< Gregory Horror Show
Gregory Horror Show/Characters
In order of (more or less) their first appearance in the anime... (Will probably use a different sorting method in time.)
Several characters share the following tropes:
- Anthropomorphic Personification: It is very strongly suggested he's the physical form of desires and dreams...his hotel/world is a manifestation of chaos.
- Butt Monkey: Becomes this in The Bloody Karte
- Crusty Caretaker
- Dirty Old Man: He loves porn magazines...BrainBleach is right over there.
- Evil Laugh: Well, more of a chuckle, but still...
- One-Winged Angel
- You Dirty Rat
The Guest
The Guest is the main character of the first two seasons, with everything seen from their eyes. The First Guest is a working man with a wife and son, and the Second Guest is a working woman who struggles with the decision of Career Versus Man.
- And Then John Was a Zombie
- Badass Normal: The Second Guest deserves this for the fact that at one point she, rather than just take Gregory's BS, picks up an ax and chases him off with it.
- Downer / Bittersweet Ending: Neither Guest manages to escape the hotel, and returns to stay forever. The First Guest quite likely becoming Haniwa Salaryman, and the Second Guest becomes a member of Gregory's family.
- The Faceless
- No Name Given
- Pet the Dog: Both guests engage in this more than once.
- POV Cam
Neko Zombie
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!
- Fear Of Thunder/Lightning: This is because it was during a thunder/lightning storm that someone stitched him up.
- Hidden Depths
- Kill It with Fire: How he destroys the hotel and tries to kill Gregory. It doesn't work.
- Trademark Favorite Food: The PlayStation 2 game reveals that he loves chocolate.
Lost Doll
- Creepy Child
- Creepy Doll
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Implied in The Last Train
Hell's Chef
- Berserk Button: NO SMOKING!
- Pride
- Weaksauce Weakness: Gusts of air will blow out the flame on his head, causing him to stop moving.
- Deadly Doctor
- Girl with Psycho Weapon
- If I Can't Have You: Has shades of this in The Bloody Karte, such as when she kills Haniwa Salaryman after he announces his wife wants to get back together with him.
- Yandere
Mummy Dog
- Failed a Spot Check: Has an ax in his head, which he doesn't seem to acknowledge. He knows he has head-aches, but thinks he just inherited them from his dad.
Mummy Papa
- Failed a Spot Check: Has an Arabian sword in his head...like his son, he doesn't know it's there. Despite constant splitting headaches.
Judgment Boy
- Catch Phrase: "Do you know / Who I am? / They call me / Judgment Boy!"
- "JUDGMENT now!"
- Large Ham
- Sadistic Choice: His purpose to to present these to the Guest. Hopefully they're just hypothetical.
Cactus Gunman
- Abhorrent Admirer: for the Second Guest.
- A-Team Firing: He very seldom hits what he aims at.
- The Gunslinger
- Yandere: for the Second Guest.
TV Fish
Public Phone
- Con Artist
- All There in the Manual: Twin stage hands who aren't talking to each other.
- The Faceless
- The Voiceless
Gregory Mama
- Abusive Parents
- Evil Matriarch
- Vain Sorceress: Subverted in that she's not beautiful at all, she just considers herself beautiful.
- Wicked Witch
- You Dirty Rat
Clock Master & My Son
- Catch Phrase: "TIME IS MONEY!!"
- Time Master
Frog Fortune-Teller
- Fortune Teller
- Save Point: in the PlayStation 2 game.
Toilet Baby
Roulette Boy
Speed Mouse & Mutant Ducks
Mirror Man
Kinko and Inko
- Engrish: "Secret Nomber."
- Heterosexual Life Partners
Angel/Devil Dog
Dead Body
- Trademark Favorite Food: Alcohol
- Weaksauce Weakness: Water and wind.
Judgment Boy Gold
- Large and In Charge: The leader of the Judgment Boys, he's much bigger than they are.
- LargER Ham
- Don't Fear the Reaper: One of the only two characters (besides Neko Zombie in the PlayStation 2 game) who's genuinely kind to the Guest.
- The Grim Reaper
Stephen Haniwa Salaryman
- And Then John Was a Zombie: Canon very heavily suggests that he is what the First Guest has become.
- Salaryman: It's in his name for a reason, you know.
Sleepy Sheep
- Counting Sheep: He tries.
Bonsai Kabuki
Cactus Girl
- Action Girl
- Murder the Hypotenuse: In The Second Guest, she 's furious at the female guest for rejecting her brother, and believes Gregory to be her boyfriend...so she threatens to kill him if the guest doesn't date her brother.
Trap Mouse
Hell's Taxi
Poor Conductor
- Ear Worm: In-Universe. His song is so catchy, anyone that hears it starts dancing along... which eventually jars the dancer's soul right of their body.
Mono Eye Wizard
Street Vendor
Pig Gentleman
- Be Careful What You Wish For: "I want you to serve me the most tender meat you have available!"
- Jerkass: He gets what's coming to him, though...
- Let's Meet the Meat
Mummy Mama
Musha Dokuro
- Heel Face Revolving Door: His loyalty can change around in a heartbeat.
Fat Chicken
- Big Eater: No one could possibly eat that many boxed lunches- oh no wait.
- Let's Meet the Meat
Bone Head
Dr. Fritz
- Butt Monkey: Hooo boy.
(after Catherine uses him to block a bullet) "Why? Why always me?"
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