Gate 7/Characters
Urashichiken (Kyoto)

- Chikahito
And ordinary high-school student with a strong interest in Kyoto and its history. After meeting Hana, Tachibana and Sakura, he finds out that he is resistant to their powers, is invited into the Urashichiken by Hana and starts living with them.
- Anti-Magic
- Ascended Fanboy: A history nerd gets trapped in a war between all the historical characters's reincarnations that he loves. Almost a dream come true.
- Bi the Way: Doesn't seem to care all that much about Hana's sex or lack thereof. Also blushes a lot around Iemitsu.
- Delayed Reaction: He needs some time to put Sakura's "Can't sleep without human warmth" and "Companion" words in a way that makes sense. Cue Luminescent Blush.
- Expy: Dark hair, glasses, and cooking skills: sound familiar?
- Fainting
- Foil: To Hana. They're very different but still they're similar since they're different types of "Not"
- High-Pressure Emotion: When he gets some Ship Tease with Hana
- In-Series Nickname: Sakura and Hidetsugu call him "Chika-chan"
- Late to the Punchline: He doesn't realized he was the delivery to Hidetsugu until everybody tell him.
- Living with the Villain: He doesn't know that Yuu Aoi is really Tokugawa Iemitsu and they go to the same school, same grade.
- Luminescent Blush: when he sees Hana or Iemitsu.
- Megane
- Messy Hair
- Mr. Exposition: Comes with being a history nerd in this series.
- Naive Newcomer
- No Indoor Voice: Well, with all the weird stuff that happen around him...
- Ordinary High School Student
- Pretty Freeloader: Rare Male Example
- Reincarnation: Both Hana and Masamune seem to know him from their previous lives.
- Supreme Chef
- Team Normal: Or is he?
- Through Her Stomach: Luckily, Hana has an endless appetite.

- Hana
The main fighter of the Urashichiken. Ze fights with Myouhou ("mysterious way") techniques and the weapons that Tachibana and Sakura generate for hir.
- Animal Motifs: Cats. Chikahito compares hir with a begging-for-food cat, ze puts on adorable Cat Smiles and Masamune call hir his kitten.
- Badass Adorable
- Big Eater
- Dissonant Serenity: In contrast to Chikahito's No Indoor Voice.
- Elemental Powers: Some of hir Myouhou techniques have elemental attributes.
- Playing with Fire: Kasha (fire chariot)
- Making a Splash: Suizan (water beheading), Suika (water flower)
- Blow You Away: Kamaitachi (Razor Wind), Fuuka (wind flower)
- Dishing Out Dirt: Tsuchihebi (earth serpents)
- The Fashionista: Just where the heck does Hana go shopping? Ze always has very nice outfits.
- Foil: To Chikahito. They're very different but still they're similar since they're different types of "Not"
- I Will Protect Him: Towards Chikahito.
- I Will Wait for You: Most likely a non-romantic version. Together with hir clone/twin(?), ze is waiting for someone but it hasn't been revealed yet for who.
- Mega Manning
- No Biological Sex: Likely. Chikahito is confused about hir gender and Sakura doesn't feel like explaining.
- The Promise: To somebody who has not been revelead yet who is the one who zhe is waiting for
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Zhe is usually a cute, nice person but not for nothing zhe's the main fighter of the Urashichiken.
- Speaks Fluent Animal: Can talk to supernatural creatures.
- Super-Deformed: Noodles at the table? Chibi-Hana appears.
- Third Person Person
- Tomboyish Sidetails
- Trademark Favorite Food: Noodles.
- Will Not Tell a Lie: Part of The Promise.

- Tachibana
A college student and one of the members of the Urashichiken. He is responsible for generating a weapon for Hana if the enemy is of the lunar genus.
- Affectionate Gesture to the Head: He'll ONLY do this to Hana.
- Beauty Mark: Has one under his left eye.
- Big Brother Instinct: Towards Hana.
- Bishounen
- Death Glare: To anybody who activates his Big Brother Instinct, even Masamune or Hidetsugu
- Dead Little Sister: His twin sister was captured by Iemitsu.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Expy: Of Sumeragi Subaru, complete with twin sister.
- Failure Knight: His Big Brother Instinct towards Hana can be interpreted as this. He protects Hana because he fails protecting Sugi.
- Half Identical Twin: with Sugihime.
- Ho Yay: With Sakura.
- Icy Blue Eyes: According to official artbooks.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: He can "burn" memories as seen in the one-shot. Also, he can "absorb" memories.
- Not a Morning Person: Understatement.
- Meaningful Name: Tachibana (wild orange) and Sakura (cherry tree) are named after the orange and cherry trees in front of the throne hall of Heian palace. On one of the chapter covers they're even referred to as "the two strong flowers that protect Hana".
- Must Have Caffeine: Need...tea
- My Sister Is Off-Limits: He's not related to Hana by blood but he still heavily disapproves of Chikahito's and Masamune's crushes on hir.
- Perpetual Frowner
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Sakura's red
- Theme Twin Naming: He and his twin sister (Sugi, cedar) are both named after trees.

