< Heartcatch Pretty Cure

Heartcatch Pretty Cure/YMMV

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Dark Precure. She spends most of the series as a stoic character who seems to exist only to dog Yuri and provide a strong opponent for the Cures. Then episode 47 reveals that she just wants to cement her place as Sabaaku's real daughter, having been made to replace Yuri. Then episode 48 gives us her death scene proper, where Sabaaku comforts his now-badly injured "other daughter" and refers to her as Yuri's sister. The vulnerability coming from the heretofore borderline-emotionless Dark as she is embraced by Sabaaku and fades away makes it even more saddening.
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: The fandom was having its usual reaction to the news of the new season... cue the announcement of Nana Mizuki as Tsubomi's VA.
  • Anvilicious: Episode 28. Remember, kids, if you don't do your summer homework, you'll get turned into a Desertrian! Oh, and The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: The fandom seems to have quite a fixation on certain supporting characters, particularly Sayaka and Kenji. The latter gets quite a bit of fanart of his imagined alter-ego from episode 21, Cure Fire. There's also a lot of fanart of his mom.
  • Foe Yay: Dark Precure has an unhealthy obsession with Cure Moonlight. Justified, it's something akin to sibling rivalry. Not that this will stop any shippers...
  • Germans Love David Hasselholf: "Heartcatch Precure!: The Movie" was apparently popular enough in France that it was simple dubbed into French, and has a surprising number of Fans in the West, which begs the question why no Movie Theater/TV Station wants to air that anime film.
  • Iron Woobie: Yuri, also a Stoic Woobie.
  • Launcher of a Thousand Ships: There is fanwork pairing up Tsubomi with every other Cure in the series, a number of supporting characters and a couple of villains. A few fans even joked that the series was actually all about her building a harem.
  • Les Yay: Tsubomi gets some in with Erika sometimes, and she still seems to have a crush on Itsuki. To say nothing of Yuri and Momoka...
  • Moral Event Horizon: Dune crosses this when he kills the Heart Tree, causing a worldwide near-apocalypse.
  • Most Annoying Sound: Tsubomi simply has an annoying cry when scared or upset, notably in "Heartcatch Precure!: The Movie!" When Olivier was leaving with Baro Salamander.
  • Narm: Dune's Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum in episode 49. "My hatred will never disappear!"
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • The Desert Devils.
    • Try watching episode 41 when you are in the supposed target age range. Because you are mean in class, your kindergarten teacher turns into a huge dinosaur with mean claws.
  • Periphery Demographic: This show is too awesome to just be for little girls.
  • Ship Tease: Tsubomi seems to be crushing hard on Olivier in the movie.
  • Squick: The Heart Seeds needed to save the Heart Tree -- the fairies poop them out. Um...ew.
  • Tear Jerker:
    • Professor Sabaaku/Tsukikage's Heroic Sacrifice.
    • Yuri's meeting up with Cologne, her deceased fairy partner. Made sadder by the episode making it seem like he would be revived. Instead only his spirit appears before her.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: Infuriatingly denied. Even though Yuri has to cope with a machine-gun volley of traumatic revelations and events (her fairy partner dies forever; Saabaku is her father; Dark Precure is her genetic little sister and was created by her Brainwashed father specifically to kill her, only to die at Yuri's hands; her father leaves Yuri to comfort Dark Precure in her dying moments, her father is killed in front of her by the Big Bad) and still manages to save the world, she gets no reward or compensation for the losses she's suffered. It's an incredibly Bittersweet Ending for her character, extremely so by the standards of kids' anime.
  • Trailer Awesome Decay: Yuri's transformation sequence would have been much more badass and surprising if it wasn't the only damn thing shown in the next episode preview.
  • Ugly Cute: Coupe
  • Uncanny Valley: The girls in the ending theme. Compare it to the ones in Fresh Pretty Cure. Wow.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: It's not uncommon for people to mistake Itsuki for a very cute boy upon first watching the series.
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