< Harry Potter (film)

Harry Potter (film)/Funny

  • Any time a character impersonates another via Polyjuice Potion (with the exception of Crouch Jr.) is made of hilarity. From the Crabbe and Goyle switch way back in Chamber of Secrets ("What are those?" "...Reading glasses." "I didn't know you could read."), to the Seven Potters, to the trio taking on ministry forms, especially Runcorn-Harry trudging awkwardly about in his leather coat, to Bellatrix-Hermione looking nervous and polite while trying to act haughty and cruel.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

  • When Hagrid knocks the door off its hinges in PS/SS: "Sorry 'bout that!"
    • Also when he's accidentally telling them loads of information about the Stone. "I shouldn'ta told you that! I should not have told you that!"
  • "Troll in the dungeon!" scene. Especially the terror-stricken look on Malfoy's face.
  • The scene where Malfoy catches The Trio and Hagrid with a dragon. While its obvious the Trio are pissed off that Malfoy told on them, the look on Harry's face changes from angry to a Slasher Smile the second McGonagall says that Malfoy gets detention for the misdemeanor of being out at night with them.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

  • From the Chamber of Secrets film, while Harry and Ron are on the train. They're looking for it and are flying right on the tracks, when they hear the train's horn blowing. They can't see it in front of them and it's getting louder. Hedwig is the first one to look back, and when she sees the train is right behind them, her eyes widen.
    • That entire scene was funny, right from the moment Harry and Ron slowly realized they weren't gaining on the train. And right after Hedwig reacts, it's the boy's turns. Their reaction? They SCREAM. And it lasts for a good 10 seconds!
  • Funniest line in the Harry Potter movies which wasn't in the books: After Harry and Ron are sent into the Forbidden Forest to "follow the spiders", Ron, who had a previously established fear of spiders, quips "Why spiders? Why couldn't it be 'follow the butterflies'?"
    • Made even funnier by the director taking advantage of Rupert Grint's voice change hitting mid-movie. Yeah, that voice-cracking wasn't completely intentional.
    • Three words: Potter Puppet Pals.
  • How in the world has Gilderoy Lockhart not been mentioned? Kenneth Branaugh had this troper in stitches any time he was on screen, especially after he lost his memory. "THIS IS JUST LIKE MAGIC!!", anyone?

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

  • In a Call Back to Chamber of Secrets, we have the scene in Prisoner of Azkaban, where Ron is having a nightmare:

Ron: "Spiders, Harry! They want me to tap dance. And I don't want to tap dance!"
Harry: "You tell those spiders, Ron."

    • And immediately afterward, muttering that he'll tell those spiders, he lays back down. As soon as his head touches his pillow, he's snoring again
  • The Mandrake scene from Chamber of Secrets is hilarious. After they get their first good look at a mandrake, the shock of it causes Neville to pass out, leading to this exchange:

Professor Sprout: Poor lad. Didn't secure his earmuffs!
Seamus: No ma'am, I think he's fainted.
Professor Sprout: Yes, well. *offhandedly* Just leave him there!

  • "What exactly is the function of a rubber duck?"
  • In the Shrieking Shack:

Sirius: Pettigrew's alive! And he's right there! *points at Ron who's holding Scabbers/Pettigrew
Ron: Me? He's mental!
Sirius: Not you! Your rat!

  • The UST between Hermione and Ron in Prisoner of Azkaban. The first is during the lecture where Buckbeak is introduced and Hermione, in a panic, grabs Ron's hand. He proceeds to give her this amazed look, and she shoots him a glance that says "Don't you say a word". The second is when they're visiting the Shrieking Shack, and Hermione asks if he wants to get closer. After a short uncomfortable pause, she specifies that she meant closer to the shack.
    • The first one gets a Lampshade by the Riff Trax:

Mike: "Hermione casts the 'give Ron a boner' spell."

Harry (two seconds away from freaking out): "This is not normal.

