G.I. Joe: Renegades/Characters
GI Joe
Our Real American Heroes.
- Badass Normal: As always.
- Five-Token Band: The core cast is composed of a woman, a white guy, two black guys, an Asian, and a ninja-American.
- They Fight Crime: While on the run. From the U.S. military. And every other law enforcement agency. And Cobra's various psychos or guns for hire. Drives Scarlett nuts.
Real Name: Shana O'Hara
Rank: Lieutenant
Birthplace: Atlanta, GA
Voice Actor: Natalia Cigliuti
- Action Girl: A Double Subversion. She's supposedly a desk jockey Army intelligence officer, who for some reason is put in charge of a field operation leading GIs. It turns out she has a very good reason for being there and is a competent soldier.
- The Archer: Uses a crossbow as a nod to the character's history.
- Brief Accent Imitation: During "Busted" when Scarlett disguises herself as trailer park baby mama complete with the most overbearing accent you can imagine. Easily her Crowning Moment of Funny.
- Disappeared Dad: Her father was a Cobra scientist who was said to not have survived when his lab blew-up.
- Ensign Newbie: A borderline example.
- The Lancer
- Memento MacGuffin: Her locket her father gave her.
- Redheaded Hero
- Running Gag: Any time someone says they like a particular product or service, Scarlett reveals it's a COBRA subsidiary, and reminds the person that COBRA is evil.
- Translator Buddy: She always understands what Snake Eyes might be "saying".
Real Name: Conrad Hauser
Rank: Sergeant
Birthplace: St Louis, Missouri
Voice Actor: Jason Marsden
- A Father to His Men: True to his original 1983 file-card characterisation, he consistently puts the welfare of his subordinates above everything else.
- All-American Face
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: What's that, Duke? Those people need help? But what about Flint chasing you down... oh, never mind.
- The Engineer: Not quite, but he's had ordnance tech training, and has "cleared his share of mines".
- The Hero
- Honour Before Reason: He stick around to help people, even if it means risking capture.
- A flashback shows that he even refused a medal for saving a comrade's life because it was his error that caused the situation in the first place (in his mind, anyway). Also, he and Lady Jaye are tight because he disobeyed orders to save her life.
- Ink Suit Actor: Duke's facial structure is a lot like Marsden's.
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right: Disobeyed orders to save Lady Jaye's life.
Snake Eyes
Real Name: ?
Rank: ?
Birthplace: ?
Voice Actor: Danny Cooksey
- Badass Longcoat: Picks one up after the team starts moving towards civilian clothing.
- Clothing Damage: It's not really played for fanservice, but his bodysuit tends to take a mauling on a significantly more regular basis than most of the other Joes' outfits.
- Combat Pragmatist: Hello, Sword Duel. Snake Eyes would like to introduce you to his friend, Grenades.
- Dynamic Entry: He's almost never seen traveling with the other Joes at the beginning of an episode. He prefers to make a more dramatic entrance, out of nowhere, occasionally by dropping into view kicking someone in the head.
- Dual-Wielding
- The Faceless
- Glass Cannon: You have to hit him first, but if you can get him down, this Snake Eyes has a tendency to stay down for a while.
- Implausible Fencing Powers: He can block lasers with his swords. Lasers. As Roadblock says:
Roadblock: He has a sword and he knows how to use it.
- Informed Loner: Yeah, he hangs out with no less than four other people. The only reason he's there, though, is because Scarlett asked him to be.
- Leitmotif: To emphasize the fact that he is a ninja, anytime Snake Eyes is on screen doing anything the music switches to Eastern pipes.
- McNinja
- Mysterious Past: While we're shown how he became a kickass Ninja, we don't know his real name.
- Nightmare Face: Implied. When the Dreadnoks took off his visor, they really didn't like what they saw under there. In "Revelations - Part 1," it is implied that the lab explosion is the reason he wears a full face mask.
- Poor Communication Kills: Being a mute makes exonerating yourself from a crime you didn't commit really difficult.
