Gloria Union
It's not about right or wrong. You want to do something and then you do it.—Ishut
The latest addition to Dept. Heaven's Union subseries, Gloria Union hit the PSP in late June 2011.
Unlike the other Episode II games, Gloria takes place on an entirely new world. After rumors surfaced of the treasure of the lost kingdom of Euforia, a crystal containing a large amount of their main source of power, various pirates started searching for it. One such band of pirates, led by the naive young boy Ishut and his Catgirl friend Pinger, has also embarked on this adventure. Unlike most other crystal-hunting pirates, however, Ishut and Pinger have a mysterious guide named Ruru who can sense the crystals and promises to lead them to the treasure.
However, at the same time their adventure begins, the Lukia Empire--the dominant world power--places a huge bounty on Ishut, causing pirates and mercenaries everywhere to chase after him. Ishut's newbie adventuring band seems doomed, but is rescued at the last moment by Elisha, a sharpshooter Pirate Girl who belongs to the famous Gloria band. She and her father Zazarland know what Lukia is up to, and are determined to keep Ishut and Ruru out of its leader's hands at all costs.
Many of the usual culprits are involved with the game's production, although the new main artist is Radiant Historia's Hiroshi Konishi rather than Satoko Kiyuduki or Rui Kousaki.
Due to its fresh setting and various subtle changes to the classes[1] and cards[2], Gloria remains an Epileptic Tree farm even after its release.
- Adult Child: Ruru.
- Ahoge: Ishut has a pair. They are not for show.
- The Alcoholic: Zazarland.
- Bokukko: Pinger.
- BFG: The Centurio Buster.
- The Berserker: Pinger.
- Came Back Wrong: Velgas.
- Changeling Fantasy: Elisha's real parents are Gariored and Enryetta. Exactly how Zazarland came to raise her is left unexplained.
- Cheerful Child: Locomoco.
- Chewing the Scenery: In online commentary, Hiro Shimono remarks that he feels he might have overdone it as Ishut.
- Classy Cat Burglar: Anne.
- Continuity Nod: Female!Eater's battle ballads now describe Gulcasa's exploits from Blaze Union.
- Continuity Porn: The only good explanation for Yggdra and Eater showing up along with Pamela (who, as a world-hopper, has an excuse).
- Contrived Coincidence: Ruru's very arrival.
- Cowardly Lion: Kamuru.
- Cute Witch: Locomoco.
- Cuteness Proximity: Ishut is extremely vulnerable to Ruru's moeblob moments.
- The Ditz: Ruru.
- The Dog Bites Back: Gariored really should have treated Ashley better all these years.
- Dojikko: Locomoco.
- Expy: If you're not new to this series, you've definitely seen a couple like Ishut and Pinger somewhere before. Locomoco is blatantly related to Pamela, and Raspberry has a NISA flavor to her. Melanie is a red-haired Aegina. "Minnesota Grey" is painfully obvious.
- The Fair Folk: Pinger is a cait sith.
- Fan Service
- Flanderization: The Yggdra in this game behaves the way the Japanese fanbase views the original.
- Gatling Good: Yggdra's Centurio Buster.
- Gender Bender: As a battle mechanic, even.
- Girl in a Box: Ruru.
- Girlish Pigtails: Raspberry.
- Going Through the Motions: Aside from victory poses, all the characters' battle animations are direct copies of the generic classes.
- Goggles Do Nothing: Velgas.
- Gun Kata: Elisha.
- Heroic Fantasy: Despite the low magic setting.
- Honor Before Reason: Ishut, Fiebee. Minnesota has a particularly bad version of this, and flies off the handle at mere displays of bad manners.
- Hot-Blooded: Ishut.
- Hot Mom: Enryetta.
- Hotter and Sexier: Yes, Gloria even manages to one-up Blaze Union on this count, via a Chivalrous Pervert protagonist and truckloads of bawdy jokes.
- Hurricane of Puns: Pinger could give Nepeta a run for her money as far as cat puns go.
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: First against Ruru when she awakens as Symphonia, then another against Ishut himself in one ending.
- Idiot Hero: Ishut, full stop.
- Keigo: Pinger.
- Kichiku Megane: Gariored.
- Kill the Ones You Love
- Last-Episode New Character / One-Scene Wonder: Kyra shows up exactly three battlefields away from the end of the game.
- Last-Minute Hookup: Ishut and Ruru in that girl's ending.
- Like Brother and Sister: Apparently Ishut and Pinger.
- Lighter and Softer: Significantly, although it's still a serious game underneath all the fanservice and party shenanigans.
- Locked Out of the Loop: You could make a drinking game over the number of times Ishut is mocked for being kept in the dark.
- Long-Lost Relative: Ishut and Ashley, Elisha and Enryetta.
- Love At First Sight: Ishut to Ruru.
- Mad Scientist: Ajo.
- More Dakka: This game's Yggdra has recently come into possession of all of the dakka.
- Ms. Fanservice: Anne.
- Multicolored Hair: Minnesota.
- Multiple Endings
- Mystical Waif: Ruru.
- Nice Hat: Ruru, Zazarland, and Locomoco.
- No Indoor Voice: Ishut. It only takes him about three battlefields to start getting told off about it, too. Kamuru as well, but he forces himself to act like that.
- Our Mermaids Are Still Different
- Pirates
- Pirate Girl: Elisha by archetype, and all female party members by job description.
- The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: What Blackmore accuses the party of being.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Ashley.
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Gloria. This comes with the usual self-aware jokes about the entire party being a wacky band of weirdos.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: The sea goblins, which serve as the game's mascots.
- Ridiculously-Human Robots: Ruru.
- The Rival: Velgas, also the resident Butt Monkey.
- Robot Buddy: Gang.
- Talking Is a Free Action: Averted brutally. The party is taken by surprise several times when they're sitting around jawing, most egregiously in chapter 6. Perhaps most horribly of all, in the A ending Ishut spends so much time arguing to the rest of the party about why he wants to save Ashley instead of just doing it that said character gets up and walks off in the middle of the discussion to go take some actions that force the party to Shoot the Dog anyhow. As you can see, this trope overlaps with Genre Blind and We Could Have Avoided All This.
- Team Dad: Zazarland.
- There Is Another
- Third Person Person: Locomoco.
- Treacherous Advisor: Gariored to Ashley.
- Tsundere: Elisha, apparently. This spends a long time being an Informed Attribute.
- Sibling Yin-Yang
- Small Girl, Big Gun: Yggdra.
- Straight Man: Elisha.
- Verbal Tic: Pinger's "nya".
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?
- White-Haired Pretty Person: Kyra.
- Witch Species: Magic is incredibly rare in this world, and can only be used by the Witch class. Necromancers barely exist, and those that do apparently run on science instead. (Don't think about it too hard.)
- Yandere: Fiebee.
- ↑ We have guns now!
- ↑ They are remarkably similar to the ones Nessiah invented, containing most of the preexisting deck--even the Riviera: The Promised Land-referencing fake Grim Angel card