  • Dumbledore can make a simple "good night" funny.

Dumbledore: Well?
Harry: He's free. We did it.
Dumbledore: Did what? Good night.

  • Professor Trelawney: "In this room you will find if you possess... the SIGHT!" (bumps into table)
  • "Turn to page Three Hundred and Ninety-four."
  • What about when, on The Prisoner Of Azkaban, when Hagrid asks for Harry to ride Buckbeak, picks him up, and put him on there? The resulting response from Harry is priceless.

Hagrid: [about Buckbeak] I think he may let you ride him now.
Harry: What?
Hagrid: [picking him up and placing him on Buckbeak's back] Come on, right behind the wing joint.
Harry: Hey! Hey hey hey hey hey! Hagrid!

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

  • Daniel Radcliffe's very good at being hilariously blunt. A good example being the final scene of Goblet Of Fire, where it's sinking in to Hermione that Voldemort is back.

Hermione (close to tears): "Everything's going to change, isn't it?"
Harry: (puts his hand on her shoulder, then says "Yeah" in a completely blunt, unsympathetic tone)

  • From "Goblet of Fire", Ron complaining about Krum: "Ruddy pumpkinhead!"
    • Also Ron coming in pale and shaking and looking like he's about to faint because 'He just asked Fleur Delacour out."
    • "Actually, he sort of screamed at her."
    • "Hermione... you're a girl!"
  • Goblet Of Fire. Veritaserum scene.

Snape: Do you know what this is, Potter?
Harry: Pumpkin juice, sir?

    • Also where Snape laments that its use on students is "regrettably forbidden."
  • In Goblet of Fire, the studying scene, where Harry and Ron keep on getting caught talking by Snape and get their heads smacked by a book and forced down for their troubles.
    • The uber-annoyed look Snape gives and the precise manner in which he pulled up his sleeves before shoving their heads down was the icing on the funny cake.
  • When Myrtle gets in the tub with Harry in GOF.
  • From the fifth movie:

Hermione:"Do you ever stop eating?!"
Ron: "What? I'm hungry."

    • Then in the sixth movie...

Hermione: (hitting Ron repeatedly on the head with a newspaper) "Stop! Eating! Stop! Eating!"

  • And who can forget Neville in the second task in Goblet of Fire?

"Oh my God! I've killed Harry Potter!"

    • This (American) troper got a little bit of a chuckle from his experience in the theater, where a group of what appeared to be college-aged guys behind him promptly yelled, "You bastard!!" immediately after Neville said this.
    • This gem from Lucius Malfoy:

Weasley Twin: Blimey, Dad! How far up are we?
Lucius: We'll put it this way: If it rains, you'll be the first to know.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

  • From the fifth movie, Crookshanks eating the Extendable Ear.
    • And Fred and George's reaction - "Bloody cat!"
  • Luna Lovegood. That is all.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

  • From Half Blood Prince- Not in the books, but words can not describe the hilarity of Harry telling Cormac McLaggen that the appetizer he just put in his mouth was dragon balls ("Dragon...balls?"). Which he promptly sicks up onto the shoes of Severus Snape. Who puts McLaggen in detention!
    • McLaggen flirting with Hermoine. By licking his fingers.
    • Harry coming back to the feast after being sneak attacked by Malfoy.
    • Then there's McGonagall's exasperated "Why is it always you three?" upon discovering Harry, Ron, and Hermione are caught up in the crisis du jour yet again. And Ron's reply, for that matter.

McGonagall: (to Harry, Ron, and Hermione) Why is it that, whenever anything happens, it's always you three?
Ron: I've been wondering that myself for six years, Professor.

    • Luna Lovegood appearing at the Gryffindor table dressed in a lion costume. For that matter, Luna's party dress. Which also manages to be stunning in its own, Luna way.
    • Price negotiations with Fred and George.

Ron: How much are these?
Fred and George: Five galleons.
Ron: How much for me?
Fred and George: Five galleons.
Ron: I'm your brother.
Fred and George: Ten galleons.

