David Gonterman

/wiki/David Gontermancreator

David Gonterman, aka Daveykins, FoxFire, or David Foxfire, is a fan-fiction author and artist who is known mainly for the controversial "American Kitsune" fan fiction story and the furry themed "Fox Fire/Scarlet P.I." webcomic series.

Dating back to 1995, he has produced a number of mind-numbingly convoluted fan fiction X-Over stories. His stories involve Sailor Moon, Power Rangers, and Sonic the Hedgehog series, which in his fan-fiction universe all take place at the same time. King of the self-insert fan fic, he was one of the first Sailor Moon fan fiction writers to insert himself as Serena's one true love. He also gained infamy among fans of the show's gay cast members; in one of his more infamous stories ("American Kitsune"), they died at his character's hands while his insert character made a homophobic rant justifying their deaths. He is also notoriously thin-skinned (he once wrote a story where he beat up poor Mary Jo Pehl of Mystery Science Theater 3000 fame, who had the misfortune of being a stand-in for his legion of critics).

He has also created a furry-themed webcomic series called "Fox Fire", which was later retooled into "Scarlet P.I." He also created a guest strip for It's Walky!.

He seems to attend the Shoji Kawamori school of continuity, i.e. pick and choose whatever you want from the previous stories and throw the rest out. As such, readers of his work should expect Kudzu Plots.

Easily as notorious in the 90s and early 2000s as Christian Weston Chandler is today, he's managed to fade from the public eye, mostly by growing up substantially in the intervening years and just being outright outdone by the aforementioned...individual.

The Davey Crockett Trilogy

A trilogy of tangentially linked stories incorporating the character of David "Davey Crockett" Kintobor into the world of Sonic the Hedgehog.

The Piasa Monster

Blood and Metal

Sailor Moon: American Kitsune

The most infamous story of his works. Sailor Moon meets Power Rangers meets Sonic the Hedgehog meets anything else Gonterman could think of at the time. Davie meets Sailor Moon and the Power Rangers and rants about how he hates gay people while gleefully murdering the gay villains from Sailor Moon.

Scarlet P.I.

Two separate but interrelated strips. The first series, which was named FoxFire, ran for 240 strips before being dropped without a resolution. After a recent comic convention, Jim Goodlow comes home to find a package with a female fursuit in it. He's surprised to find out that it's a sentient creature and needs to a symbiotic relationship to survive. Hilarity Ensues as the suit (originally named Susan, before being changed to Scarlet) becomes Jim's crime fighting alter ego as he continues his career as a professional cartoonist. Things get a little confusing from that point on.

In 2004, a total Retool and reboot was started under the name of Scarlet PI, with there being 123 strips. Jim Goodlow reappears, but is changed from a cartoonist to a prodigy cop that can't get a job. (Interestingly enough, he's also Invisible to Gaydar, but it instead just feels like repentance on Gonterman's part.) After failing to find a job, he happens upon a box dumped near his apartment. It contains an advanced prototype female fox fursuit, which was created by a corrupt corporation (not an Alien Invasion this time, Benevolent or not). Of course, he leaps right into it due to wanting to seduce men, investigating the corporation as an obligatory exchange.

The Packbellverse

These stories and comics initially seem unrelated, but they are set in the same universe- there are many crossovers of the various characters in other stories. Most of them incorporate the character of Adam Packbell, if at least only tangentially.

Lost Boy Found

A self-published Peter Pan fanfic about a Lost Boy named Adam Packbell. The advertising blurb claims that it is "equal parts autobiography, adventure story, and Shrek-style parody of every recent novel set in Neverland including the official sequel". Adam Packbell is a central character in many of the Planewalker-verse comics and books.

Night Soldiers

A Sailor Moon inspired story about a young witch in a southern community. After Sue "comes out of the broom closet", life goes well for her as everybody accepts it. However, her lifestyle is threatened: when a succubus attacks and kills a couple people, she is the only one able to stop it. It abruptly ends before she starts her journey, so what happens is unknown. Like Fauna Force, this was meant to steal the audience from its source of inspiration.

Baka Breakers

The plotless adventures of a robotic foxgirl and her boyfriend. Difficult to describe.

