< Happy Gilmore

Happy Gilmore/YMMV

  • Funny Moments: "YER GONNA DIE, CLOWN!!"
    • The aforementioned fight with Barker and the guy calling Happy a "jackass" counts. Oh, and when Happy swears a lot during his first official golf tournament, telling Gary Potter to "play it where it lies" in the end of the rant.

The price is wrong, bitch!

    • Happy's "gift" for Chubbs:

Happy: Remember the gator that got your hand? I got his head. "
(Cue dramatic zoom in on gator's head accompanied by dramatic music.)
Chubbs: (screams and falls backwards out of a window)

  • Heartwarming Moments: In the final tournament, Grandma tells Happy not to worry about her and just play the game. "I just want you to be happy, darling."
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: One of the producers on The Price Is Right today? Adam Sandler. And he joined not long after this film got made.
  • Iron Woobie: Between seeing his father get killed, getting beaten nearly to death for an on-the-job accident, failing to make the hockey team, losing his girlfriend, and watching helplessly as Grandma gets evicted from her home, Happy has to endure a lot. It's enough to turn him into a de facto Determinator hero, despite his Jerkass tendencies.
  • Memetic Mutation: YER GONNA DIE CLOWN!
    • "Guns don't kill people, I kill people!" It has become so popular so you can expect someone, either fictional or real person, to say this when they want to sound tough.
    • "Grizzly Adams did have a beard."
    • "The price is wrong, bitch!"
  • Moment of Awesome: Happy gets his clock cleaned at a Pro-AM tour by none other than Bob Barker.

Happy Gilmore: It wasn't my fault. There was this guy out there giving me crap, and it took every ounce of energy not to hit him.
Shooter McGavin: So instead you decide to headbutt Bob Barker. Oh, who won that fight, by the way?

    • The resthome/sweatshop.
  • Retroactive Recognition: Huh, who knew that Claire Dunphy used to date Happy Gilmore?
  • Squick: "I saw two big, fat, naked bikers in the woods, off the 17th, having sex! How am I supposed to chip with that?!"
    • Happy's corrupted happy place.
  • Too Cool to Live: Chubbs.
  • Watch It for the Meme: As mentioned above, the "Happy Gilmore vs. Bob Barker" part is the most well-known part of the movie.
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