< Gamer
- Complete Monster: Ken Castle.
- Crazy Awesome: The dance number/fight scene in Castle's mansion. It almost redeems the movie of wasting a perfectly good plot.
- Designated Hero: It's a little hard to root for Kable when he's just as willing to mindlessly slaughter people outside of being mind-controlled as inside. A key moment is when he kills Rick Rape (or rather, whichever poor bastard the guy with the "Rick Rape" screenname is pupeetering) by snapping his spine, even though "Rick" is just as much a victim of the Society programming as Kable's wife.
- Fetish Retardant: Everything that happens in "Society". Everything.
- Nightmare Fuel: Aside from having this stuff in your brain that lets others control you against your will, there is a scene early on where an Avatar can hear an enemy approaching from somewhere behind him, but his player has him camping at a window and won't let him turn around.
- Spiritual Licensee: This movie could easily be a remake of The Running Man.
- Squick: Kable's wife is being controlled by a sweaty, morbidly obese man with no shirt.
- They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: So you've got this "Society" concept. Here are some things you could do with that:
- You could explore how government might legislate what you're allowed to do with somebody else's bodies; after all, a contract selling yourself into slavery is not a legal, binding contract in most countries. What changed in the culture that would even allow such a thing? Or is it an illegal service, like prostitution, that is available in the darker corners of the populace?
- You could explore what happens to a society when poor people are literally timesharing their bodies with the rich. What you have here is the very personification of the wealthy fucking the lower classes, that concept made manifest.
- What about the disabled? Would you get a lot of crippled people taking other people's bodies just to experience walking again? Would the blind be able to see through someone else's eyes?
- The possibilities are endless. So what do they do with it? Stage a bunch of hyperactively-edited action sequences, which ultimately ends in a villain who's too stupid to live.
- Same goes with "Slayers", the game that the movie focuses on before shifting attention over to something else. It would be better to know a little bit more about the game.
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