Livewire Latte

A continuation of Baka Breakers, with Adam Packbell (See Lost Boy Found- it's the same character) running a coffee shop in a small town roughly 70 miles from Vegas, or 'Sin City' as Gonterman loves calling it. Primarily a Slice of Life comic, except for the android Catgirl Tara and the anthropomorphic mice running around; as well as the hints to Adam's magical side. Arguably half-decent for the first three dozen pages or so, precisely due to its less ambitious, slice-of-life style... at least until the Token Minority Japanese girl comes in.


An original story based loosely on Magic: The Gathering done in a Magical Girl style. In ancient times, a portal between Earth and Dominaria was briefly opened and then sealed off, leaving behind artifacts which contained the souls of mages. In modern times, a young girl named Jamie came in contact with one of these books and was infused with a spirit of a Planeswalker. The symbiotic creature now acts as a paragon of justice... when not just being a giant Jerkass. Adam Packbell appears in a Yu-Gi-Oh!-esque tournament based on Magic, and Richard Kronos and Sue from Night Soldiers appear in the audience.

Other Gonterman Works

Fauna Force

Gonterman's response to Sonic the Hedgehog, Fauna Force starred Johnathan Brisby, originally introduced in the Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers/Secret of NIMH crossover story The Rangers of NIMH. Johnathan, an accomplished street magician, stumbles upon the Animaster, an evil lion who has recently turned a small cadre of humans into animals via a process known as 'furricization' (a none-too-subtle play on roboticization from the Sonic universe) and takes them in to form a team that can fight against the Animaster. It was intended to "steal" the audience from Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog...

The Kissing Contest

An inept Disney Script Fic of sorts, which includes Gonterman's self-insert being praised by Disney executives as an insightful genius for portraying Pocahontas as a "donamatrix" in his fanfiction and a paragraph-long sidenote about how none of the Disney characters actually died in their films.

Kitsune .44

Scott Trucker, a Texas Ranger, gets sent back in time to Feudal Japan after a tornado scoops him up. He becomes part of a war against another time traveler that has taken over a sizable portion of Japan. As the site hosting the comic points out, the self-insert isn't named after Gonterman this time, but the hairstyle is a dead giveaway.

NiGHTS: The Third Dreamer

A rare Gontercomic about NiGHTs: Into Dreams, ostensibly a spinoff from Archie's own NiGHTs miniseries.. The plot does not seem to exist until about two pages before the comic abruptly stops, when the titular 'third dreamer' is revealed. Notable for containing the most strangely rugged Gonterman insert known to date. Who beats Charles Barkley in a one-on-one basketball game and dunks right over his head. Seriously. He also has an uncanny resemblance to Ali Al-Saachez of Mobile Suit Gundam 00 fame. Hide your women, lock your doors and get in the Gundam!


David Gonterman gets fed up with the MSTs of his work, creating a reactionary comic in which he defeats brutally kills his most vocal opponents and takes over the Satellite of Love. Also includes a bunny Sex Bot for no real reason but Author Appeal. The source of the infamous "Clinton Jobs".

The Rangers of NIMH

Medical equipment is being stolen by Nimnul. After meeting up with Johnathan Brisby, the Rescue Rangers go out to stop him. Pretty much the gold standard for both blind trust in the spellchecker and absolutely no proofreading whatsoever, its first sentence reads "The Ranger's where flowing a leaded of break-ins." Usual tripe that wouldn't be too exceptional except for the fact that it created Johnathan Brisby, who became Gonterman's mascot of sorts.

Sailor Moon USA

After the US cancellation of Sailor Moon, David ends up catching said character after an explosion in Japan launched her across the Pacific. An Adaptation Distillation of Sailor Moon: American Kitsune. Note: link is to a "Fan Art" MST, since the unaltered artwork is generally considered to be lost.

Sally Protest

A reactionary comic made when he discovered Archie Comics' plan to kill off Sally in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic continuity. After assigning his own sense of outrage at the idea to, uh, everyone else in the world, David consoles an outraged Sally, offering a solution. Famous that it got Ken Penders' attention.