      • Also, Fred and George each have different expressions when they say that last line, both funny.
    • Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes shop features an animated doll of Umbridge skating across a tightrope, squealing "I will have order! I will have order!" [1]
    • Ron staring at the moon when he was under Romilda Vane's love charm.

Ron: It's beautiful, isn't it? The moon.
Harry: Divine. Had ourselves a little late night snack, did we?
Ron: It was on your bed, the box, I just thought I'd try one.
Harry: Or twenty.
Ron: I can't stop thinking about her, Harry.
Harry: Honestly, you know, I reckon she was starting to annoy you.
Ron: She could never annoy me. I think I love her.
Harry: Oh... brilliant.
Ron: Do you think she knows I exist?
Harry: Well, I'd bloody well hope so, she's been snogging you for three months.
Ron: Snogging? Who are you talking about?
Harry: Who are you talking about?
Ron: Romilda, of course. Romilda Vane.
Harry: Okay, very funny.
Ron: (throws the chocolates box at Harry)
Harry: What was that for?
Ron: It's no joke! I'm in love with her!
Harry: Alright, fine, you're in love with her! Have you ever actually met her?
Ron: No... Can you introduce me?

  • The Quidditch tryouts. Specifically, the comparison between Ron and McLaggen handling their...broomsticks.
    • Ginny acting as Harry's 2nd in command.

Ginny: Shut It!

  • This exchange:

Hermione: She only likes you because she thinks you're The Chosen One!
Harry: But I am The Chosen One!
*Hermione whacks him over the head with her book*

    • No one's mentioned any of Snape's moments yet? "How disappointing." Especially the following exchange from Half-Blood Prince:

Snape: Not... so quick, Potter.
Harry: Oh sir I really think I should get back to the party. My date...
Snape: ...could surely survive your absence another minute or two.

      • Or when he's explaining what veritaserum is to Harry in Goblet of Fire:

"Three drops of this, and You-Know-Who himself would be spilling his darkest secrets. The use of it on students is... regrettably forbidden."

      • No, no, no! The bit on the sixth film where Snape tells Harry that Dumbledore has had to go, and when Harry asks where, Snape just looks at him for a moment and walks off. Perfect comedic timing.
      • Well yeah, that too... Or how about in Order Of The Phoenix, when Umbridge is interrogating him? After she leaves, he smacks Ron upside the head with a notebook while looking after her.
  • Half-Blood Prince: The entire Slug Club Party scene, but ESPECIALLY the part where McLaggen ducks in behind the curtain and yanks the munchies and asks what they are. Harry's response: "Dragon balls." Cue McLaggen turning to vomit... just as Snape uncovers the curtain, looking for Harry. Snape's shoes take the full force of the upchuck.
  • In Half-Blood Prince, when Ginny's trying to figure out when Harry arrived.

Hermione: Did someone mention Harry? Is he here?
Ginny: Apparently he's wandering the house.

  • In Half-Blood Prince, we get this little gem that appeals to the juvenile in all of us:

Why are you worried about You-Know-Who?
You should be worried about U No Poo!
The constipation sensation that's gripping the nation!

  • When the Carrows come to search the Hogwarts Express for Harry, an incensed Cormac McLaggen piping up "My father will hear about this!"
  • The scene in Half Blood Prince where Ron is in the hospital wing after being poisoned, and his annoying girlfriend Lavender comes in worried and asking "Where's my Won-Won?" She and Hermione get into a fight over him, where Hermione calls her a "daft dimbo"! What makes this even funnier is that it's happening in front of the teachers—Dumbledore, McGonagall, Slughorn, and Snape. Then Ron calls out Hermione's name in his sleep, and Lavender runs off crying; Dumbledore quips "Oh to be young and to feel love's keen sting!"
    • Don't forget that while McGonagall and Snape keep their cool after Lavender storms off, Dumbledore is the only one who turns to look at her.
    • Also the way that Snape just stares straight ahead during that scene. And the fact that he's there at all watching it. It also becomes a little funny and sad once you realize that he should know how Lavender feels...
    • What really settles it is the dialogue! No, seriously, it's bloody hilarious:

