Grim Tales from Down Below/Characters
List of characters from Grim Tales from Down Below
Note: Only list characters that have a significance to the story. If its a cameo, leave em out.
Main Cast
Junior (a.k.a Grim Jr)
The main character of the story and Grim and Mandy's son. Prince of the underworld.
- Brother-Sister Incest: Implied though he heavily denies it.
- By the end of the series he seems more accepting of it. When the series renewed they seem to have worked out a brother-sister version of a Two Girl Romantic Friendship.However Mimi is also his Crush so it could be a love Triangle.
- Brought Down to Badass: Offers up his demon powers in Afterbirth in an attempt to regain his sister's love. It works.
- Dem Bones: A living skeleton like his father. His spirit form is more human looking though. Because he was originally human, but Grim's plans called for killing him and bringing him back as a reaper.
- Anti-Sue/God Mode Sue: Junior's defining traits are his jealousy and loathing of his beautiful and talented little sister. By the end of Grim Tales, Junior has all of Minnie's powers and adoration, as well as a claim to the throne.
- Driven by Envy/The Resenter: Is jealous of the almost genuine Parental Favoritism that Nergal Jr. shows Minnie, and would give anything to have Nergal Jr's powers.
- Expy: Of Shinji Ikari and Ichigo Kurosaki.
- Future Badass: From the Afterbirth previews, he seems to have gotten far more skilled.
- Go Through Me: After Mandy drains the dark energy out of Mimi, reverting her to her human form and orders her to be disposed of. Junior, tired of her callousness stands in front of Mimi and refuses to move even when Mandy starts physically beating him.
- Grew a Spine: Pun aside, he made a daring choice to summon his demon-reaper powers to defend a weakened Mimi from a pissed-off Mandy. It's also because he made that choice that Mandy actually decides to spare Mimi.
- Grim Reaper: Like father, like son.
- Heel Realization: Though it takes a trip through the afterlife for him to finally realize it.
- Humanoid Abomination: Is a walking skeleton with an Eldritch Abomination attached.
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: Against a mind-controlled Minnie.
- Lovecraftian Superpower: His Nergal powers.
- Mismatched Eyes: Minnie gives him one of her eyes. So he has one pupil in one of his socket.
- In human form he has one blue and one grey eye to represent this.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Its due to his jealously that the comics events happened.
- One-Winged Angel: Was about to get serious here before a Cooldown Hug.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Minnie's Nergal powers can take over him if he's not careful.
- Talking to Themself: Talks and argues with his Negal side.
- The Worf Effect: Gets tossed aside by nearly every baddie he meets.
- The Unfavorite: He feels like this due to his sister. In truth its not the case.
- If what the Nergal symbiosis says is true, Jr. standing up to his mother made him the favorite in her eyes.
- The Hero
Minnie (a.k.a Mini Mandy)
Grim and Mandy's daughter though technically Nergal Jr's the father, Junior's sister, and princess of the underworld
- The Ace
- A-Cup Angst: In one strip, she was seen comparing herself with her mother and an image of a pancake appears.
- It's even better when you realize to what her line, "How cruel. My name is so apt..." refers.
- Action Girl: You wouldn't know it from her appearance though.
- Anatomy Arsenal/Walking Armory
- The Archer/Cool Sword
- Back from the Dead: The first comic is essentially a How We Got Here of this.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Thanks to Him
- Beware the Nice Ones: Normally a very sweet girl, but god help you if you get her angry.
- Berserk Button: Harming Junior in any way. Very bad idea.
- Brother-Sister Incest: Toward Junior to a world-ending degree.
- More recently she's been shown to cave to her brother for the promise of sleeping in the same bed as him and play with his hair after he was nailed to the floor on top of her.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Is she ever.
- Cooldown Hug: Gives Junior one here.
- Cute Bruiser
- Cute Monster Girl
- Dead Little Sister: Subverted; she got to come back. Though this was a Foregone Conclusion, considering that the whole story is a flashback.
- Death Glare: Gives a pretty epic one here.
- Despair Event Horizon: Undergoes one in Afterbirth after Jr. leaves to train on his own.
- Eldritch Abomination: Her second form.