The Mobius Chronicles

Sort of the follow-up to Sally Protest, The Mobius Chronicles is an alternate continuity that diverges from issue 47 of the official Sonic the Hedgehog comic book. Naturally, Gonterman promptly makes himself the main character. MSTed here, here and here.

Audiobooks and Dramatic Readings of Gonterman Works

Websites detailing Gonterman's work

Gonterman's work provides examples of:
  • Aerith and Bob: With so many crossovers, it's inevitable. A good example: Davey and Lord Zedd.
  • Author Avatar: Nearly every main male protagonist. Even a few female ones, too.
  • Alien Invasion: The villains in the original Scarlet P.I.
  • All There in the Manual: Gonterman gives a lot of supplemental information in random-side stories, blog entries, pages buried within his websites, scribbled notes on sketches of characters, and in descriptions on Deviant ART submissions. Gee, it'd sure be handy for him to tell us this stuff in the stories, eh?
  • Author Appeal: Anthropomorphic foxes, robot girls, masks, mimes, clowns and mind control.
    • High heels and corsets on his women, all the time. Even if it does not make sense.
    • Take some Sonic the Hedgehog, put in a self insert, a lil' Sailor Moon, just a pinch of Battletech and a healthy shake of Power Rangers... half bake for three weeks..
  • Author Filibuster: Taken to the extreme in American Kitsune, where Davey-kins rants about how homosexuals made his life a living hell. Adam Packbell has 'blog entries' in the Lost Boy Found novel where he rants about Ritalin; and goes out of his way to call MSTings "troll fanfiction" during a court case. The weird thing is that the people who made his life a so-called living hell were just high school kids calling him gay, not actual gay people. It's like having high cholesterol and blaming it on clowns. Gonterman later recanted his positions on this subject.
  • Ascended Fanboy: David in Sailor Moon USA.
  • Anti-Hero: Richard Cronos and a few of his 'edgier' self-inserts appear to be attempts at Antiheroes, but they're more like Disney Anti-Heroes
  • Becoming the Mask: Most "Zoot" wearers start to lose their original identity. Even Jim and Scarlet seem to mush into a single being.
  • Bi the Way: Copper Mystrian ...maybe.
  • Brother-Sister Incest: Davey and Usagi in BAM 1.0
  • The Cameo: Shall we list the ways?
    • President Barack Obama appears in BAM 2.0.
    • Gonterman has a less-than-flattering cameo of his real self when Adam looks through a magic mirror in Livewire Latte. Characters from other comics and stories appear in short cameos in both Planeswalker and Livewire Latte.
    • In Scarlet P.I. 1.0, Rael the Transvestite Bunny is based on a real person (Do not click if you are faint of heart, or faint of butt)
    • Many celebrities in Scarlet P.I. 1.0
  • Canon Welding: Due to the Mega Crossover tendencies, it appears that everything takes place on one big world, with a few alternate dimensions thrown in. It doesn't make it any easier that he frequently reuses character names and appearances, making it unclear if it's supposed to be the same character at different stages of life, or not.
  • Character Filibuster: The Rangers of NIMH has Rescue Rangers expressing Gonterman's thoughts on the then-current state of Disney.
  • Clap Your Hands If You Believe: Adam uses this in Lost Boy Found to bring the fairy he found back to life, albeit using a computer program to find websites via a search engine about the belief in fairies being true and to make a clap sound through the speakers.
  • Clothes Make the Superman: In both Scarlet PI comics, It's the sentient fursuits that have the powers, not the people wearing them. The wearers just serve as a glorified power battery.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: The typical result of Gonterman's self-insert entering a battle.
  • Determinator: Let's be honest here, Gonterman himself. Only a Determinator would have the will to keep on doing what he does, even if he's near-universally regarded as bad.
  • Do Not Touch the Funnel Cloud: The opening of Kitsune .44.
  • Even Fail Has Standards: Even David Gonterman thinks that Christian Weston Chandler is a disgrace.

"Tell me about it on CWC. Geez, when you have me facepalming at you, you have got to be pretty bad off."

