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I'm Feeling Lucky
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The search engine with the greatest user share by a large margin. Also the company that creates/maintains it and a wide variety of other products, including things like translators, YouTube, the interactive map GoogleEarth, the web browser Google Chrome, the social networking hub Google+, and GMail. Find it here.
They also store everything personal about you and are three clicks from taking over the world by looking at the government's top secret information and controlling their access to it. Though that might just be paranoia typing.
Not to be confused with a googol, which is equal to 10100.[1]
Tropes that fit Google include:
- A God Am I: According to The Church of Google.
- A Good Name for a Rock Band: Admit it, you've typed a weird query at one time that could easily be one.
- April Fools' Day: Google has an entire page on The Other Wiki for their annual jokes.
- Banned in China: If Real Life is a fiction, this would have been a Deconstruction: For a time, Google caved in to China's demand to censor itself to avoid being banned. Then later, amid suspicions that the Chinese Government was trying to spy on GMail users, they apparently decided it wasn't worth it and left the country.
- Built With Lego: Google built its first server racks out of LEGO.
- Good Bad Translation: Most of their stuff on Google Translate.
- The Cameo: Google itself appears in Hitch and during the Time Compression Montage in The Muppets. Additionally, Google Earth is featured in Crank, as well as a map in later seasons of both The Amazing Race and Cash Cab.
- Logo Gag: For certain holidays, anniversaries, and other events, a special version of the Google logo (known as a "Google Doodle") will be created to commemorate a given event, usually outsourced to a specific artist. A list of the Doodle variants used to date can be found here.
- For Pac-Man's 30th birthday, the Google logo changed to a playable level of Pac-Man, and it remains playable here.
- On the 70th birthday of John Lennon, Google logo was an animation set to an audio clip of Imagine.
- Similarly, on Freddie Mercury's 65th birthday, the logo became an animated video clip for "Don't Stop Me Now".
- Since Google's search bar automatically kicks you into search results now, the now useless "I'm Feeling Lucky" button redirects to their logos.
- Only if that feature is on, though. If you have it off, the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button will work as usual.
- Do a Barrel Roll: No, seriously. Try searching "do a barrel roll" or "Z or R twice" on the Google homepage. Go on - we'll still be here when you've finally pulled your jaw off the floor.
- Everyone Went to School Together: Larry Page and Sergey Brin started Google as computer science grad students at Stanford.
- Excited Show Title!: Just look at what it looked like in 1997.
- Furries Are Easier to Draw: Some of their Google Doodles, such as the ones for the Beijing Olympics.
- There was also their Christmas 2006 series with kangaroos.
- In Case You Forgot Who Wrote It: Google Mail, Google Maps, Google+, etc.
- Minimalistic Cover Art: The default search page.
- Muppet Cameo: For Jim Henson's 75th birthday they had a special Muppet logo -- you could make them eat each other.
- Inverted in The Muppets where Google makes a cameo as Scooter's place of employment during the Time Compression Montage.
- My Hovercraft Is Full of Eels: Common on Google's translations, especially for Asian languages, as mentioned below.
- NGO Superpower/Mega Corp: One of the biggest examples over the Internet, it even went toe to toe with China (verbally) and tied.
- Retreaux: For April Fools' Day in 2012, Google Maps was entirely redone in the style of the NES Dragon Quest games.
- Sdrawkcab Name: Elgoog.moc osla desu ni anihC ot teg dnuora eht nab.
- Shout-Out: The "crashed tab" page in Google Chrome looks a lot like the old "Sad Mac" icon in old Macs.
- Also, it says "He's dead, Jim".
- Google Doodles as a whole are this.
- Translation Train Wreck: Google Translate whenever it touches Latin. Similarly, Japanese and most other Asian languages.
- Zerg Rush: No, seriously. Try searching "zerg rush" on the Google homepage. Go on - we'll still be here when you've finally pulled your jaw off the floor.
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- ↑ That number is 1e100 in exponential notation, and the reverse DNS lookup for www.google.com shows that it lives on the 1e100.net network.
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