- Emergency Transformation: Her current form As her original form had to be destroyed thank to the Enemy Within.
- Empathic Weapon/ Evil Weapon/Living Weapon
- Enemy Without: Once she was killed by Oogie Boogie. Her true form ran rampant.
- Expy: Anthy Himemiya, meet your long-lost cousin!
- God Mode Sue/Purity Sue/ Relationship Sue: Smart, strong, cute, praised by all, adores her brother to the point of lusting after him, so much that she surrenders everything she has to him.... Though, by the end, even that negative trait is transformed into a positive through the power of Author Appeal...
- Though now it's been shown that she easily gets bribed with the offers of close contact and gets jealous when Jr. defends Mimi.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: In her first form. As well as glowing mouth.
- Humanoid Abomination: Is part undead human, part Nergal demon.
- Implausible Fencing Powers
- Lady of War/Silk Hiding Steel
- Little Miss Badass
- Lovecraftian Superpower: Passes them on to Jr. and helps him control them. Him leaving to train on his own is what drives her to leave.
- Not Growing Up Sucks: In Afterbirth, one of the reasons Minnie has run away from home is because her body no longer ages due to being undead.
- Possibly foreshadowed in WHaM, where she appears jealous of the fact that she's not as... "developed" as her mother.
- One-Winged Angel: Two forms, in her human form and her mega form which is not nice.
- Ojou
- Purple Prose/Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe: How she normally speaks.
- She Fu/Waif Fu
- Super Empowering
- Ungrateful Bastard: She jealous of Mimi's affections to Junior despite the fact it was Mimi who saved them in the first place from HIM. The entirety of Aftermath is also caused by her due to the fact that Junior wanted to go off on his own for awhile to hone his powers to help protect her.
- Yandere: "Love me, Junior! LOVE ME!"
The very same from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. In this universe, after years of unwilling servitude to the two title characters, he found he actully did like hanging around them, especially Mandy. At first he was unwilling to kill them, allowing Mandy to live into adulthood. He eventually gathered the nerve to reap her, but not before proposing to her first. She accepted and the two have the ruled the underworld since.
- Bumbling Dad
- Butt Monkey: Yeah even as the ruler he can't get a break. Not as bad as the TV show though.
- Dem Bones
- Even Evil Has Standards: He actually calls Mandy out for letting Mimi get close to the Hand of Horrors knowing full well what it can do.
- Give another to her for not helping Blossom and Mimi during their hour of need in the past
- Grim Reaper: Duh.
- Papa Wolf: Loves his kids very much and will do anything to protect them.
Grim's Wife and mother to Junior and Minnie. After years of bossing Grim around, she found out he had an attachment to them. As such she was immortal since he kept prolonging her life and she grew into powerful woman till Grim gathered the nerve to reap her. She married him instead and became ruler of the underworld alongside him. She had an affair with Nergal at one point which resulted in the human Minnie, which Grim was aware about, though he wasn't happy.
- Action Mom: Mandy is the literal queen of badass ladies in this comic.
- Death Glare: Mandy gives one to Dark Danny because of his recklessness.
- Evil Is Sexy
- Guns Akimbo
- Hot Mom: INDEED!
- Lack of Empathy: She does care for her family but anyone else is on their own. This page sums it up quite nicely.
- Moral Event Horizon: Her infamous stint as a Grim Reaper Which caused 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina. Gained Bleedman some controversy as a result.
- Though it should be noted that Bleedman held a poll over whether or not to take down the page showing this; the fans voted to leave it up.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Really Gets Around: Junior's bilogical father was a human man, and she also slept with Nergal Jr. witch produced Minnie. And later D. Danny, who already implies she been impregnated again.
- May be justified. Grim is incapable of natural procreation.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- The Stoic
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: a blonde one but god yes!
- Would Hurt a Child: Even her own son isn't exempt from her wrath.
Dani and Manny
Two new additions to the Grim household born in between the end of "What About Mimi?" and "Afterbirth. They are the product of Mandy and Dark Danny sleeping together. As such they have ghost powers.
- Different As Night and Day
- Half-Human Hybrid: Since they come from Dark Danny, they're half-human half-ghosts.
- Hates Being Touched: Dani, mostly because Junior uses his tentacles to do it.
