G.I. Joe PSAs
Once upon a time, a madman named Eric Fensler took 25 old public service announcements from the 80's G.I. Joe cartoon and turned them into subversive comedy genius.
All of them can be viewed on this YouTube channel. They really have to be seen to be believed.
Kid: Hey, aren't you |Buzz Lightyear?
Other Kid: -whispering- I love your movie.
- Camp Gay - "Look at all your different colored hats!"
- Cluster F-Bomb
- Executive Meddling/Streisand Effect - Hasbro tried and succeeded in getting Fensler to take the videos off his site. But that didn't stop the rest of the Internet from holding onto them!
- Gag Dub
- Glorified Sperm Donor - "I believe I knew your mother, son."
- Gratuitous Foreign Language - PSA #23 seems to be made entirely out of a basic Japanese greetings tape. Also, GEE WARA TASHI FU SUKURUUUUUU.
- "Nice catch, blanco niƱo, but too bad your ass got saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacked".
- Jive Turkey - "It's just ee freezy steps: just flip it, stick it, and see-ya-latah-bye!"
- Manipulative Editing - Fensler was able to take a kid passing out and turn it into a break dance.
- Mind Screw
- Mouth Flaps - Made fun of in the very first one.
- Overly Long Gag - One, two, ............ three: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
- Precision S-Strike - SHIIIIIIIIIIII-
- Shout-Out - PSA #12 to Sega Rally Championship's infamous Game Over screen.
- The Unintelligible - Deep Six, due to his Buzz Lightyear-esque head dome.
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