Lavender: Where is he? Where's my Won-Won? Has he been asking for me? ...What's SHE doing here?!
Hermione: I was asking the same question!
Lavender: I happen to be his girlfriend!
Hermione: I happen to be his... friend!
Lavender: Don't give me that! You haven't spoken in weeks! It's nice to make up with him now that he's suddenly all interesting!
Hermione: He's been poisoned, you daft dimbo! And for the record, I've always found him interesting!
Ron: *groans*
Lavender: Ha! See? He senses my presence! Don't worry, Won-Won! I'm here...I'm here!
Ron: ...Hermusseh... Er-my-nee... Her...mione... Hermione... Hermione...
Lavender: *runs off crying*

  • The entire Felix Felicis scenario is comic gold. Harry, with his uncharacteristically peppy attitude, steals the entire scene (especially when he wiggles his fingers to act out spiders' pincers).

(after Harry has told Slughorn about leaving the castle)
Slughorn: Harry!
Harry: (In similar annoyed tone) Sir!

    • Seriously, Google "not to mention the pincers" on images. There's a bunch of them. And, it's hysterical.
      • What's even funnier is that he's acting like he's high.
      • Dan's line reading of "Personally these plants always kind of freak me out. Hmm."
        • And what's great is that it's such a subtle, out-of-the-blue performance. Harry's under a potion that brings him luck so he could pry the secrets of the Horcruxes out of the professor, and a side effect is that he acts overly cheerful and delirious, and acts like he doesn't know what's going on!
          • I always figured that Felix Felicis doesn't grant you extra luck, it simply improves your insight. You get an intrinsic sense of exactly what you have to do and when you have to do it for the most favorable outcome.
      • The whole bit with Slughorn sneakily cutting a leaf from a plant in the greenhouse when Harry walking into frame in the background, turning and seeing him and getting right next to him without saying anything and Slughorn getting the crap scared out of him when he turns his head!
    • Also, when Harry and Dumbledore are about to leave for the cave:

Harry: But sir, I thought you couldn't Apparate in Hogwarts.
Dumbledore: Well, being me definitely has its advantages.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

  • In Deathly Hallows: Harry is still at the Burrow and instigates some snogging with Ginny. And who walks in to get a cup of tea but George. He sits back and watches the show, and soon enough, both of them know he's there. Cue deadpan stare from George with knowing grin just sipping his tea, telling the two, "Morning." The theater erupted in laughter.
    • The scene is made all the more funnier due to George going through the whole thing with a toothbrush stuck to the side of his head.
    • Check out his rapid-fire tip-toeing too.
    • In my opinion, it's even more hilarious that Harry's still scared of what George might do to him, even though George is being good-natured about the whole thing. Notice how Harry never completely turns his back to George, and when he finally does, he runs like hell?
  • Dobby gets one in the film as part of his Crowning Moment of Awesome.

Bellatrix: You could have killed me!
Dobby: Dobby never meant to kill anyone. Only to maim... or seriously injure.

  • Harry tries his new wand. It's the perfect comedic timing of every line that does it.

Harry: Engorgio! (fire explodes) Reducio!
Hermione: (off-screen) What's going on in there?
Harry and Ron: NOTHING!

  • Most of the scenes with Hermione after Ron returns in Deathly Hollows. Seriously, the entire theater was nearly in tears during a few parts.

Hermione: (Advancing on Harry) Harry, WHERE IS MY WAND?!
Harry: (Quickly backing away) I don't know!