- Weak but Skilled/Unskilled but Strong: Dani knows a lot about the non-combat powers she has, but seems to lack her brother's sheer strength. Manny is the exact opposite with barely any understanding of his non-combat powers, but he can already preform a ghostly wail and can unleash powerful ecto blasts.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Manny's the red, Dani's the blue
Allies and Extended Family
The temporal ghost from Danny Phantom. Acts an an observer and guide to Junior during his spiritual trip. Hinted that he knew was was to come (he a ghost of time after all). Grim doesn't seem to like him much.
- The Chessmaster: Alongside Nergal
- Pass the Popcorn
- Spirit Advisor: To Junior for a time.
Dark Danny
Danny's futuristic evil counterpart from The Ultimate Enemy. Clockwork released him in preparation for the coming events, with the threat that he'll erase him from existence (as D.D. exists outside of time now due to Danny's actions in the movie) if he gets out of line. Helps to fight against Minnie's monster form.
- Ax Crazy: His demeanor seems to have slightly deteriorated from his stay outside time.
- Actually, he was this combined with Omnicidal Maniac before going outside of time. If anything, he's more mellow compared to his previous actions.
- Anti-Hero: Really just in it cause he has no choice.
- Big Damn Heroes
- Jerkass: The biggest in the series
- Kamehame Hadoken
- Mr. Fanservice: We see him shirtless quite a lot in GT:WhAM.
- This Is for Emphasis, Bitch
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
An otherworldly creature who has relations to Grim and Mandy. Comes to help out when Minnie's monster form runs rampant. Also has bad blood with Grim. The one present though seems to just be a spiritual apparition connected to the real one.
- Calling the Old Man Out: To Grim over how Junior and Minnie were born.
- The Chessmaster: along with Clockwork
- Spirit Advisor: To Junior.
Nergal Jr.
Nergal's son, uncle to Junior and Minnie And Minnie's true father. Also comes to help out the group against Minnie's monster form.
- Big Damn Heroes
- Lovecraftian Superpower
- Luke I Am Your Father: To Minnie, she doesn't know it though.
Him and Blossom's daughter. At first a voiceless and armless girl whom Junior meets while wandering a frozen tundra. However this turned out to be a trap of Him to lure Junior to him. Once revealed, she transforms into a more devil like creature. She turns against Him and help Junior and Minnie escape once Jeff is threatened.
- Abusive Parents: How abusive? He cut off her hands and psychologically tortured her.
- Maybe it's just this troper, but it seems that Jeff hinted that she got raped, too; "She was exposed to every unspeakable evil that humans have ever done.". Only mentioned because Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil.
- However, it's also possible that Him simply exposed her to the 'raw evil' of every evil human act, which is what this troper figured.
- Maybe it's just this troper, but it seems that Jeff hinted that she got raped, too; "She was exposed to every unspeakable evil that humans have ever done.". Only mentioned because Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil.
- Break the Cutie: Her entire past is this.
- Broken Bird: A very young example though.
- Crazy Awesome: When she betrays her father she throws a kettle. At his face.
- Cute Monster Girl: In her second form
- Dark Action Girl
- Heel Face Turn: Even Him was surprised
- Hot Amazon: Junior thinks she's amazing. Minnie does not agree.
- Even more so in Afterbirth.
- Little Miss Badass
- Love Interest Well Grim Jr. seems to have a crush on her and she seems to like her.
- Puppy Love: A few panels suggest that she and Junior like each other. And they do have an Almost Kiss at one point, but this is never focused on.
- Transformation Trauma: Indeed, her human form definitely doesn't enjoy it.
- Split Personality: Implied though never stated. Her human looking form seem rather innocent. her Him-like form is stoic and doesn't seem like she cares.
- Although it's worth mentioning that even her demonic form is quite attached to Jeff.
- The Symbiote: Her demonic form is evidently the result of her being bonded to one that even Grim is leery of. It also seems attracted to Minnie.
- Too Kinky to Torture: This panel sure seems to point in that direction.
- Turns Out Like Her Mother:HIM implies that Mimi's mother also defied him. This also implies Mimi's mother was a decent person unlike the normal meaning of this trope.