  • Expansion Pack Past: Davey and ED.
  • For the Evulz: Some of his villains don't seem to have much of a motive other than making people miserable.
  • Flanderization: Most of the characters from the external canons only had one or two of their character traits kept intact, being defined exclusively by the traits that Gonterman viewed as most vital. Even his original characters tend to flatten over time.
  • Furry Fandom: Scarlet PI To the max.
  • Giftedly Bad
  • Good Bad Girl: Scarlet.
  • Gratuitous Spanish: Robbie from 'Lost Boy Found'. Even though English is apparently his first language.
  • Hands in Pockets: Much like Rob Liefeld, Gonterman avoids drawing feet whenever possible. The only exception he makes is for high-heeled boots, as the Author Appeal gives him enough motivation to finish.
  • Hollywood Cyborg: Many, many instances.
  • Human Resources: The evil Zoots in Scarlet PI use humans as glorified batteries and memory storage. Good zoots are partners.
  • Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: In the original Sonic fanfic version of Blood and Metal Alpha, the chapters were called "Zones", and divided further into "Acts", much like the classic Sonic games.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: Davey shooting and destroying Lord Zedd's throne, located on the moon, from the Earth, using a sawed-off shotgun. Oh, and with Lord Zedd not getting hit by a single pellet in spite of sitting in the throne at the time.
  • Informed Flaw: In the remake of BAM, Gonterman informs us in supplemental materials that Eric likes beer a little too much. This doesn't seem to play at all into the plot.
  • Interquel: There's a few side-stories on one of Gonterman's site that appears to take place sometime during the new series of BAM. The Scarlet P.I. novel is one of these, too.
  • Instant Fanclub: Scarlet gains a lot of fans overnight.
  • Kudzu Plot: Do we REALLY need to explain this one?
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: Davey's father is Robotnik. Averted in the remake.
  • Kavorka Man: Unintentionally evoked in pretty much everything he creates.
  • Lawyer-Friendly Cameo: Blatantly avoided in Scarlet P.I. 1.0
  • Magic Negro: A pseudo-example happens in the BAM remake, as the scientist who transforms Eric and gives him his powers is black.
    • In the old version of Blood and Metal, Old Man Coyote, while not human, is a deity from a 'mystical' non-western culture, and helps give Davey, a white American, some of his powers.
  • Mega Crossover: Everything is liable to crossover with everything else.
  • Mighty Whitey
    • Semi-Justified in Kitsune .44, as possession of a hefty revolver and 1990's knowledge in feudal Japan would give you some advantages.
    • Davey/Eric in BAM crossing over from America to another world and saving everyone. Made even more blatant in the rewrite, as Eric is essentially creating an alternate-universe United States.
  • Mind Control: Evil Zoots in Scarlet P.I. get hosts through this. One of them even has hypno eyes. Copper Mystrian gets a lot of mileage out of this, too.
  • Moral Dissonance: Many, many times. Blatant examples include Davey Crockett murdering a bunch of homosexuals, or Copper Mystrian creating a hypnotized personal army of young girls, some of whom serve as a harem of sorts. In general, sometimes the reasons the heroes fight, the things they do or what they say just doesn't quite match up to most of the reader's ideals, and even if they do, it's oftentimes handled in a way to be off-putting anyway.
  • Mundane Fantastic: Lost Boys, fairies, android foxgirls and other blatantly magical and science-fiction elements exist in a world that's more or less the 'real world.'
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands: Davey's cybernetic arm, Ed's closet, and many miscellaneous objects that Davey has collected. Scarlet becomes a psionic capable of teleportation within one strip in Scarlet P.I. 1.0
  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Davey Crockett himself in BAM, but also the introduction of the Sailor Senshi to the Morphing Grid and the highly modified Battletech robots.
  • Old Shame: Gonterman hates BAM 1.0 and American Kitsune. He's also tried to erase most of his older works from the internet, though archives of them stick around thanks to his Hatedom.
  • Only Six Faces: More like only two, male and female. Maybe three if you throw in "furry." Only one set of eyes, that's for sure.
  • Orphaned Series: He rarely finishes anything. Only Lost Boy Found got finished, and the original Scarlet P.I. had a pseudo-ending where Scarlet rides off into the sunset, or in this case, the furry convention circuit.
  • Out of Character: All the Sailor Moon characters, but especially Usagi. Rampant elsewhere.
  • Pet Homosexual: Jim Goodlow in Scarlet PI 2.0. Scarlet gets the attention, Jim's stuck in the suit.
  • Powers as Programs
  • Puppeteer Parasite: Good Zoots get permission from their hosts. Evil zoots don't.
    • Many others appear across the Gontercanon, even (supposedly) heroic ones.
  • Planet Eris: Here's a fun game: take a shot with each new reference to a completely different canon. Your liver won't make it through to the end.
  • Reclusive Artist: Unless we go by the drawings of his self-insert characters, there are no actual known photos of Gonterman himself.
  • Remember the New Guy?: Scarlet Foxfire has a daughter in Scarlet PI who just randomly shows up.
  • Reused Character Design: Reuse of names, character archetypes and designs is frequently common and intentional.
  • Riding Into the Sunset: Scarlet/Jim and Sarah in the "end" of Scarlet PI 1.0. Actually, it's the furry convention circuit and they're driving a car but... yeah.
  • Robot Girl: Roll-chan in NiTRO and Tara Kit in Baka Breakers and Lost Boy Found. The latter also mentions one named Aline Rabbit who used to work in Las Vegas's Red Light District.
  • Rouge Angles of Satin: The Rangers of NIMH.

