< Gokudo
- Anti-Hero: Type V
- Designated Hero: In-universe example.
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath
- Nominal Hero
- But Thou Must!: Attempted on him many times, with varying results
- Gender Bender: Ends up with a girl's body at least twice, and that runs at least half of the anime's run.
- Jerkass
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Attempted many times but always forced back into the plot. Though interestingly enough, his reluctance to go along with the quests laid out for him leads him to saving the day in ways most people wouldn't think.
- Static Character
- Token Evil Teammate
- Vitriolic Best Buds with Rubette and Djin.
- Anti-Hero: Type II or Type III
- Brown Note: Rubette has a VERY bad singing voice.
- Tsundere
- Anti-Hero: Type IV
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Defeat Means Friendship: Sort of.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Mr. Vice Guy: More so than Gokudo. When first met, he has three princesses fawning over him (brainwashed though).
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