- Initially it was thought Raven was the mother but she denied it and was simply a friend of hers. Her mother believe it or not is Blossom And suddenly everything falls into place.
- The Voiceless: Doesn't utter a word throughout her appearance. Recently screamed in pain and moaned in pleasure, one right after the other and from the same thing; still no words, and still communicates through STFU irons.
- She spoke while under the influence of The Hand Of Horrors. Though this may be a case of the flashback before Him did..whatever he did to her.
Jeff the Spider
Billy's "son" and Mimi's Nanny. Due to this he is at service of Him as he hopes Him can grant his wish of having his "father" love him. Despite this though, he still kind to a fault which plays a role in Junior and Minnie's escape from Him.
- Anyone Can Die: In the WhAM comic "Making Headway", a flashback is shown that Him decapitated Jeff right in front of Mimi. It might be a case of Kill the Cutie if he weren't, you know, a giant spider.
- Heel Face Turn: He was always a nice guy, so this came as no surprise.
- Magical Nanny: To Mimi
- Off with His Head
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Part of the reason he's serving Him
Lock, Shock and Barrel
The resident mischief makers of Halloween Town as well as Ooogie's minions. They befriend Junior while he mucking around by himself, who would later go on to explain how his parents got together to the three. However the whole thing is a trap to lure Junior to Oogie so he can take Junior hostage. The plan almost works, but they don't expect Minnie to come to Junior's rescue nor Ooogie actually murdering her. And especially don't expect Junior gaining Minnie's powers and using it to rip out their souls.
- Bratty Half Pints
- My God What Have We Done: Judging by their expressions when things hit the fan. They didn't really expect Ooogie to actully kill Minnie.
Ooogie Boogie
A evil resident of Halloween Town who is trying gain the title of the most scariest creature. However upon hearing that the Grims were in Halloween Town he changes his plans to try to usurp his position by kidnapping Junior and holding him hostage. Minnie comes to his rescue instead and easily handles Ooogie But thanks to Junior's callousness at being rescued by her, it gives Ooogie time to catch Minnie off guard and kill her. This however had the repercussion of Junior gaining her powers and using it to absolutely annihilate Ooogie.
- Complete Monster
- Karmic Death: He wanted the power of Grim, he got it.
- Moral Event Horizon: Well lets face it, Oogie was already a prick. But killing Minnie cemented how far he was willing to go.
The second baddie that Junior comes across (this time during his spiritual trip) and one of the PPG's toughest foes. He too is also after the power of the Grim family since he is at odds with them for the position for the underworld. As such he takes over Minnie's spirit and tries to use her to kill Junior. Things don't exactly go as planned however. When that plan goes south, he sends his daughter Mimi into the Grim family household to retrieve something for him which was revealed to the Hand of Horrors (as seen in the B&M movie The Big Boogie Adventure).
- Abusive Parents: He cut off his own daughter's hands. And in the WhAM comic, he then beheads Jeff in front of her and threatens to torment his soul if she doesn't do what he says.
- Big Bad for the Entire series.
- Cool Shades: Part of Bleed's envision of him.
- Complete Monster: Though more for what he did to his daughter then what he does to Junior and Minnie.
- Manipulative Bastard: Uses Minnie's feeling for Junior and twists it into hate. Huh sounds familiar.
- Won't Work On Me: Took a freaking grenade with the power of a nuke and didn't do jack to him.
- One-Winged Angel: Oooh boy.
- Shout-Out: Is it just me, or does he sound a bit like Commodus in this page?
- Took a Level in Badass: Definitely not the fufu villain the PPG faced.
- We Can Rule Together: Offer it to Junior and of course is refused.
The Boogieman from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. Partners with Drax.
- Big Bad Duumvirate: With Drax.
- Complete Monster: He harvested souls. From children.
- Hostage for Macguffin: Tries to exchange Minnie for Grim's scythe. Didn't work.
- Name's the Same: He essentially Grim Adventures version of Oogie Boogie as they're both suppose to be "The Boogie Man".
- One-Winged Angel: After being betrayed by Minnie.
A human with a genius-level intellect. Partners with Boogieman.
- Big Bad Duumvirate: With Boogieman.