    • What makes that moment even funnier is that when she yells at him, Harry looks like he's about to climb the tree he's pressed against.
    • What made this scene for me was the Blatant Lies as Harry claims he doesn't know where the wand is as he tugs his sweater down to hide that it's in his pocket.
    • Not to mention the fact that Hermione is so ragingly upset at Ron that she throws leaves at him in a completely anticlimactic and hilarious fashion.
  • Harry: "You're not still mad at him, are you?"
  • Daniel Radcliffe. In a bra. That is all.
    • Like a friend said:

"It's like a peek to the future when he can't get any role but that."

    • Or Fleur Delacour talking though said bra'd Radcliffe.

"Bill, look away. I'm hideous."

  • This little gem:

Mad-Eye: Now, for those of you who have never tried Polyjuice Potion, it tastes roughly like goblin piss.
Fred: You'd know all about that, wouldn't you, Mad-Eye? *awkward silence* Just trying to relieve the tension.

  • Mad-Eye (about Harry): "Yeah, he's absolutely gorgeous. Now what's say we get him undercover before someone murders him!"
  • Harry's little jump of joy after Hermoine said they should go to Godric's Hollow.
  • Mrs. Cattermole kissing Ron, who's Polyjuiced as her husband. Also Hermione's "WTF?" reaction, Ron turning back to his original form while their lips are locked, and her real husband showing up in his underwear!
      • "Mary, who's that!" "Long story! Nice meeting you!" *runs away*
      • Also, "This'll be a fun story to tell the kids!"
    • In the same Black Comedy vein, after Yaxley reveals to Polyjuiced Ron that Mrs. Cattermole is being interrogated, we get this:

Ron: Oh my God! What am I going to do!? My wife's all alone downstairs!
Harry: ...Ron, you don't have a wife.
Ron: Oh. Right.

  • Yaxely: "It's still raining in my office!"

Ron: "Have you tried an umbrella?"

    • Especially hilarious is the subtle Brick Joke concerning the flooded office later, when Ron steps back on the elevator completely drenched with water, implying how much success he had with reversing it.
    • And the deleted version of that second scene, where Arthur Weasley and one of his coworkers get in the elevator with Ron and Harry.

Witch: Don't tell me, it's raining in Yaxley's office again?
Arthur: Did you tell him to try an umbrella?

  • After finally destroying the evil Horcrux that nearly killed them: Ron: "Just think. Only three more to go!"
  • After Ron returns, his "Hey!" and Hermione's reaction to it is priceless.
  • Fred (or George, not sure) about Polyjuicing into Harry: "Suppose something went wrong and we wound up a scrawny, specky git forever!
  • Runcorn-Harry's expression when Umbridge says "Albert, aren't you getting off?" and the ridiculous way he walks off the elevator.
    • And the ridiculous way he walks out of Umbridge's office.
  • "What's wrong with his face?"
    • Scabior to Harry: "What happened to you, ugly?" *beat* (to Greyback) "No, not you."
  • Hermione screaming "Take it off! Take it off now!" to Harry.
    • Also Ron giving Harry a new wand. "It's ten inches. Nothing special, but it does the job."
  • I can't believe no one's mentioned Kreacher and Dobby dragging Mundungus in. And Dobby pushing Kreacher out of the way every time he tried to talk. And Kreacher jabbing Mundungus with a fork.
  • Voldy's line: 'Severus, I was beginning to worry you'd lost your way. We've saved you a seat." just cracks me up, because you can just hear by the tone that what he's really saying is 'show up late again and I'll Crucio your ass into next week!"
    • From the same scene, his response to Thicknesse after the latter was suitably vague in whether he believes Yaxley's report on Harry's imminent escape from his house or Snape's: "Spoken like a true politician." Voldy was surprisingly humorous, particularly considering the way he proved his Complete Monster cred with the murder of Charity Burbage at the end of the scene.
      • Again, same scene. When Voldemort learns of the plan to move Harry, Bellatrix starts fidgeting in her seat raising her hand to volunteer, like Hermione trying to get a teacher's attention...
      • Same scene, when requesting Lucius's wand.

