children brutally kill a cat. Helios was angered by it and tried to destroy the children. He lost most of his elemental powers when he released them to destroy the children. The elemental powers escaped to the human world.
Before darkness can take over both worlds, he must find a savior to help him find his elements then restore peace to both worlds. Unfortunately, there is a villain from the Dark World trying to interfere and wants to rule over the Magic World. He sends his henchmen and minions to create chaos and interfere with Helios's plans.
Helios goes to the human world again to find the prophesized savior. He is chased by the Dark World's henchmen there. With his weak powers, he fights with the enemies and accidentally meets a human girl, Mineko, which actually was his prophesized savior.
Helios Eclipse is a fantasy manga written and drawn by Malaysian artist Kaoru Yee-Teng Liew. Helios Eclipse was first being serialized in Starz, a sub-magazine of GempakStarz group but then it was changed to Gempak, the main magazine under the same company, GempakStarz. The first of its releases had caught the attention of many readers to follow the series and even fan arts were drawn and were usually submitted to GForum - a forum of GempakStarz.
There are eight volumes of graphic novels written in Bahasa Malaysia available for sale in Malaysia. Five volumes translated in English have been released so far.
- A Day in the Limelight: The non-canon Easter Egg comic in Helios Eclipse Prologue. It happens when the guardians get dumplings from the human world. There were only 3 dumplings left but there were 4 to feed. So Spade suggests that the guardian who served his/her master the most gets the dumplings. Club doesn't get the dumplings because he just eats and plays everyday.
- An Aesop: When Nurse Rina tells Luna about a student who committed suicide after being bullied relentlessly for being "ugly", the bottom of the page has this disclaimer.
Kaoru: Remember kids, suicide is a mortal sin in all religions. There are better ways to resolve your problems!
- Animesque
- Author Appeal: Lampshaded in Parts 1 and 2 in "Once More From The Top" and "The Gathering".
- Bifauxnen: Toroya.
- Big Bad: Soileh.
- Big Damn Heroes: Many moments.
- Luna, Spade and Club when Mineko is controlled by Miraa.
- Helios, Eddy, Spade and Club when Evilina and Mineko are badly beaten up by Toroya. The former eventually stays on to battle Toroya, while the latter three brought the two girls to safety.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Eddy.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Mineko to Helios.
- When she finally did, Helios eventually gave Mineko an indirect first kiss ("love bites" actually).
- Catgirl: Heart and Diamond. Spade, Club and everyone else from the Land of Beasts are cat-people in general.
- Cheerful Child: Mika!
- Cloudcuckoolander: Tooru thniks Mineko as one of these.
- Complete Monster: Toroya can rival Bellatrix, Umbridge and Azula in terms of being evil and female.
- Creepy Child: Flashback!Toroya, Arisu and Sangatsu. Toroya even more so.
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Gothman and possibly Tooru as well.
- Elemental Powers: Helios is supposed to have all four elements. He only have one so far (Fire), with the other three being owned by the warlocks.
- They are Earth (Toroya), Water (Arisu) and Air (Sangatsu).
- Ensemble Darkhorse: The Four Aces are constantly featured in promos despite being supporting characters.
- Evil Laugh: Toroya has one in Part 2 in "Desert Cats".
- Foreign Cuss Word: Evilina and Gothman often curse in French.
- Girlish Pigtails: Miraa's high school girl disguise.
- Goth: Maryvessa.
- Gratuitous French: Evilina and Gothman.
- Happily Married: Spade and Melly.
- Heel Face Turn: Louis.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Mineko. She gets better.
- Played straight with Luna.
- Idiot Hair: Helios and Syn II.
- Important Haircut: Mineko had her braided ponytail cut off by Evilina, cut her hair shorter after Luna's death and grew more hair as she grows older.
- Killer Rabbit: Minchinini. Just...Minchinini.
- Large Ham: Eddy.
- Luminescent Blush: Shows up everywhere.
- Magnificent Bastard: Soileh.
- Meganekko: Kazura and Evilina.
- Meido: Diamond.
- Moe Moe: Mineko in the beginning.
- She's All Grown Up: Mineko in later chapters.
- Moral Event Horizon: Toroya crushed a teacher's neck after refusing to tell where Mineko is. Or rather, after Evilina indirectly tells where Helios is.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Mineko is constantly labelled the "Phoenix Girl" by the bad guys.
- Helios is annoyed with Eddy calling him "Heeks".
- Neck Lift: Toroya and Soileh are fond of this.
- The Obi-Wan: Luna.
- Official Couple: Helios and Mineko.
- Oh Crap: Evilina, when Toroya's elemental cacti merged into one.
- Older Than He Looks: Syn II, who is supposed to be 21 in the official bio, but remains looking like a 10-year old because of a curse.
- Justified to everyone in the Realm of Magic. All sorcerors of the realm control the seven magical elements that keep the human world in balance. Furthermore, their forms grow weaker and steadily more childlike as they lose magical energy.
- Petting Zoo People: Gothman, the
dogfox guy. - Playing with Fire: Miraa and Queen Esmeralda.
- Posthumous Character: Moragana later on.
- Sarashi: Heart.
- Sdrawkcab Name: Soileh to Helios.
- Sealed Good in a Can: The Phoenix inside Mineko's body.
- Tear Jerker: Luna dies.
- That Man Is Dead: Louis officially dismissed his Kazura disguise after Mineko said that his true form is fine with her.
- Theme Naming: The Four Aces of The Royal Guardian (Spade, Club, Heart and Diamond).
- Token Minority: Evilina is the only character with the darkest skin color.
- Tragic Keepsake: Mineko's photo of herself, her older brother, Kazura and Tooru. In the later chapters, Luna's glasses.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Tooru.
- What Do You Mean, It's Not Awesome?: Evilina and Mineko just made squeezing oranges look cool, thanks to the use of magic.
- What Happened to the Mouse??: Tooru turns into a doll, gets kidnapped by the Shadow Realm warlocks... and then what?
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Louis.
- The Woobie: Mineko.
- Woolseyism: The English version is considered superior compared to the Malay version. Justified, Kaoru must have originally pitched the idea in English.
- Yandere: Miraa's obsession to Helios led to nearly claiming the lives of two girls and Mineko as well.
- You Did Everything You Could: Syn II asks Mineko to get over Luna's death.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Toroya, Malady and Diamond have pink hair while Soileh, Melly and Heary have completely red hair.