Grossology (2006-2009) is a cartoon series about a Brother-Sister Team, Ty and Abby, who solve all the Squick related problems in their town (within the confines of TV-Y7, of course). Based loosely on a series of books by the same name.
Tropes used in Grossology include:
- Adults Are Useless
- Alpha Bitch: Paige Logan.
- The Bad Guy Wins: Sort of. Fartor, Insectiva and Sloppy Joe get happy endings near the end of season 2, but not at the expense of anyone else.
- Balloon Belly: Ty and Lab Rat in "Sloppy Joe To Go".
- Basso Profundo turns out to be just as skinny as he used to be, and the only reason he looked fat was because he had so much gas in him, which he lost over the course of his Burping Contest with Ty and Abby's dad.
- Beard of Evil: Lance Boil
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Averted so many times with Abby.
- Blondes Are Evil: Paige and her sidegirls
- Bowdlerize: The French Canadian version of "Fartzilla" was heavily censored to remove flashbacks of Fartor getting farted on by his older brother as a child.
- Brother-Sister Team
- Burping Contest: Between Abby's Dad and Basso Profundo
- The Catfish: "Squirm"
- Cool Pet: Hermes
- Cut Lex Luthor a Check: In "Sloppy Joe To Go" Sloppy Joe starts a successful fast food franchise, but all he cares about is creating more garbage for him to steal.
- Edutainment: The whole show
- Enemy Mine: Abby and Insectiva once reluctantly teamed up against a carnivorous plant-themed villain.
- Evil Albino: Sloppy Joe (when cleaned up).
- Expy: Any Kim Possible fan might see Labrat as a taller, skinnier version of Wade.
- To say nothing of Abby as a junior-high version of Kim...who digs the gross stuff.
- Fan Girl: Abby was VK's fan. So much a fan that she refused to believe that VK was the culprit despite seeming evidence. Only when VK admits everything does she get over her fangirl-ness and stop him good.
- Fartillery: Fartor
- Fiery Redhead: Abby
- Flash Back: In "New Recruits" Abby and Ty reminisce about how they first became Grossologists, as well as Lance Boil's origin.
- Gadgeteer Genius: Labrat
- Gasshole: Fartor and Basso Profondo
- Girl Posse: Paige's sidegirls.
- Girls with Moustaches: Abbie grows a beard after being subjected to an overdose of testosterone by Freddy Folicle.
- Grappling Hook Pistol: One of the functions of the goop shooter.
- Gross-Out Show
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Abby is Anna Maht.
- Paige is Muffy Crosswire.
- Fartor is Lucius Heinous VII.
- Honest John's Dealership: Professor Skinner. Though he's more inept than immoral.
- How We Got Here: Used in "Vertigo a Go-Go".
- I Take Offense to That Last One:
Paige: I came for a party and no creepy, weirdo, Goth loser is going to stop me!
Darko Crevasse: Oh, come on. I may be, as you say, 'creepy', but Goth? That's just insulting!
- I Was Quite a Looker: A flashback to Lance Boil's origin shows he was tall and handsome before he was mutated.
- Flashbacks to Insectiva's childhood show she was once quite adorable. And so was her sister, Arachnidia.
- The Lab Rat
- Leeroy Jenkins: Ty
- Limited Social Circle: Subverted. Ty and Abby don't seem to have friends of their own. In "The Perfect Stink", their parents point out how they never see their friends around. The only friends they've ever meet are Naomi, Andy and Lab Rat.
- Logo Joke: At the end of the credits the Nelvana logo gets covered in goop.
- May Contain Evil: Sloppy Joe's fast food chain.
- Meganekko: Petunia Archer (Season 2) and Naomi
- Miracle-Gro Monster: Slitherbuddies from "Fangs A Lot".
- Missing Episode: "Let Them Eat Fruitcake" and "Pucker Up" were delayed due to being holiday episodes (Christmas and Valentine's Day respectively), but due to the series' cancellation neither of them aired.
- Both aired in Australia, but for unknown reasons the UK only got "Pucker Up".
- Modesty Towel: Abby and her mom in "Spa Insectiva".
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Darko Crevasse is based on Ozzy Osbourne.
- No, Mr. Bond, I Expect You to Dine: Inverted in one episode when Mrs. Archer invites Insectiva over for dinner, not realising she's a supervillain.
- The Nudifier: Kid Rot can dissolve anything organic with a single touch, including clothing.
- Official Couple: Sloppy Joe and Insectiva as of the Valentine's Day episode.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Paul "Lab Rat" Squirfenherder
- The Pig Pen: Sloppy Joe
- Prehensile Hair: Freddy Folicle
- Prematurely Bald: Freddy Folicle's plot involved stealing people's hair, one of his victims of course being Abby.
- Redheaded Hero: Abby
- Reptiles Are Abhorrent: Averted, at least in the case of baby alligators. Abby finds them cute and The Detective adopts a lifelike robotic one.
- Robot Dog: Sniffer McGross
- Rodents of Unusual Size: After being defeated and contained, Abby's evil part-rat clone turned from mostly-human-looking to a giant rat.
- Rogues Gallery
- Running Gag: Labrat not wanting to go outside, as well as the Director being in entirely the wrong profession.
- Sticky Situation
- Stock Footage: Abby and Ty's Lock and Load Montage before each mission.
- Talking to Himself: In "Oldie But a Goodie" aging Abby and her mom have the same voice actress.
- Teen Superspy
- Terraforming: Fartor is a non-planet example. His brother gave him Dutch ovens so often that oxygen became poisonous to him.
- In his final episode, Fartor attempted to terraform Earth so he could survive there without his suit. He ends up accidentally terraforming the Moon and decides to live there.
- Third Person Person: VK, he doesn't even care if anyone finds it annoying.
- Tomboyish Ponytail: Abby
- Tongue on the Flagpole: Happens to Professor Skinner in "Fangs A Lot".
- Uncanny Family Resemblance: Ty and Abby's parents look like them. To the point that it's kinda creepy.
- Vomit Discretion Shot: Frequently.
- Speaking of, the lack of Vomit Indiscretion Shot in a Gross-Out Show is, one assumes, a Y7-rating related issue. Which didn't stop the show doing an episode revolving around a puking spree (including Abbey puking for canonically the first time in her life), which made the Discretion thematically somewhat unfortunate.
- Walking Wasteland: Kid Rot
- Weirdness Censor: When Abby was replaced by an evil part-rat clone of herself no-one noticed the fangs or pale skin.
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