Voldemort: "What about you, Lucius?"
Lucius: -practically whimpering- "M-my lord?"
Voldemort: -mockingly- "My Lord~"

      • Same scene AGAIN, after Bellatrix volunteers to kill Harry:

Screams are heard somewhere in the manor
Voldemort: WORMTAIL! Have I not spoken to you about keeping our guests quiet?
Wormtail: Yes, m-my Lord. Right away, my Lord!

    • Not to mention the contemptuous way Voldemort snaps off the silver handle.
  • "Are you saying you can apparate in and out of this room?" (like it's completely obvious) "Well of course. Er- I'm an elf."
    • And: "Sir? Oh, I like her very much!"
    • After knocking out Pettigrew: "Who gets his wand?"
  • Ron miming antlers in the locket scene.
  • Ron trying to get out of the doghouse with Hermione by calling a vote for her idea to go to see Xenophilius Lovegood and being the only one with his hand up.
  • Xenophilius at the wedding, from his whole hippie look, to the way he danced and spun around like a true space case. Absolutely perfect for Luna's father.
  • As Hermione gives Harry's hair a trim:

Hermione: (coming to a realization) Oh my God!
Harry: (reaching up to the back of his head, eyes widening) What?

  • The not-a-Take That Take That at Twilight.
  • George, post-Saintlike-incident, walking in on Harry and Ginny. He just gives Harry a knowing wink-wink-nudge-nudge look, sipping at his drink. Harry has little time to be embarrassed before he notices George... a toothbrush sticking out of the hole in his ear.
  • At the end of Deathly Hallows Part 1, when Voldemort stole Dumbledore's wand from his grave, Voldy was so close to his corpse's face, that this troper yelled "I have your wand, now kiss me you dead sexy beast!"
  • In Deathly Hallows Part 2, McGonagall animates the stone knights to defend Hogwarts and then... with all the excitement of a first year just arriving at Hogwarts... gleefully says, "I've always wanted to use that spell!"
    • Made all the more priceless by Molly's expression. It positively screams, "...really?"
    • When this troper went go go see Deathly Hallows 2 in the theater, nearly everyone there cracked up at that line. That giddy tone was just so unexpected from McGonagall.
  • From Deathly Hallows Part 2, Voldemort's INCREDIBLY awkward attempt at hugging Draco following what he believes is his final victory. He simply has no idea what he's doing.
  • Also from Deathly Hallows Part 2, Neville taunting the onrushing Death Eater army after they hit the defensive barrier. And then his Oh Crap reaction after the barrier is eventually neutralized.
  • In Deathly Hallows Part 2, after Hermione drinks the Polyjuice Potion to look like Bellatrix:

Hermione: "How do I look?"
Ron: "Hideous."

    • Helena Bonham Carter's performance during that entire sequence is such a hilarious contrast to how she usually is in these movies.
  • Another from Deathly Hallows Part 2, when McGonagall starts getting the school into defense mode and she tells Neville he can go blow up the bridge:

Neville: You're actually giving us permission to do this?
McGonagall: That is correct, Longbottom!
Neville: To blow it up? Boom?
McGonagall: Boom!

    • And then immediately after that, Neville asks how they're going to blow it up:

McGonagall: Why don't you confer with Mr. Finnegan; as I recall, he has a particular proclivity for pyrotechnics.

    • This entire exchange had the whole theater in stitches.
  • Neville calmly regaining consciousness in slow motion while the battle rages on behind him, looking a little punch drunk, but otherwise pretty nonchalant.
    • What really hit this troper was that, not only was the Battle of Hogwarts raging on in the background, there was a guy flying through the air, in slow-motion, on fire, while Neville looked like he was getting up from a nap.
  • The film adaptation of Filch running in screaming "STUDENTS IN THE HALLS! STUDENTS OUT OF BEDS!!!" He bursts into the Great Hall, packed with students and teachers. Everyone just gives him a deadpan stare, which just screams "You idiot." He takes a step back from all the concentrated vehemence, complete with a little "...Oh."

