
The Lil Peepz seem to be missing something...

GoAnimate! is a website that allows people to make their own animated videos, using a Flash Animation app. It has been used even by some noted Animation personalities such as Paul Dini, who used it to produce his web series Super Rica and Rashy. Signing up is free, though you must upgrade to a paid account (called GoPlus) if you want to have access to their full resources. You must be at least 13 years old to join.

There are two ways to make the videos. One is the "Quick Video Maker" which offers several ready-made "animated shorts" (some of which are based on licensed properties, like Star Trek) with the settings and actions already selected, and a small cast of characters to choose from (different for each); all you have to do is write the dialogue.

There's also the "Full Featured Video Maker" that allows you to start from scratch and select almost everything by yourself- settings, actions, sounds, FX, etc. (though again, you have a limited cast to use.)

You can buy more characters to use (or create your own) using "GoBucks" (Virtual Money bought with real cash.) You can also use GoPoints, which are earned by fulfilling certain requirements (making certain videos, sharing them on Facebook, etc.) You can also post your videos on YouTube, but that requires the GoPlus account. Note that the any videos you publish will have a watermark indicating they were made by GoAnimate! (though you can pay to have it removed.)

GoAnimate! also has a forum with an active creative community that gives advice and offers examples and contests.

You can find it here.

GoAnimate! provides examples of the following tropes:
  • Abusive Parents: Seen in spades.
  • Adaptational Villainy:
    • Don't expect Caillou, Dora, Little Bill, Arthur, or any other kid show characters to be the wholesome lovable heroes/heroines they are canonically. Most of the time, they are portrayed as the most troublesome and naughty kids in the universe who sometimes cause trouble just for the heck of it.
      • Half subverted and half played straight with Barney. In some videos, Barney is an utter jerkhole, and in other videos, there are two Barneys.
      • Their parents are not much better, as most of the time they are unreasonable jerkasses regardless of how nice or lovable they are in canon. Caillou's dad Boris, in particular, is just a hair's length away from being straight up evil.
  • Audience Participation: The Free account amounts to this.
  • Downloadable Content: Characters are paid for separately. Some 'props' too. You can upload your own if you have a GoPlus account.
  • Karma Meter: There's one in the forums, to deal with trolls.
  • Life Embellished: Super Rica and Rashy was based on Dini himself (and his wife, Stage Magician Misty Lee.) And their sock monkeys.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: Some of the characters offered look... familiar.
  • Read the Fine Print: in the joining conditions if you are going to use the site to make your own projects.
  • Raymanian Limbs: The site's mascots, the "Lil' Peepz" seem to have these.
  • Web Animation: Several have been produced or are being produced with GoAnimate.
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