< Happy Gilmore
Happy Gilmore/YMMV
- Funny Moments: "YER GONNA DIE, CLOWN!!"
- The aforementioned fight with Barker and the guy calling Happy a "jackass" counts. Oh, and when Happy swears a lot during his first official golf tournament, telling Gary Potter to "play it where it lies" in the end of the rant.
The price is wrong, bitch!
- Happy's "gift" for Chubbs:
Happy: Remember the gator that got your hand? I got his head. "
(Cue dramatic zoom in on gator's head accompanied by dramatic music.)
Chubbs: (screams and falls backwards out of a window)
- Heartwarming Moments: In the final tournament, Grandma tells Happy not to worry about her and just play the game. "I just want you to be happy, darling."
- Hilarious in Hindsight: One of the producers on The Price Is Right today? Adam Sandler. And he joined not long after this film got made.
- Iron Woobie: Between seeing his father get killed, getting beaten nearly to death for an on-the-job accident, failing to make the hockey team, losing his girlfriend, and watching helplessly as Grandma gets evicted from her home, Happy has to endure a lot. It's enough to turn him into a de facto Determinator hero, despite his Jerkass tendencies.
- Memetic Mutation: YER GONNA DIE CLOWN!
- "Guns don't kill people, I kill people!" It has become so popular so you can expect someone, either fictional or real person, to say this when they want to sound tough.
- "Grizzly Adams did have a beard."
- "The price is wrong, bitch!"
- Moment of Awesome: Happy gets his clock cleaned at a Pro-AM tour by none other than Bob Barker.
Happy Gilmore: It wasn't my fault. There was this guy out there giving me crap, and it took every ounce of energy not to hit him.
Shooter McGavin: So instead you decide to headbutt Bob Barker. Oh, who won that fight, by the way?
- Happy beating up the orderly at the nursing home. To clarify — the guy made sad, elderly people work for hours to make quilts for him to sell and monitored their phone calls. When Happy takes his grandma out of this nightmare, he announces she told him all about it and Ben Stiller tries BSing his way out of it. Happy throws him out a window. Hell, yeah.
- Then the old ladies he's been working to death beat him with purses!
- And some dumbass thought it was a good idea to CUT THIS from the theatrical film!
- It's intact on TV airings. The Theatrical and DVD version makes the orderly come off as a Karma Houdini and left the whole subplot unresolved.
- Nightmare Fuel: The giant, creepy looking clown head on the mini golf course. It laughs at Happy every time he misses.
- The resthome/sweatshop.
- Retroactive Recognition: Huh, who knew that Claire Dunphy used to date Happy Gilmore?
- Squick: "I saw two big, fat, naked bikers in the woods, off the 17th, having sex! How am I supposed to chip with that?!"
- Happy's corrupted happy place.
- Too Cool to Live: Chubbs.
- Watch It for the Meme: As mentioned above, the "Happy Gilmore vs. Bob Barker" part is the most well-known part of the movie.
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