- Sakura
A member of the Urashichiken. He is responsible for setting up the barriers in which the fights take place and for generating a weapon if the enemy is of the solar genus.
- Affectionate Gesture to the Head: To Hana and Chikahito
- Badass Long Hair: A very cool mullet.
- Blood Knight: When he fuses with a solar weapon.
- Comes Great Insanity: When he fuses with a solar weapon. It's implied this went horribly wrong once.
- Cooldown Hug: Or touch in this case. He doesn't lose his Ax Crazy look after fusing with a solar weapon until Hana touches him.
- Gender Blender Name
- Gray Eyes
- Ho Yay: With Tachibana.
- Imagine Spotting: when Chikahito was telling when Engetsu ran over him, Sakura's Sweat Drop seems to tell he's seeing the Imagine Spot.
- Meaningful Name
- Phantom Zone: He's specialist in barrier fields and they're so powerful that Jubei can't peep intro them
- Really Gets Around: Apparently, he can't sleep without "human warmth" so he has pleny of "companions"
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Tachibana's blue
- Team Mom: The emotional center of the group, he is somewhat of a mentor to Chikahito, looks after Hana and calms Tachibana down when he finds out Iemitsu, his sister's kidnapper, is in the city.
- The Sleepless: He's unable to sleep without "human warmth" since he has no longer his oni, and even though it's only a light sleep.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Although he's more masculine than the usual examples.

- Toyotomi Hidetsugu
The reincarnation of Toyotomi Hidetsugu and current owner of the Urashichiken.
- Cheshire Cat Smile: Not a straight example but Chikahito doesn't seem to trust in his smile
- No Name Given: Hidetsugu isn't his real name.
- No Sense of Personal Space
- Perpetual Smiler: and when he's not smiling, it's because he's talking of something serious.
- Reincarnation: Of Toyotomi Hidetsugu.

- Mikoto
An Oni bound by blood to Toyotomi Hideyoshi, but right now she serves Hidetsugu.
- Cuddle Bug: With Hidetsugu.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Facial Markings
- Flower in Her Hair
- Horned Humanoid
- Meaningful Name: Her name is written with the kanji for "god" and "words", which hints that she can use kotodama.
- Power Floats
- Rapunzel Hair
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Seer: She can use her kotodama to attack but her forte is fore-knowledge and prediction.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: She's Hana's friend and when they are together, they get this aura, with her as the girly girl of Hana's tomboy.
- Unusual Ears
- Violently Protective Girlfriend: She's not Hidetsugu's girlfriend, but when Chikahito tells Toyotomi Hidetsugu's history, she attack him defending that Hidetsugu didn't do any bad thing that history said.
- Words Can Break My Bones

- Date Masamune
- Adorably Precocious Child: The "adorable" part is debatable but he's definitely precocious.
- Always Save the Girl: Screw The Urashichiken, he's just there for Hana!
- Bishie Sparkle: Whenever he's trying to look cool or when he's flirthy with Hana
- Bi the Way: Either he doesn't know Hana's lack of gender or he just don't care 'cause zhe still pretty.
- Bratty Half-Pint/ Tagalong Kid: Not for nothing Kojuurou's main job is scold him but when he's in the battlefield, he shows why he is Date Masamune's reincarnation.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: From his behavior you'd never guess that he's an excellent swordfighter and a good student.
- Calling Your Attacks: Because he's also a kid mentally, and thus probably thinks it's cool.
- Cool Sword: It's an Oni.
- Crazy Jealous Guy: Played for laughs.
- Creepy Cool Crosses
- Cute Little Fangs
- Detached Sleeves
- Eyepatch of Power: Well, he is the one-eyed dragon.
- Expecting Someone Taller: Chikahito certainly didn't expect the famous Date Masamune to be a grade schooler.
- Gray Eyes: According with official artbooks.
- Imagine Spot: Frequently fantasizes about Hana when he should be kicking ass
- In-Series Nickname: Hidetsugu call him "Maa-kun".
- Klingon Promotion: He was about to kill Gracia to take possesion of her Oni. He decided to get control of Nigemizu without the killing part.
- Multicolored Hair
- Murder the Hypotenuse: Tries to kill Chikahito twice.
- Oral Fixation Fixation
- Say It with Hearts: When he talks to Hana.
- Reincarnation

- Kurikara
Masamune's Oni.
- Cool Sword
- Cross-Popping Veins: His reaction to Masamune's Imagine Spot.
- Hellish Pupils
- Razor Wind: as short-ranged attack.
- Talking Weapon

