Haiyore! Nyaruko-san/Characters
These are the characters of Haiyore! Nyaruko-san that crawl up to us with a smile!

Voiced by: Kana Asumi
An energetic silver-haired girl who happens to be an anthropomorphized form of the Crawling Chaos, Nyarlathotep.
- Actor Allusion: In the third episode of the second anime, Nyarko, roleplaying as Mahiro's little sister, switches between several terms of endearment. One of those is Miya Tachibana's "nii-nii". When that doesn't work she thinks that if he prefers older sisters, she adds Shizuha Sado's suffix "-chan" onto his name.
- Then in episode 8, she feels like Cuuko stole her line about not being tiny while working.
- Badass: The Crawling Chaos in the flesh.
- Badass Adorable: Look at that shining smile and those huge emerald eyes. Look at her cutting a nightgaunt in half with a crowbar.
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath: Mahiro's reaction to most of her methods is to wonder if she is Not So Different from her enemies, and she's prone to lots of Nominal Hero moments.
- A Date with Rosie Palms: Obviously her first order of the day after being stuck in Mahiro's body.
- Black Bra and Panties: Though we don't get to see the panties in the anime.
- Bodyguard Crush: Practically begged her superiors to allow her to become Mahiro's guardian after seeing his picture.
- Bully Hunter: In Nyaruani, when asked as to why she is in love with Nyarko, Cuuko claims the latter once beat up her bullies from way back in space kindergarden. Subverted later when Nyarko admits that she also proceeded to beat up Cuuko.
- Chainsaw Good: Yes, even a chainsaw is considered Space CQC.
- Color Failure: Only second to Mahiro in frequency.
- Combat Pragmatist: In every possible way. In the first episode she knees a Nightgaunt between the legs and then proceeded to bash the thing's head in with a rock.
- Cute and Psycho: She's cute and bubbly. That doesn't stop her from being downright vicious in combat.
- Cute Bruiser: Her fighting style isn't exactly sophisticated, utilizing fists, kicks or some blunt instrument.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Eldritch Abomination: Her true form. Her human form is specifically made to appeal to Mahiro.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Just ask Cuuko.
- Expressive Hair: Nyarko's cowlick can even form letters.
- Genki Girl: And probably the most energetic Nyarlathotep ever.
- Gratuitous Foreign Language: Primarily English. Also, Italian.
- Holy Hand Grenade: Nyarko uses blasphemous hand grenades. Yes, actual hand grenades.
- Hypocritical Humor/No Girl Wants to Be Chased/Laser-Guided Karma: Hates being chased around by Cuuko.
- Idiot Hair: Prehensile idiot hair.
- In-Series Nickname: Her own name as a stand-in for Nyarlathotep.
- Large Ham
- Lovable Sex Maniac
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl
- Moe Anthropomorphism: Of Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos.
- Motor Mouth: Nyarko will talk non-stop. About anything you haven't asked her about, of course.
- Not Cheating Unless You Get Caught: When asked by Mahiro about whether she can bring home all the manga, anime and games she bought at Akihabara, and whether this makes her Not So Different from the smugglers she's supposed to apprehend, her reply is...
Nyarko: "It's not a crime if no one finds out."
(Cue Mahiro showing her a video of that exact line on his cellphone)
- Odango/Girlish Pigtails: When swimming.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Skirt Space: Nyarko keeps a chainsaw there. You read right.
- Surprisingly Good English: While accented, it's still perfectly understandable.
- Sweet Tooth: Thoroughly exploited by Cuuko.
- Teen Genius: Goes back since childhood, much to her older brother Nyar-o's ire.
- That Liar Lies: No, she does not carry Mahiro's child. Doesn't stop the rest of the cast of believing her, though.
- Took a Level In Kindness: An adaptational example; she's a Manic Pixie Dream Girl, while the original Nyarlathotep was a malicious Trickster.
- Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist
- Victoria's Secret Compartment: Where she keeps her poke-balls.
- Violently Protective Girlfriend: As Cuuko found out the hard way when she stated that she was going to toast Mahiro.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Wingding Eyes: Gets visible sparks in her eyes when visiting Akihabara.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Grade A.
Mahiro Yasaka

