< Harry Potter (film)

Harry Potter (film)/WMG

Well, it's here at last. This is where you come to put up your Harry Potter MOVIE WMGs. To clarify: WMGs about the actors in the movies, the directors, the screenwriters, all go here.

Snooki is a death eater.

Who else could teach them to do the poof hairstyle?

  • It all makes sense now!

The timeline discrepancy between the movies and the books is intentional.

Why? JKR is unhappy with some of the things she wrote and views the movies as a way to (partially) fix them.

Example: She realizes now that there was no rhyme or reason for Harry's parents and their classmates to have been so young (according to her website, they were all born in 1960, which means every single one of them was younger than 40 when they died), so she's deliberately aged them. Snape looks like he's in his fifties because Alan Rickman was 54 when Sorcerer's/Philosopher's stone was filmed he's in his 40s but is aging quickly because he's stressed out, especially in movies 5 and 6.

She's also not 100% happy with the books being set in the 1990s, so she specifically asked for the Millenium Bridge to be destroyed to make the movies more timeless.

  • Theres nothing really wrong with the books set in a specific time period. In fact, since the entire plot takes place in the magical side of the world, we never see anything that dates the story in the books (i.e. no 90's slang). The only reference this troper can think of is that Dudley has a playstation (which going by the offical timeline, he got a year before it was released) and even that hardly makes an impact.
  • Oh yes we do. There's a cake at Nearly Headless Nick's 500th anniversary which lists the date of his death as 1492

Severus Snape is the Reincarnation of Judge Turpin from Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.

Judge Turpin needed to work off some bad karma, and so had to be miserable in his second life. They both die in similar ways. They also are both played by the same actor.

  • He was very surprised when he encountered Mrs. Lovett among the Death Eaters.
    • And also the Beadle.

The seventh and eighth movies will drop the Lupin/Tonks love story.

And the fans will rejoice—or at least the ones who regarded that arc as a Dethroning Moment of Suck will.

  • Nope. Although it's brief, they do seem to be engaged/married/expecting.
    • And Lupin as a Resurrection Stone ghost is glad to know that his son will be told what happened.

The Wizards got their knowledge from the Time Lords

How else can they make things "bigger on the inside"?

Cedric Diggory is Edward Cullen

Cedric died at 17. Edward died at 17. Coincidence? NAY!

He was bitten by a twipire before the 3rd task but was using a potion to slow the effects of the venom, similar to the werewolf potions used by Lupin. When he was killed by Wormtail, the potion stopped working and he became a vampire.

He was "adopted" by the Cullens, who changed his memories to control him and changed his name to Edward.

Gellert Grindelwald is Colonel Vogel from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Okay, stay with this one, it could make a lot of sense.

In the films, Michael Byrne plays both older Grindelwald in "The Deathly Hallows" and Vogel in "Last Crusade." This is because they are the same person.

In the late 1930's, Grindelwald became heavily involved in the Nazi movement, though it is unclear whether he put Hitler or any other high ranking figures under the Imperius Charm. The idea of a Master Race appealed to Grindelwald because Muggles would be easier to control once they were controlling each other. Besides, he liked the violence and mayhem. During his stint in the S.S., Grindelwald, now called Vogel, learned of a possible fourth Hallow: the Holy Grail.

You see, according to myth, Jesus was the fourth Peverell brother and a wizard capable of performing "miracles". His Hallow, the cup, is rumored to grant eternal life, independent of the other three Hallows (though, as explained in the movie, limited to the temple in which it's housed). Grindelwald/Vogel becomes intent on finding the Grail, and thus helps Walter Donovan. He also develops a deep dislike for a man named Dr. Henry Jones Jr, a mere Muggle who keeps outwitting him and slipping through his fingers. Grindelwald would take him out in an instant, but refrains from magic both to maintain his cover and to prove he can beat Muggles on their own turf.

After his final bout with Jones aboard the tank, Vogel falls seemingly to his death, but uses both Cushioning and Shielding Charms to save himself before Disapparating. Learning of the confirmed existence of the Grail, but also its limitations (as well as possible destruction, or at least, becoming "lost" forever), Grindelwald gives up his quest. With Vogel "dead", Grindelwald lays low in Germany for a while, but, foreseeing their eventual downfall, abandons his Nazi ties. Bored with the Muggle world, Grindelwald begins to wreak havoc on wizarding Germany with his Elder Wand, and goes unchecked for several years until Albus Dumbledore shows up to challenge him in 1945. Unable to destroy his old childhood friend, feeling guilt over Ariana and perhaps finally seeing the error of his ways, Grindelwald surrenders, and is imprisoned at Nurmengard.

Luna Lovegood has Shinigami eyes or something similar

In the movie, she finds Harry despite the fact that he's under an invisibility cloak that even DEATH HIMSELF can't see under. Her reasoning, if I recall correctly, is because of the wrackspurts buzzing around his head. In Death Note, the name and lifespan of a person appears over their head to someone with the eyes. Since you can't get the eyes without using a Death Note, she likely has one. And the person she's killed is... her Mother. It was an accident. She wrote her mother's name in the Note because either a) she didn't know the power of the Note, b) she was angry and not thinking straight, or c) her mother told her to(Mrs. Lovegood was testing the Death Note to see if it worked and could be used in the event that Voldemort returned or another Dark Lord arose. She was a nice person who wouldn't use anyone but herself as a test subject, so she asked Luna to write her name in it, not telling her daughter what it could do). Luna later made the eye deal. This is also how she recognized Harry at the wedding. Alternatively, her Spectraspecs somehow give the wearer the eyes, but they have become worn out and now only show a fuzzy blur (which Luna mistakes for a swarm of tiny magical creatures).