- The Ace: Snake Eyes does something hilariously overpowered in almost every episode
- The Speechless, The Voiceless: His throat was cut with a shuriken.
- Stealth Hi Bye: He and Batman should have a competition. And no one would know who the winner was.
Real Name: Marvin Hinton
Rank: Corporal
Birthplace: Biloxi, Mississippi
Voice Actor: Kevin Michael Richardson
- The Big Guy
- Expy: Of BA Baraccus.
- Gentle Giant: More than willing to use his size to scare bad guys, but actually one of the friendliest and most easy-going members of the team.
- Improbable Hairstyle: Sports a massive set of muttonchop sideburns even prior to being forced to go on the run from the Army as a renegade.
- Metalhead
- Mr. Fixit
Tunnel Rat
Real Name: Nicky Lee
Rank: Private First Class
Birthplace: Brooklyn, New York
Voice Actor: Matthew Yang King
- Deadpan Snarker
- The Medic
- NooYawk
- Properly Paranoid: He counts his paranoia as a virtue and it saves him from being brainwashed by Tomax and Xamot.
- Tunnel King
Real Name: Wallace Weems
Rank: Private First Class
Birthplace: Columbus, Ohio
Voice Actor: Khary Payton
- Actor Allusion: Payton voices an African-American that winds up becoming half-human. Sounds familiar.
- Badass Abnormal: With the control chip removed, Ripcord can control his Bio-Viper side.
- Black Guy Dies First: You knew this was a danger when they went in with two.
- Subverted in "Prodigal."
- Came Back Wrong: Survived the explosion from the 1st episode but was infused with Bio-Viper material.
- Came Back Strong: Once he gets his chip removed, though, his Bio-Viper abilities become very useful.
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Involuntary Shapeshifting: Due to the control chip Cobra implanted in him after his capture. After that's taken care of, though, this becomes extremely handy Voluntary Shapeshifting.
- Mauve Shirt
- The Nicknamer: Everyone on the team except Duke and Snake Eyes get their name this way.
- Rubber Man
- Sacrificial Lamb
- Super Strength
- Trauma-Induced Amnesia
Real Name: Alvin Kibbey
Rank: N/A
Birthplace: England
a.k.a.: Coyote
Voice Actor: Greg Ellis
Other US Military Personnel
Technically, GI Joe isn't an official organization in this treatment; only those who are actually doing The A-Team thing are Joes. Other US miltary personnel featured on the show include:
Clayton Abernathy
Rank: General
Birthplace: Denver, Colorado
Voice Actor: Lee Majors
Real Name: Dashiell Fairborne
Rank: Lieutenant
Birthplace: Wichita, Kansas
Voice Actor: Johnny Messner
- Butt Monkey
- Failure Is the Only Option: Even when he actually catches the Joes it's only temporary.
- Good Is Not Nice
- Inspector Javert
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- The Rival: To Duke
Lady Jaye
Real Name: Alison Hart-Burnett
Rank: Sergeant
Birthplace: Bridgewater, Massachussets
Voice Actor: Nika Futterman
- Action Girl
- I Owe You My Life: During a mission, her helicopter crashed. Duke abandoned the mission to go save her life. It was because of this that she believes Duke and the other Joes are innocent, and covertly aides them.
- The Mole: Helping the Joes out.
COBRA Industries
They are the Enemy...but no one knows it.
- Animal Motifs: If you can think of a way to subtly or not-so-subtly link something back to serpentine imagery, Cobra have done it. Shop Smart and Save, the universe Wal-Mart, for example.
- Mega Corp
- Villain with Good Publicity
Cobra Commander
Real Name: ?
Alias: Adam DeCobray
Voice Actor: Charlie Adler
The Baroness
Real Name: Anastasia Cisarovna
Voice Actor: Tatyana Yassukovich
- Badass Longcoat
- The Baroness: The newest incarnation of the Trope Namer. Surprisingly...well-developed for a kids' show.
