< Get Fuzzy

Get Fuzzy/Awesome

  • This strip references Zero Wing; doubles as a Crowning Moment of Funny (YMMV).
  • After a play date where Bucky bit Satchel's friend, Bucky, instead of feeling bad, calls all of Satchel's freinds a bunch of Eurotrash. Then Satchel just snaps and proceeds to grab Bucky and give him a good "The Reason You Suck" Speech, about how all of Satchel's freinds are nice and respectful, while Bucky's are rude and barf on Satchel's bean bag. Then as a cherry on top, Satchel tells Bucky to treat him with respect. The incident actually leaves Bucky visibly shaken and scared of Satchel for almost 2 weeks in strip.
  • Satchel finally has enough when Bucky calls one of his friends "Eurotrash". It goes on for several more comics but it still is amazing to watch Satchel finally rip into Bucky who has been dealing him shit since day one. To sort of quote:

"I let you call me names and push me around because I consider you my friend, but I'm sure that if I wanted to, I COULD THROW YOU AROUND LIKE A CHEW TOY!!!"

    • 1, 2, and 3. Even more awesome is the aftermath where Bucky models for Satchel because he's too afraid of pissing off Satch by refusing.
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