Voiced by: Eri Kitamura
A 17-year-old high school boy with a fascination for the Cthulhu Mythos.
- Adaptation Dye Job: Has black hair in the light novels, which gained a dark brown tint in the anime.
- Ascended Fanboy: Though in this case it's an extremely mixed blessing.
- Badass: He's been in close contact with the denizens of the Cthulhu Mythos... and he's still not insane. Not only that, but during one instance he causes Sanity Point drain on Nyarko herself. Case closed.
- Action Survivor
- Beware the Nice Ones/Badass Normal: He may seem to be a hapless boy, but push him too far -- especially make fun of the Cthulhu Mythos -- and he will stab you with a fork... whether you're human, animal, alien or Lovecraftian.
- Berserk Button: Never ever malign the Cthulhu Mythos.
- Bishonen: Handsome enough to have smitten Nyarko just with his photo, get "scouted" for a role in an alien Boys Love show, and get confessed to by Hasta.
- Color Failure: The poor boy is prone to this, be it for failed SAN Meter checks or having his mom returning without warning.
- Crazy Prepared: Be it forks to fend Nyarko off or a cellphone with camera with which he can Blackmail her into doing her job properly.
- Cross-Dressing Voices: Eri Kitamura is more used to younger girls and kids, not a boy in his mid-teens like him.
- Did You Just Get Nyaralathotep To Fall For You?: Unfortunately for him, yes he did.
- Even the Guys Want Him: Just ask Hasta.
- Generation Xerox: He inherited his fork-wielding skills from his mother Yoriko.
- Genre Savvy: Regarding the Cthulhu Mythos. Also, while he certainly likes Nyarko, he's at least aware that dating an Eldritch Abomination isn't exactly so great an idea, explaining his mild Tsundere attitude.
- He also got Cuuko off his back by exploiting her Psycho Lesbian crush on Nyarko to win her over as a mutual ally.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: Partially. He thinks he's a Player Character in Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game). He's actually in Teenagers From Outer Space, albeit with heavy Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game) themes.
- Improbable Weapon User: When he has to, he fights with his trusty... fork.
- Luminescent Blush: Mahiro gets one after seeing Nyarko's panties.
- No Guy Wants to Be Chased: There's a reason Nyarko gets a taste of Mahiro's fork more than any other character.
- Only Sane Man: What he is desperately trying to remain.
- Second Year Protagonist: And he's seventeen. We know because Nyarko has No Sense of Personal Space.
- Tsundere: A rare male Type A -- he apparently hates Nyarko's open affection, but no matter how often he brings out the fork, he obviously finds her cute.
- Unfazed Everyman: After a while, even Nyarue's true form doesn't really trouble him.
- Visible Silence

Voiced by: Miyu Matsuki
Nyarko's old friend who also comes down to Earth and the humanized version of Cthugha, the Burning One.
- Badass: As stated in the description above.
- Badass Adorable: Watch her resort to adorably crazy ways to win Nyarko's heart one minute, then watch her incinerate nightgaunts, ghouls and Deep Ones the next.
- Plucky Girl: Willing to go to some crazy lengths to get into Nyarko's skirt.
- Creepy Monotone: Talks in a low, slow monotone, except when she talks to or about Nyarko.
- Curtains Match the Window/Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Deadpan Snarker: Except where Nyarko is concerned, at which time she enters fangirl mode.
- Dude, She's Like, in a Coma: Technically only a rejection-induced shock, but she still has no qualms whatsoever about undressing Nyarko.
- Eldritch Abomination: A living fireball disguised as a red-haired girl.
- Fiery Redhead: Literally -- her human form uses flames as ribbons for her twintails.
- Gamer Chick: One reason she quickly became friends with Yoriko.
- Girlish Pigtails: Two really long ones.
- Hey, You: Tends to call Mahiro "boy".
- Hypocritical Humor/No Girl Wants to Be Chased/Laser-Guided Karma: Volume 6 of the light novels introduces her cousin, Cuune. She acts the exact same way Cuuko does towards Nyarko, except she's horny for Cuuko.
- I Am Not Left-Handed: In her first fight against Nyarko, she reveals that she can fire more lasers than the latter can handle.
- Incompatible Orientation: To Nyarko, for more than one reason... not that she cares.
- Irony: She has a cat's tongue, meaning she can't handle hot foods (as in hot temperature-wise). She's a living fireball.
- Lovable Sex Maniac
- Moe Anthropomorphism: Of Cthugha, the Burning One.
- NEET: She refers to her time as a "home security guard", a Japanese slang for slacker.
- New Job Episode: Has one in "Remember my Love(craft-sensei)", which she tries out various Earth employment.
- Otaku Surrogate: Of the general variety. During her first appearance she refences Mobile Suit Gundam and The Big O, but this soon expands to video games and anime series, classic and contemporary alike.
- Pettanko: Lampshaded by Tamao during her transfer to Boryo High in Episode 3.
Tamao: "...and she's got a delicious A-Cup that will tickle every nerd's fantasy!"
- Platonic Life Partners: After she quit trying to kill Mahiro, their relationship has become "like, not love", though only because Mahiro was Genre Savvy enough to exploit her Psycho Lesbian crush on Nyarko to get her off his back and even win her over as a mutual ally.
- Playing with Fire: Naturally.
- Psycho Lesbian: She will side with the bad guys for a chance at putting her hands on Nyarko. Mahiro works around this trope to get her off his back and win her over as a mutual ally.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Screw the Rules, I Have Connections: Gets an easy pass into the Planetary Defense Force because her uncle happens to be in PR. Nyarko is incensed, since she had to pass an examination to even make it (as well as a few other reasons).
- Shipper on Deck/Pair the Spares: Wholeheartedly ships Mahiro/Hasta, because it means that she can have Nyarko for herself.
- Skirt Space: That's where she keeps her funnels when in her school uniform. Later on it is revealed that she keeps a two-handed sword, of all things, down there as well.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Mahiro gets the ice, Nyarko gets the sugar. Mahiro doesn't mind, so long as they remain on cordial terms. Not so much with Nyarko, who'd rather get away from her.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: In Episode 7, after Cuuko laments that no game console may replace the Xoth-731, Mahiro comforts her, telling her that someday something that can satisfy her will come. Cuuko thanks him, but thinking he's setting up an Event Flag with her, tells him it won't work. Mahiro plays along.
Mahiro: "Don't worry about that. Even if a flag does come up, I'd end it immediately."
- Yandere: Nyarko likes a guy? She will char him for good.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Grade A.

