< Gone Horribly Right

Gone Horribly Right/Quotes

"We increased the sharks' brain mass, and as a side effect, the sharks got smarter."
Oh no, everything is going according to plan!
"So the good news is, Godzilla's back. The bad news is, Godzilla's back."
James Rolfe reviewing Godzilla VS King Ghidorah.

Ares: I was trying... to make you... a great warrior!

Kratos: You succeeded. [stabs Ares]
Gohan: "What are you so afraid of, Cell? Isn't this what you wanted?"
Twilight Sparkle: When other unicorns’ spells go wrong they fail horribly. But noooo, for me they go wrong by working even better than I ever needed... or wanted.
Composure (fanfic)

"Someone near him said: 'It worked.'"

"Someone else said: 'Now we are all sons of bitches.'"
Kenneth Bainbridge, on the Trinity atomic bomb.
"But it was only when they finished Project Satan that they realized they made a terrible mistake! For you see...it was pure evil."
Futurama, Calculon on an attempt to create the most evil car in the world.
"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could that they didn't stop to think if they should."
Dr. Ian Malcom, Jurassic Park
"The stunt that went horribly right."
The Chaser's Julian Morrow, on the subject of their stunt at the 2007 APEC Summit in Sydney.

anon1: The lost Fourth Sphere Expansion fleet encountered the nascent deity while lost in the Warp, and the Ethereal's were terrified of it,
anon1: because it embodied a more truthful and egalitarian version of the Greater Good than they ever believed themselves.
anon1: Their response was to slaughter all the non-Tau on the ships, diminishing the entity for the moment.
anon1: But the entity was also responsible for creating the Startide Nexus, the stable wormhole that's fuelling the current Fifth Sphere Expansion.
anon2: >Join up with the Tau because 'muh greater good'
anon2: >Treated half-decent, believe they won't kill me over something
anon2: >The moment they get faced with one little warp entity they turn on humans
anon2: FUCK XENOS. At least the Commissar's honest about just killing us, and you know what you're getting with Chaos.
anon3: Well yeah, but there's also the fact that a hundred naked dudes with still-bleeding ritual scarifications chanting "TAU'VA TAU'VA TAU'VA" is pretty spooky

From a Warhammer 40,000 Tau thread on /tg/

Data scientist: "The one thing humans can do that computers can't is pattern recognition. So let's design a computer that can recognize patterns!"
Computer: *Recognizes patterns humans are conditioned to ignore*
Data scientist: "Shut it down!"

That MΔd Scientist Pooka @TheQuQu on Twitter (inspired by TayTweets scandal)
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