Fuzzy Knights/Characters
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The Fuzzy Knights
A green teddy bear that's been all over the world. Leader of the Fuzzy Knights and Game Master of the group.
A purple teddy bear with a bow around her ear. A slightly violent chick who used to live on the street till she met Mossfoot and eventually moved in with him and became his girlfriend.
- Action Girl
- Dungeonmaster's Girlfriend: Averted. In spite of accusations, Mossfoot treats her just like another player on the table.
- Hot-Blooded
- Chaotic Stupid
- Leeroy Jenkins: He's very impulsive. Apparently he doesn't know any other way to play.
- Munchkin
The "Legion of Doom"
During F.I.G.H.T. in The Tournament War, HamaEstra assembled his own roleplaying group to participate. After the War, they more or less stuck together.
The Big Bad of the first story, The Tournament War. Is a character of Fuzzy Urban Legend for being a literal Killer Game Master, using the games as a cover to perform gruesome experiments.
- A God Am I: "I AM THE STORY!"
- A Pupil of Mine Until He Turned to Evil: Frogerik taught him about the Story much like he taught Mossfoot. The hamster realizing his existence was dependent on human imagination did not turn out very well.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy
- Deadly Game: Often turns his games as GM into these.
- Killer Game Master: HamaEstra's claim to infamy is that he's not joking on the "killer" part.
That's not her actual name, but that's what she's referred to as in official material. Fembunny is a "game mercenary;" players and game masters hire her to do something during a game, such as fill in for a missing player (although this is the simplest case). She is introduced to the story when Target hires her to seduce Ben and steal all his magic items, and from there plays an important part in the Tournament War.
- Becoming the Mask: When she is introduced, she's hired to pretend to like Ben. Later, she develops an actual crush on him.
- Femme Fatale
- Gratuitous French
- No Name Given
- Punch Clock Villain
- What Does She See in Him?: She has a crush on Ben.
An old member of Mossfoot's group (before Violet joined), joined the "Legion of Doom" during F.I.G.H.T. Hits on every girl Fuzzy in sight; attempting to hit on Violet resulted in her going Miss Piggy on him.
The Mentors
Frogerik Bouchard
A frog Fuzzy that taught both Mossfoot and HamaEstra about the Story. Speaks like Yoda virtually all the time, he does. Leader of the Philosopher Kings roleplaying group in F.I.G.H.T..
- The Mentor
- Strange Syntax Speaker
The Fuzz and Others
Captain Captain
- The Mentor: To Mossfoot.
- Not Quite Dead: HamaEstra neglected to make sure he died personally, which really comes back to bite him later.
An Elder God that Ben once summoned, but due to the circumstances of the ritual came out in a powerless plush form.
- Deathbringer the Adorable
- Eldritch Abomination
- Sealed Evil in a Teddy Bear: Thanks to the botched circumstances of his summoning, he is trapped in a powerless plush body. Last seen stealing Santa Claus's bag (confirmed to have dimension-crossing properties) and confronting HamaEstra in his new laboratory. However, we don't see how any of it plays out due to the series ending. Which is particularly painful, given the first event wasn't All Just a Dream.
- The Unintelligible
Team Kitty
A four-person roleplaying group of Sanrio character figurines led by Kitty that participates in F.I.G.H.T. in the first story.
- Catch Phrase: "Do I see a unicorn?"
- Brown Note: To the REFs. This is weaponized near the end of the War.
- Failed a Spot Check: Mossfoot is right; he leaves a rock there and none of them notice.
- Stupid Good: Unable to understand that violence sometimes is the solution, especially in a game like Hackmaster.