Voiced by: Rie Kugimiya
A young boy with long blond hair, who happens to be the humanized version of Hastur, the Unspeakable One, godd... deity of wind, depicted here more as the benign deity of shepherds than the Rapine Storm version. He is also the son of the president of Carcosa Computer Entertainment (CCE), a famous video game developer.
- Adorably Precocious Child: His overall appearance, although he also attends Mahiro's Boryo Municipal High School.
- Bi the Way: In Volume 7, he admits that he feels warm and fuzzy around Luuhi as much as he does with Mahiro, though he doesn't really understand anything further than that.
- Blow You Away: Godd... deity of wind.
- Cross-Dressing Voices: And courtesy of none other than Rie Kugimiya, here using her cutesy tone reserved for her Shana Clones.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: He dresses as a guy, at least.
- Hair of Gold: An appropriate trope for the "King in Yellow".
- Hair Antennae: A couple of cowlicks.
- Humanoid Abomination: His most common Mythos depiction (shown on his lap on the picture above) looks like a masked man, clothed in yellow rags, often with tentacles slipping through its hem.
- Incompatible Orientation: He likes Mahiro a lot. As in the romantic variety.
- Moe Anthropomorphism: Of Hastur, the Unspeakable.
- The Mole: Outright tells Mahiro that he was sent by his father to gather data on Earth's entertainment from his mother Yoriko on behalf of the CCE, but decides to stay instead after the mission is called off.
- Nice Guy: So sweet, cuddly and good-natured is he that it's hard to believe he is voiced by none other than Rie Kugimiya, queen of Shana Clones. This is probably the only reason he is the only member of Mahiro's harem who hasn't gotten the fork yet.
- No Sense of Direction
- Only Sane Man: Between Nyarko and Cuuko's squabbles, back in space grade school, he used to act as their middleman.
- Pinky Swear: Hasta suggests it to seal Mahiro's promise to consider his love confession again... in 25 million years.
- Rapunzel Hair: Tied in a long braid.
- Spoiled Sweet
- Student Council President: During his, Nyarko and Cuuko's space elementary school days.
Voiced by: Tomoko Kaneda (drama CD and first anime) and Satomi Arai (second anime)
Nyarko's pet, a female shantak (avian with horse's head and bat wings).
- Humanity Ensues: Briefly in the seventh volume thanks to Cuuko.
- Pet Monstrosity: Before it got one-shotted by a Nightgaunt on Episode 1 of the second anime.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
- Team Pet
- Trademark Favorite Food: Carrots
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: One of its powers, including the spaceship Nyarko boarded en route to earth, and a motorcycle.
Luhy Distone