- Katakura Kojuurou
Date Masamune's servant. The sword Kurikara is stored in his body.
- Beware the Nice Ones: He can get quite scary when Masamune doesn't listen to him.
- Bishounen
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: His main responsibility is to scold Masamune.
- Bridal Carry: How he carries Chikahito to protect him from Nigemizu's attacks.
- Cross-Popping Veins: His reaction to Masamune's rash attitude, that it's pretty much all the time
- Dope Slap: His main job is give this to Masamune when he's out the limits.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Face Palm: The both palms version, every time Masamune screams about "Having his first night" with Hana
- Hammerspace: He is the hammerspace. He holds Kurikara inside his body.
- Kimono Is Traditional
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Reincarnation

- Sanada Yukimura
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Extreme Doormat: Gets ordered around by kindergarteners.
- Friend to All Children: He works as a kindergarden's teacher and the children just love him.
- Fusion Dance: With his oni Engetsu
- Ho Yay: All of the Ten Braves are Yukimura fanboys (or in Kamanosuke's case fangirls. Maybe.) but Sasuke and Saizou stand out.
- I Know Your True Name: He said this to Sakura.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Magic Pants
- Megane
- Muscles Are Meaningless: He give Sakura a hard time in a combat
- Obfuscating Stupidity: The klutzy, doormat of a teacher actually is the leader of a group of ninjas.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: His real name is Nobushige; Yukimura was a nickname that just The Ten Braves used to know until it gets famous.
- Reincarnation
- Strength Equals Worthiness: Because fighting for the losing side got him killed in the Sengoku Era.
- The Klutz: The children at the kindergarden love him even though he's so clumsy. At his new job at Kyoto's kindergarden, the new children even put him a letter on his back with the word "Klutz".
- Sarutobi Sasuke
- Ho Yay: With Yukimura and Saizou.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red oni to Saizou's blue.
- Reincarnation
- Kirigakure Saizou
- Ho Yay: With Yukimura and Sasuke.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue oni to Sasuke's red.
- Reincarnation
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- Stoic Spectacles
- Other Ten Braves
- Cool Shades: Most of them.
- Gender Flip: Yuri Kamanosuke. Maybe.
- Goggles Do Nothing: Kakei Juuzou.
- In the Hood: Anayama Kosuke
- Reincarnation

- Akechi Mitsuhide
The reincarnation of Akechi Mitsuhide. He is searching for Oda Nobunaga's body as well as his Oni.
The real Akechi Mitsuhide betrayed Oda Nobunaga and forced him to commit suicide. After Nobunaga's death he became Shogun but was defeated by Toyotomi Hideyoshi only 13 days later.
- Brilliant but Lazy
- Bishounen
- For Science!: His main motivation.
- Hot Teacher
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Reincarnation
- Stoic Spectacles

- Enka
Akechi Mitsuhide's Oni.
- Adult Child
- Bishounen
- Meaningful Name: His name means "catastrophe of fire".
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Playing with Fire
- Sweet Tooth
- Unusual Ears
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old

- Hosokawa Gracia
Akechi Mitsuhide's daughter. She is after Masamune's Oni Kurikara.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Fashionable Asymmetry: Both her skirt and her haircut are asymmetrical.
- Ironic Echo: She said that she will use Kurikara "more effectively" when she tried to steal it from Masamune; Masamune said the same thing before winning her Oni, Nigemizu
- Japanese Christian
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Frequently has to remind Masamune that her name is Gracia now.
- Nice Hat
- Reincarnation
- Rescue Romance: Maybe. That face seems to say so
- Smug Snake: Far too confident for someone who has no combat experience.
- Verbal Tic: Is very fond of calling others "fools".

- Nigemizu
- Beauty Mark
- Boobs of Steel
- Facial Markings
- Horned Humanoid
- Impossibly Low Neckline
- Kimono Fanservice
- Master of Illusion
- Meaningful Name: Her name means inferior mirage, which hints at her powers.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Power Tattoo: It's her weapon!
- Rapunzel Hair
- Shapeshifter Weapon

- Tokugawa Iemitsu
- Bishounen: Taken up to eleven and lampshaded by Chikahito
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing
- Even the Guys Want Him
- Evil Albino
- I Have Your Wife: He kipnapped Sugi, Tachibana's sister
- I Love You Because I Can't Control You:
Iemitsu: If they hate me or try to run, I like it even more. Nowadays, I like Sugihime the most. She's so cute...and as a bonus, she hates me.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Spends about half of chapter 8 cheerfully talking about how he always wants the things he can't have (like A CERTAIN GIRL HE KIDNAPPED) while listening to his Oni Mitsuha devouring his victims.
- Purple Eyes: and aparrently they can turn light brown.
- Reincarnation

- Yagyuu Jubei
- Gender Flip: The real Jubei was male.
- Evil Eye: It allows her to peep into circles.
- Eyepatch of Power
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Reincarnation
- Short Hair with Tail

- Tenkai
- Cool Shades
- Reincarnation
- The Speechless / The Voiceless: The reason is unknown, but so far he hasn't said a word.
- The Stoic