< Grim Tales from Down Below

Grim Tales from Down Below/YMMV

  • Accidental Innuendo: (Junior holding up his father's journal) "Now comes the best part. This book also happens to be the family album!" The first picture is his mom lying on a bed in her underwear.
  • Complete Monster: After what Oogie did in the episode titled The Horror (Warning: this might be one of the pages the Squick entry below is talking about), this is what many people see him as.
    • Also notice: Even Lock, Shock, And Barrel are completely terrified.
      • As bad as he is, he is nothing compared to Mandy, seeing as she caused 9/11, Operation Freedom, Hurricane Katrina, Crash 380, and all just to get Grim back on his feet.
        • Even Worse,recent strips shows that she's responsible for the destruction of Megaville and the future heroes.
          • No no. It isn't confirmed that she's done that yet. Besides, do you think she can be considered "traitor if she isn't even a hero in the first place? There's also the point that she's the mayor and since she's also pretty protective about her "possessions"(like Billy for example), I doubt that she'd want to destroy her own city.
          • Hell, not even her own children are safe, as she beats Junior for defending Mimi. Even Grim was appalled on what Mandy has done.
  • Contested Sequel: After Birth isn't even out yet (and may not be for some time to come) but already some have voiced their immense dislike of it simply stemming from the rumours surrounding problems in its production. The comic is completed but has hit a final snag with publishing. Many feel that the sequel's high ambitions is enough reason for it to suck.
  • Creator's Pet: It seems like hardly anyone can stop themselves from telling Junior and thus the audience how great Minnie is, at least when she's onstage. Mostly in the earlier chapters; later they're more likely to talk about how powerful she is instead. Both kinds get very tiresome.
    • Of course, this trope was actually what Bleedman was trying to invoke, get the characters to gush over Minner so we better get Jr.'s inferiority complex, then have them keep gushing so we better take Jr.'s side.
      • This troper would consider this a subverted trope considering the author's plan all along was to kill her in her first actual battle
  • Evil Is Sexy: Mandy.
  • Gorn: https://web.archive.org/web/20141110112732/http://grim.snafu-comics.com/?comic_id=189 This page, especially the last two panels.
  • Internet Backdraft: MANDY DID WTC. That is all.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Junior
  • Moral Event Horizon: Mandy directly causes 9/11, Operation Freedom, Hurricane Katrina and Crash 38. Damn, Ngo. Just... damn.
    • While one could argue that all those deaths were Mandy just doing her job as Death that day (going overboard, but still her job), what really puts it over the MEH is that she did it to impress her crush.
      • Actually, people seem to be split on her reasons. Some think it was to impress Grim, others think it was a wakeup call to get up off his bony ass and be the Grim Reaper.
    • No matter what your opinions are of Mandy in regards to 9/11, this troper thinks she found a new MEH to cross when, after Junior tries to stand up for Mimi, Mandy beats him up without remorse. Please Grim, please, KILL YOUR EVIL BITCH OF A WIFE!!!
  • Narm: Early in the comic, Mandy cuts her own throat. It's presented for drama... but it's a flashback, so we all know it didn't stick. (The next page has Grim inform her she won't die until he feels like it.) It comes across as a drastic attempt to milk emotional response.
  • Schedule Slip: After six years , the main series eventually finished in June 2009. Ngo has since created a short sequel called AfterBirth that apparently deals with Minimandy coping with her agelessness and being left alone after Junior sets out on a life of adventure. The comic was produced in the early half of 2010 but suffered delays due to poor internal communication and conflicts with Bleedman's other comics. According to latest information the comic was completed in September 2010 but was not released on its intended date of Christmas Day due to disputes and problems with site owner, Snafu Dave. Both Bleedman and Snafu Dave seem at odds about the release of the comic (which would require permission from companies such as Cartoon Network unless it were to be uploaded freely to the website) and Afterbirth remains, at time of writing, in post-development limbo... And then it updated again. It is now ongoing and continues with Mimi raiding Grim's Castle presumably to collect Horror's Hand
  • Your Cheating Heart: Because we can't be so sure as to the extent of Blossom and Dexter's relationship in the future, but he could not have been pleased to discover that Blossom sired a child with Him, of all people.
    • Of course, whose to say this wasnt done by another way.
    • Although, the trend has been one of Bleedman's fetishes lately, adding just more half-siblings to Junior as story progresses, so maybe Author Appeal ?
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