Voiced by: Mariko Kouda
A green-haired woman and employee of Cthulhu Corporation, a rival video game developer to CCE (run by Hasta's father). She is also a humanized version of none other than Cthulhu, the namesake of an entire mythos based on the works of H.P. Lovecraft.
- Absolute Cleavage: Her business suit is really low cut and revealing.
- Heel Face Turn: After Episode 6, she bounces back from her Villainous Breakdown and tells everyone she has no hard feelings, and she even helps Mahiro escape the cursed dating sim in Episode 8.
- Hot Chick in a Badass Suit
- How the Mighty Have Fallen: From game console developer to takoyaki vendor... isn't it sad, Luhy?
- Humiliation Conga: Yoriko tells her that her Xoth-731 is too high-end and thus too expensive for commercial release, gets a call from her CEO telling her that she (and her entire department) had been laid off, and had to watch Cuuko reluctantly destroy Xoth-731 after it caused Deep Ones to be brainwashed by a Zombie Apocalypse game currently uploaded... poor lady.
- Hot for Student: Becomes a teacher for Mahiro's class, and certainly acts this way towards Hasta.
- Hot Teacher: Becomes one late in the light novels.
- Magical Girl: She acts as one as one of her jobs.
- Meganekko
- Moe Anthropomorphism: Of none other than Cthulhu.
- Eldritch Abomination: To put this in perspective, Cthulhu is a mountainous, pulpy green monster with a tentacled head and wings. It does have a somewhat humanoid body, but it's grotesque and far from beautiful. Contrast that with the picture of Luuhi above.
- Villainous Breakdown: Played for Laughs in Episode 6. Upon learning that Cthulhu Corp. is ditching its gaming department, she ends up with Dull Eyes of Unhappiness before Laughing Mad in a desperate attempt to complete Xoth-731.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Yoriko Yasaka
Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue (drama CD and first anime) and Aya Hisakawa (second anime)
Mahiro's mother and a professional monster hunter.
- Admiring the Abomination: To an extent. While her son is somewhat freaked out and disturbed by Nyarko and Cuuko, she is more than happy to call some of their antics adorable, though she also makes it clear she will not hesitate to berate them should they cross her.
- Alliterative Name
- Ascended Fangirl: Just like her son, but unlike him she readily welcomes Nyarko, Cuuko and Hasta into their household.
- Badass: Like her son, she has yet to lose her sanity, even openly acknowledging the existence of several Cthulhu Mythos beings. Bonus points for actually scaring the crap out of Nyarko and Cuuko at the same time using a bunch of forks.
- Action Mom: Works as a professional demon hunter (her introduction in Episode 4 even makes some Shout Outs to Monster Hunter).
- Mama Bear: Eased off on this after her initial meeting with Nyarko and Cuuko, especially after they explained themselves, but both are now conscientious enough to keep themselves in her good graces.
- Cuddle Bug: Frequently embraces her son upon returning from her adventures, supposedly to recharge her "sononium".
- Gamer Chick: Collector of consoles of all sorts.
- Hot Mom
- Improbable Weapon User: Just like her son, she uses forks as her main weapon.
- It Runs on Nonsensoleum: Whenever she runs low, she hugs her son to "recharge" her "sononium".
- More Dakka: Mahiro's fork = good. Yoriko's eight forks = better.
- Older Than They Look: Old enough to have a seventeen year old kid, but doesn't look a year over twenty.
- Shipper on Deck: Played with. She isn't opposed per se to Nyarko hooking up with her son, but she does want them to know each other as friends first. The poor girl, thinking she just got friendzoned, ended up with a Color Failure before Giving Up the Ghost.
Tamao Kurei

Voiced by: Yuka Ootsubo
A classmate of Mahiro, Nyarko, Cuuko and Hasta, who is always on the prowl for the hottest scoop in school.
- Genki Girl: Not as pronounced as Nyarko, but she definitely shows a lot of zeal with her hobby.
- Hair Decorations: Wears a ribbon shaped like a pair of megaphones.
- Hot Scoop
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Secretly harbors a crush for Mahiro, but relents in favor of her new friend, Nyarko.
- Iconic Item: Megaphones. They are even the principal design of her ribbons.
- Foreshadowing: She has a body swap with one of the Great Race of Yith. Yithians have a megaphone-shaped appendages.
- In-Series Nickname: "Walking Speaker"
- Tomboyish Ponytail
Takehiko Yoichi

Voiced by: Wataru Hatano
Mahiro's best friend and confidant.
Voiced by: Sayuri Hara
Another Nyarlathotepian and an old high school friend of Nyarko. Appears in Remember my Love(craft-sensei).
- Adorkable
- Meganekko
- Shapeshifter Identity Crisis: Has a tendency to return to her true form when embarrassed.
- Passionate Sports Girl: Being more interested in sports, she always carries a bat around with her.
- Back to Haiyore! Nyaruko-san