- Evil Genius
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Big 'ol evil one over his left eye.
- Love Makes You Evil
- Shout-Out: To Powerpuff Girl Doujinshi, his "supposed" death is a scene for scene parallel of Mandark's. Talk about irony.
- Taking You with Me: Attempts to do this with Dani and Manny.
- Tragic Villain: It's implied that whatever happened to Blossom drove him to evil.
- Cry for the Devil: Considering whatever Mandy did to Blossom, it's hard not to.
A Basilican revived by Drax with cybernetics. Follows orders from Boogieman and Drax.
- Anti-Villain: He is only following his masters' orders.
- Cyborg
- Legions of Hell: Was a member of Lucifer's army.
- Noble Demon: Literally.
- Self-Destruct Mechanism: Has one built in. Drax triggers it.
The nerdy friend of Billy and Mandy. Is shown in Mimi's flashback as one of the few last heroes left on Earth thanks to being half-mummy and half-vampire.
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Neck Snap: How Him kills him after forcing him to transform into regular bat form
- Posthumous Character
- Took a Level in Badass: He really bulked himself up over the years.
Hoss Delgato
A renegade monster hunter. Sometimes friend, sometime enemy of Grim, Billy and Mandy. He too is shown in Mimi's flashback as one of the last remnants of Earth's heroes.
- Artificial Limbs: His right arm was already artificial. His future self gains a prosthetic leg. A chainsaw one.
- Bald of Awesome: Likely approaching his fifties during the final battles.
- Chainsaw Good
- Eyepatch of Power
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Posthumous Character
- Taking You with Me: Grapples onto HIM and pulls a grenade calling for Raven teleport them away from the battleground where all three are caught in the explosion. Seeing how this is a flashback, it obviously didn't work.
According to Mimi's flashback, she was part of Megaville's last line of heroes alongside Irwin and Hoss Delgado, and plays an important role as Mimi's chief caretaker.
- Abusive Father: Knows Him is planning to use his own daughter as a tool to his evil plans. He doesn't deny it, and even compares it to how her own father used her as a portal.
- Back Stab: How Him stopped her initial attack on the golem.
- Berserk Button: If you watched the animated series, you know that bringing up her father is a real sore subject for Raven, as Him clearly demonstrates.
- Trying to harm or take Mimi away, also a bad idea.
- Death by Cameo
- Eye Scream: Gave the lava golem one heck of a shiner when it tried to take Mimi.
- Fridge Horror / Fridge Logic: In Mimi's flashback, Grim states that because of the traitor in the midst of Megaville's heroes, only a ragtag group of heroes (Irwin, Hoss Delgado, and Raven) remained to fight off evil forces. The fact that Raven was one of the last three remaining heroes against Him implies that none of her friends survived with her up to that point.
- Heroic BSOD: Has one after Him kills Irwin and tosses him at her feet. ]
- Heroic Sacrifice: Along with Hoss to kill HIM. Didn't take.
- Honor Before Reason: Him offered Raven a chance to join his side so she can take care of Mimi while he handles his "hectic schedule". Raven knows what his plans for Mimi are if she surrenders and succinctly tells Him off.
- Like A Daughter To Me: Given what she's been through, it's no real surprise that Raven became so attached to Mimi. She protected her just as much as any real Mama Bear would.
- Mama Bear: More like a surrogate Mama Bear, but just as vicious in defending Mimi, as the lava golem found out here.
- Posthumous Character
- She's All Grown Up: Well in the original Teen Titans comics she was already well into this. But seeing as this is based on the TV series where she was about 13-14, it counts.
- Tragic Keepsake: A gold pendant, because she wasn't able to get Mimi that ruby necklace she wanted to.
The mother of Mimi and former leader of the Powerpuff Girls, briefly seen in a flashback in What About Mimi
- Action Mom
- Badass Longcoat: A scientist one.
- Big Damn Heroes
- Death by Cameo: Maybe, we're not really shown what happened to her and everything beyond the flashback is implied.
- Fridge Logic: Fought a villain she tangled with dozens of times before and suddenly now she can't deal with him. Wha?
- Meganekko
- Posthumous Character
- She's All Grown Up: Seriously just look at her.