- Dark Action Girl: Although her high-ranking position in Cobra means that she rarely goes into combat.
- The Dragon
Dr. Mindbender
Real Name: Brian Bender
Voice Actor: Charlie Schlattler
- Deadpan Snarker
- For Science!
- Evil Genius
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Charlie Schlattler's played a doctor before...
- Insufferable Genius
- Laughably Evil: Sure, he's an amoral Mad Scientist, but damn, does he ever have fun with it.
- Mad Scientist
- Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate
- Non-Action Guy: It's better to let the Baroness do the ass-kicking.
- Steven Ulysses Perhero
Major Bludd
Real Name: Sebastian Bludd
Voice Actor: André Sogliuzzo
- Badass: It deserves special mention, because...
- Determinator: He's just that driven...
- Made of Iron: And just that tough
- Eyepatch of Power: Not just for generals anymore.
- It's Personal: After losing an eye to the Joes, Major Bludd agrees to hunt them down for free.
- Land Down Under
- Major Injury Underreaction: "Hope ya choke on it!"
- Private Military Contractors
- Only a Flesh Wound
Storm Shadow
Real Name: Tomisaburo Arashikage
Voice Actor: Andrew Kishino
- Always Someone Better: Storm Shadow always felt second to Snake Eyes.
- Cain and Abel: Jinx describes the relationship between Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes as this.
- Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Though inverted from the norm, as heroic Snake Eyes is dressed in black, and Anti-Villain Storm Shadow is dressed in white.
- Combat Pragmatist: After Snake Eyes brings a grenade to a sword fight, Storm Shadow uses explosives in his next engagement, and sees no problem working with COBRA if it helps him kill Snake Eyes.
- Curb Stomp Battle: The only people who have lasted longer than a few seconds in a fight with him are Snake Eyes and Jinx.
- Dual-Wielding
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja
- It's Personal: He believes Snake Eyes murdered his uncle.
- It was actually an accident that Hard Master was poisoned. Storm Shadow wanted to poison Snake Eyes but the cups were switched beforehand. When Storm Shadow learned of this, he dropped his grudge (but not his hatred) and went ronin.
- Jerkass
- Ninja
- Offscreen Teleportation: Somehow goes from being kicked off the roof of a fast moving train, and clearly landing on the ground, to appearing in a train carriage about a minute later.
- Rival Turned Evil
- Stealth Hi Bye
Real Name: James McCullen
Voice Actor: Clancy Brown
- A Father to His Men
- Arms Dealer
- Batman Gambit: Failed spectacularly due to severely underestimating Adam DeCobray/Cobra Commander.
- Mark of Shame
- The Mole: A subversion--a bad guy who wants to bring down Cobra Industries. Unfortunately, Cobra Commander found out.
Real name: ?
Voice Actor: Brian Bloom
- All Bikers Are Hells Angels: The Drednoks are a classic example under his leadership.
- Badass Biker
- Creepy Souvenir: He likes to take items off of people he's intimidated -- nametags, glasses, hair... He tried to steal Snake-Eyes' visor when he had the ninja held captive, but changes his mind once he sees the Nightmare Face.
- Jerkass
- Evil Gloating
- I Shall Taunt You: Mimicking his opponents, while delivering a "The Reason You Suck" Speech to throw them off guard.
- Master of Disguise: Took a Level in Badass after gaining possession of a Cobra Industries holographic disguise suit.
- Voice Changeling: Mostly as a sadistic taunt, but used strategically at least once.
Real Name: ?
Voice Actor: Peter Mac Nicol
Tomax and Xamot
Voice actor: Stephen Stanton
- Creepy Twins: Even creepier than in the original series.
- Cult: Former leaders of one.
- Psychic Powers: They brainwashed most of the members of their cult -- and most of the Joes.
- Twin Banter
- Twin Telepathy
- Wonder Twin Powers: Their Psychic Powers weaken when they're further away from each other.