Crabbe and Goyle are not entirely human.

When Harry and Ron masquerade as Crabbe and Goyle in the second film, they retain their original voices; however, when Barty Crouch Jr. uses Polyjuice Potion to portray Mad-Eye Moody he has Mad-Eye's voice, and during the seven Harry Potters scene in the seventh film, everyone who took the potion gets Harry's voice. The only time in the films when the Polyjuice Potion fails to somehow transform the vocal cords is when Hermione accidentally puts cat hair into hers. It stands to reason that like Millicent Bullstrode's cat, Crabbe and Goyle are not human.

  • Actually, no—at least not based on this evidence. The seven Harrys and Harry, Ron and Hermione in the Ministry of Magic scene all keep their own voices. Besides, Barty Crouch Jr. also mimicked Hagrid's voice perfectly without being under Polyjuice Potion. It's far more likely that Barty is just a skilled impressionist who learned Mad-Eye's voice so he wouldn't be found out. (Of course, this is different from the books, where everyone takes on the other person's voice under Polyjuice.)

In the movie continuity, Neville is the master of the Elder Wand.

Warning: spoilers for Deathly Hallows, Part 2. Firstly, this falls under the simple assumption that the Elder Wand doesn't work any differently than any other wand in regard to allegiance, because nothing of the sort is stated in the films to the best of my memory. Now, we've seen a number of disarmings in the movie continuity, with no mention or indication of wand allegiance. However, Ollivander does mention towards the beginning of Deathly Hallows, Part Two that Malfoy's wand is now allied to Harry's, after he defeated the former and took it. It can be extrapolated, then, that the allegiance of a wand does not come from simply taking it, but from defeating the wizard in question. In the infamous Astronomy Tower scene in The Half-Blood Prince, Malfoy merely disarmed Dumbledore; Snape killed him. In the films, as in the books, Voldemort believes that Snape is the master of the Elder Wand and has him killed. But - and this is crucial - he does not do it himself, no doubt out of fear that the Elder Wand will rebel against him to protect its true master. But rather than simply using another wand, he has Nagini kill Snape. Nagini, a living entity with as much of a human soul within it as Voldemort itself.

Throughout both parts of Deathly Hallows, we see a phenomenon simply not present in the books; that Voldemort slowly falls apart as his Horcruxes are destroyed, implying that, rather than just anchoring his soul to the mortal plane, they are literally holding his body together. Cut to the end of Deathly Hallows, Part Two, and Harry and Voldemort's epic final confrontation, climaxing in a final wand stalemate broken only by Neville swiftly slaying Nagini. Voldemort barely has time to fire one last Avada Kedavra before dying, apparently by his own curse rebounding. Yet we see no apparent signs of an actual rebounded curse; nor does Avada Kedavra cause an individual to explode into confetti. It seems far more likely that Voldemort's death was due to the death of Nagini. Nor is any mastery of the Elder Wand made apparent by Harry. Oddly enough, the scene where Harry uses the wand to repair his old one is completely omitted, leaving us with a movie where Harry did not once use the Elder Wand. Why, then, should we assume he mastered it?
Putting all the pieces together, it seems far more likely that Snape, who ultimately bested Dumbledore (as Malfoy certainly wasn't going to kill him or seize his wand), did become the master of the Elder Wand, until mastery was taken from him by Nagini, who had every bit as much right to hold ownership of the wand as Voldemort, thanks to the piece of a human soul within him. Finally, Neville took the life of Nagini, making him the master of the wand. Voldemort did not die because Harry was the master of the wand; he, never the wand's master, could not overcome the wand stalemate between he and Harry, which lasted until his death, at which point Harry's Expelliarmus took effect and he seized the Elder Wand.
Which means that he just snapped Neville's wand in two and tossed it off a bridge. Class act, Harry.
I actually had this thought while the movie played but assuming Nagini whom can't cast magic due to not being human and or have magical properties than this theory falls apart.
  • I'm so glad there's at least one other person out there who agrees with me on this. No one else every seems to give this theory weight when we discuss it. OP, you just made my day.

Hedwig is alive and well somewhere in the forest, occasionally barfing up slugs.

Slugulus Eructo is a green bolt spell, and we don't know that Hedwig wasn't vomiting up slugs as soon as she fell offscreen. The spell just stunned her out of flight.

Actually Sean Bean was only ever offered one role...

but Rowling decided that, as awesome as it would be, he was too old to be Cedric.

None of the girls at Hogwarts wanted to date Draco after Voldemort had hugged him.

Even Pansy Parkinson dumped him after that. That's why his wife at the end is someone who'd never been shown before.

(Yeah, I know in the books it's Astoria Greengrass. But in the books, Voldemort never hugged Draco, so his life went completely differently.)

When Warner Brothers heard all the comments about how people liked how the tone of the story was getting darker each installment, they thought the people meant the cinematography.

To the point that you'd better turn off your lights and black out your windows when you watch Deathly Hallows 2 at home. Good thing there's no Potter 8, or we'd be staring at a black screen for two hours.

The blue stone in Ravenclaws Diadem is a piece of the Hope Diamond

I wouldn't put it past Rowena to use a super-uber rare stone for her magnum opus rather than a more common stone.

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