McGonagall: They're supposed to be, you blithering idiot!

    • In a wonderful Funny Background Event, after all the dust has settled, Filch can be seen trying to clean up the massive amount of rubble and debris that much of Hogwarts has been reduced to... with a push broom.
      • Oh god, that was hilarious! In fact, I'm almost positive that when the film goes to DVD, poeple will start freezing it at random moments to inspect the various background moments and Freeze Frame Bonuses.
      • YMMV... this troper found it heartbreaking to see how he's utterly lost his bearings and is grasping at straws for something he can do while his life has literally crumbled to pieces around him (keep in mind this is an old man who can't even do magic and no one ever took him seriously except for Dumbledore).
  • Luna's OOC Is Serious Business moment in the final film ("Harry Potter, you listen to me RIGHT NOW!")
  • Pansy Parkinson's hysterical "What are you waiting for? He's standing over there! Somebody grab him!" In the books the narration portrays her as a bitch but in the movie, she seems to be a random Slytherin girl which makes it more funny.
  • In DH:P1, during the scene in Malfoy Manor when Harry and Ron go to rescue Hermione, and the fight breaks out. Lucius draws his wand-cane - and then stares at the wandless handle for a second before he gets stunned, because Voldemort took it at the beginning of the movie.
  • Early on in DH Part 2, Ron and Hermione ask what the plan is. Harry basically replies, "I'm making this up as I go along. None of our plans work out anyway."

Harry: Since when have any of our plans actually worked? We plan, we get there, all hell breaks loose.

    • Made even more hilarious when you consider that in the book, they literally spend months planning stuff and wandering about trying to figure out what to do, and when they do get around to doing something, everything goes to shit and loads of stuff starts to happen all at once.
  • The fact that in the later movies, Draco becomes a sorta pedobear magnet...and he does not like it one bit. In DH 1, in the manor his Dad's then his Aunty's all whispering in his ear all creepy-like and he looks like he's about to cry. Even Voldy gets in on the Perv On Dracokins action in the next film. Creepy ass hug anyone? I think it's safe to say Draco's the resident bitch in the Death Eaters.
  • In Deathly Hallows, Hermoine is about to read aloud the Tale of Beedle the Bard, when Ron awkwardly interjects before she starts. As the camera pans out of the Lovegood house and into the animated sequence following a floating feather, we get Ron and Hermoine's lines off-screen, making them sound like an old married couple:

Hermoine: ... do you want to read it?
Ron: N-no... no.

  • Harry has an important mission for the D.A.:

Harry: Okay, there's something we need to find, something hidden here in the castle, and it may help us defeat You-Know-Who.
Neville: Right, what is it?
Harry: We don't know.
Dean: Where is it?
Harry: We don't know that either. I realize that's not much to go on.
Seamus: That's nothing to go on.

  • After The Trio get back to Hogwarts, Ginny breaks through the crowd in the Room of Requirement and Harry and Ginny just stare at each other

Ron: I just get back and she looks at me like I'm a franky first-year
Seamus: She's got plenty of those though. There's only one Harry.
Ron: Shut up Seamus.

  • Ron chasing after the Terrible Trio in the Room of Requirement, yelling "THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND, YOU NUMPTY!" after Goyle attempts to use Avada Kedavra against Hermione.
  • The moment where Voldemort announces "Harry Potter is DEAD!" and follows it with an absolutely ridiculous "HEH HEH HEH..." One of the funniest moments in DH Part 2, it's so awkwardly done, it's reached Memetic status. Four movies worth of Voldemort's characterization completely fell flat on its face right there.
    • This troper remembers how the whole theatre burst into uncontrollable giggles, "Whats?" and even Face Palming. You can only wonder just how could they have left that in there.

Back to Harry Potter (film)
  1. ↑ Let us hope there was a spiked pit under it and the doll was incinerated if you tipped it in.
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