"The Ranger's where flowing a leaded of break-ins."

  • Self-Deprecation: Gonterman openly mocks himself now.
  • Sex Bot: Gonterman loves this trope, nearly every more-recent creation of his includes at least one. The most obvious is Aline in Baka Breakers, who is a former robo-hooker who kills terrorists in Afghanistan ... or something.
  • Shout-Out: To many things, perhaps even TV Tropes in BAM 2.0.
  • Showing Off the New Body: Scarlet, after Jim becomes her host.
  • Slice of Life: Livewire Latte and Baka Breakers, but Livewire moreso.
  • Invisible to Gaydar: Jim Goodlow in the Scarlet P.I. reboot.
  • Take Over the World: The motive of many villains.
  • He's a cartoonist who needs a job! She's an alien symbiotic costume! They Fight Crime.
  • The Remake: Blood and Metal, Scarlet P.I. Other stories and comics have recieved psuedo-remakes
  • Third Person Person: David Gonterman sometimes talks about David Gonterman as if David Gonterman is a different David Gonterman than the other David Gonterman.
  • Token Minority
    • Gina the hospital intern and Professor Obacain (lolwut) in BAM 2.0. Both are black.
    • Adam's gang in Lost Boy Found cover a variety of races and backgrounds.
    • Jim Goodlow in Scarlet P.I. 2.0 is gay
    • There's a Muslim in Baka Breakers, but he seems to be a subversion of this trope due to his strange behavior. Once he jokingly suggests to Davey that he'd could get Allah to call in a jihad; making it sound like a divine airstrike. The biggest part of his characterization seems to be that he's just a weird, sarcastic guy.
  • Trapped in the Past: The driving point of Kitsune .44.
  • True Companions: Gonterman's main characters will typically have a group that is closely associated with them, but it's most noticeable in Lost Boy Found where Adam's gang is almost always together, even going to Neverland together.
  • The Remake: Blood and Metal, Scarlet P.I. Other stories and comics have received pseudo-remakes
  • Unusual Euphemism: At the end of NiTRO, Roll-Chan reveals she gave Gonterman some "Clinton Jobs." "Oh yerf" (which is a Take That to yerf.com, which Gonterman had some drama with); along with the standard furryism of 'yiffing' in Scarlet P.I.
  • Wham! Episode: American Kitsune, Chapter Seven, which had the infamous twist.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: David can come up with ideas for plots that would be interesting if given attention and developed carefully. Unfortunately, he also tends to get excited about the Next Big Plot and completely change the topic of his webcomic. There was at least one example involving a literal anthropomorphic mouse, too.
  • Worthy Opponent: Captain Hook is this to both' Peter Pan and Adam Packbell.
  • You Fail Biology Forever: Eating expired food will give you a cold and make you sneeze.


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